Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

You will find in this index that lists the fundamental spiritual data from secret and confidential knowledge of which Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the original source and the Supreme Teacher, the true eternal knowledge.

It is the interest of the soul that must be sought, not that of the body. It is the needs of the soul that must be satisfied, not those of the body.

To all who walk the way of God no effort is vain, no benefit gained is ever lost, the slightest step frees them from the most formidable fear.

Let us awaken to God, and to existential and absolute truth.

For this, Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead gives us his sublime eternal word that will never disappear, and his precious sublime teaching that answers any questions you may have.

All my books spread the sublime word of God, and contain the keys of truth. Take them from you, I offer them to you.

The Lord says: “When this knowledge which dispels the darkness of ignorance awakens to being (to the incarnate spiritual being or man), then everything is revealed to him, as if by a rising sun.

When you know the truth, you will understand that all beings are an integral part of Me, that they live in Me, and belong to Me.

The first-rate man is the one who finds in Me his refuge in total abandonment, and who, renouncing all forms of material occupation, lives according to My teaching.

Because I desire that human beings attain perfection, I have presented three ways of elevation: the way of knowledge, the way of action and the way of devotion. Besides these three, there is absolutely no other means of elevation.

Those who seriously follow the methods to reach Me, which I have personally taught, free themselves from illusion, and in reaching My personal abode they fully understand the Absolute Truth.

As they surrender to Me, in proportion I reward them.

He who knows the absolute of My advent and My acts, will no longer have to be reborn in the material universe. Leaving his body, he enters My eternal kingdom.

My sovereign abode is a spiritual and absolute kingdom from which one no longer returns to this world of matter. Whoever attains supreme perfection, who is devoted to serving me personally in this eternal abode, attains the highest perfection of human life, and no longer has to return to this world of suffering.”

To access the basic data, click on a letter of the alphabet below, because they are classified in each of them according to the corresponding alphabetical order.

For example, you want to know the basic data relating to “abortion”, click on the letter “A”, “euthanasia”, click on the letter “E”, “resurrection” and “reincarnation”, click on the letter “R”, for “pesticides”, click on the letter “P”, etc.

A Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

A disease that must be cured by any ruler, that of power.

It is because of men’s desire for one another, and their desire to conquer power and wealth, that they fight among themselves or against one another for absolute supremacy, and even very often at the cost of the lives of many citizens.

This is the disease inherent in political power. As soon as a leader or a nation becomes rich in material assets, the desire to dominate others by attacking them with its military strength does not delay to manifest itself.

In truth, all kings, heads of state and government, and prime ministers, worthy, upright, just, and impartial, govern only by placing themselves under the authority of God. That is perfect governance.

This is why Jesus had given them this advice: “Let him who wants to become rich be so, and become king he who desires it, but he who has power renounce it”.

Similarly, entrepreneurs and other traders aspire to the monopoly of a certain type of commercial activity, or to the dominance of their competitors. Thus, degraded by vanity, and infatuated with its material values, human society, rather than seeking to rise in the consciousness of God, causes disorder and disturbs general peace.

Men naturally forget that the true purpose of existence is to obtain the favour of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to know Him as He really is, and to return to Him in His eternal and absolute kingdom.


Why should we not have an abortion?

To be against abortion is to love one’s neighbour unconditionally, it is to recognize to every incarnate soul the right to pursue its spiritual elevation, without hindrance, and it is to know that by abortion one puts an end to the existence of a being distinct from us, without asking his opinion. Divine justice punishes such a criminal act.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 435 or the corresponding box in the table.

See also this subject in the book “The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior”, in the chapter “Where’s the justice when you validate the murder” on page 36.

Also open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 30

Action and inaction.

How to distinguish action, inaction and acts contrary to God’s teachings?

Krishna, God, teaches us: “Even intelligent man becomes perplexed when it comes to determining what action and inaction are. Now I will teach you action, and this knowledge will deliver you from all sin.

The nature of the action is very complex, difficult to understand, so we have to distinguish between legitimate action, reprehensible action and inaction. He who sees inaction in action and action in inaction, is distinguished by his intelligence, and although engaged in all kinds of acts, he is at a purely spiritual level. He who, in action, has freed himself from any desire for material enjoyment, can be regarded as firmly established in knowledge. From him, the sages affirm that the fire of perfect knowledge has reduced to ashes the consequences of his acts. Totally detached from the fruit of his actions, always satisfied and autonomous, he does not act materially, although continuously active.”

Synthesis of the word of God. Whoever is seriously determined to escape the clutches of matter, must learn to distinguish action, inaction and acts contrary to God’s teachings. Even the most intelligent of men, if he refuses to follow her, languished in confusion and ignorance. Who acts in Krishna consciousness or God consciousness, automatically escapes the imprisonment of karma. All his acts are intended for Lord Krishna, and he neither enjoys nor suffers from their effects. Although he continues to act, he does so only for God. Only by acting in the consciousness of God, for the sole purpose of satisfying Him, can we free ourselves from the consequences of action. Because the pure devotee of Krishna is motivated only by love, he has no desire for the fruits of his actions. He doesn’t even really feel concerned about his bodily needs. He relies on Krishna for everything.

Thus detached, he never submits to the consequences of his actions, good or bad. In a way, he does not act, since his acts do not entail any material consequences for him. Any other mode of action, contrary to Krishna consciousness, is “guilty action”, and chains its author.

Action and inaction. (continued)

Three factors are to be considered; the duty prescribed by the original scriptures as well as by the perfect spiritual master, independent action, and inaction.

The prescribed duties.

The prescribed duties correspond to the obligations we must face as long as we are under the influence of the three attributes of the material nature that are virtue, passion and ignorance.

They are of three kinds, routine duties, those of urgency and the desired occupations. Routine duties are those performed according to the norms of the original Holy Scriptures without attachment to the fruits that flow from them. Because these are imposed duties, fulfilling them is a virtue.

Everyone has the right to fulfil his duty, but no one should ever act for results. To fulfil one’s obligations in a spirit of detachment is to take a sure step towards spiritual liberation, towards salvation.

Independent actions.

Independent actions correspond to those performed without taking into account the instructions given to us by the holy scriptures and the perfect spiritual masters.

Inaction: Inaction is refusing to do one’s duty. Inaction is above all not seeking to know God as He really is, not wanting to obey Him, not seeking to know our true spiritual identity, not seeking to penetrate the true spiritual knowledge, nor that the purpose of existence is to know God, and to go and find him in his eternal kingdom where our original home is.

Inaction is reprehensible, for the embodied spiritual being, immersed in ignorance of the facts of God and of existential truth, tirelessly makes the same mistakes, moves toward perdition for want of true knowledge, undergoes the cycle of reincarnations repeatedly, and then suffers constantly.

Why should we not cling to the fruits of our deeds?

The Lord advises us not to take the path of inaction, but rather to act according to our duty, without attaching ourselves to the results, for he who attaches himself to the fruits of action also takes responsibility for his acts, and must therefore enjoy or suffer their consequences.

The action taken in order to obtain the fruits or results, generates enslavement, and must therefore be regarded as very harmful.

Not wanting to obey God is another form of attachment. Good or bad, material attachments are always a cause of servitude and can in no way help us to free ourselves from the material condition.

The only way of salvation is to obey God and to do His divine will, for this is a duty, our natural and eternal duty.

Administration of the galaxy.

The administration of the universe (of the galaxy).

The Manus, the fathers of humanity, their sons, the great sages, the Indra (Indra, title given to the heavenly king, the king of heavenly planets) and all celestial beings are appointed by God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who appears in various forms of Avatars.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Getting To Know God”, and click on page 127

All living things, humans, animals and plants interact with each other and with respect to each other.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 320

Also open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on the logos 406 or on the corresponding box of the table.

All material bodies are temples of God.

All material bodies, those of heavenly beings, those of human beings, those of animals and those of plants, are temples of God.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 473 or the corresponding box in the table.

All peoples, all nations that do not live according to God’s teaching, will disappear.

All societies and nations that reject God and his word, teaching and laws, in favour of an exclusively materialistic way of life, where atheist philosophy is the center of thoughts, the exclusive development of money and the pleasure of the senses, the finality, and where the existential truth shines by its absence, will disappear.

The purpose of foolish men is a peaceful society without God. It is simply impossible, for those who know existential truth. A society or nation cannot be preserved indefinitely, if it focuses its existence only on materialism and atheism. So many nations have appeared in the past and then disappeared. The British Empire, the Roman Empire, the Greek Empire, the Chinese Empire, the Egyptian Empire, the Inca Empire and many others before.

The major goal of man must be to achieve the development of the consciousness of God, peace will then come automatically. Only a society of God reveals itself eternal. Knowing this is synonymous with intelligence.

We have to accept Krishna, God, the Sovereign Person, the Eternal Supreme, and glorify Him here on earth. We will do the same up in the spiritual world, God’s sojourn, when we are there, for this is the way of perfection. While in this material world, we simply train.

Appearance and disappearance of Lord Krishna.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Getting To Know God”, and click on page 79

The disappearance of Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, of the earth.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Getting To Know God”, and click on page 81

The future appearances of Krishna, God, in the guise of Visnu.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Getting To Know God”, and click on page 126

Lord Krishna comes into this world to protect his devotees, to destroy demonic disbelievers, to restore spirituality, and to bring back to Him fallen souls.

Appearance of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person in a galaxy.

When Lord Krishna is to appear in a galaxy, in order to unfold his wonderful entertainments, beings who have reached a high spiritual level or are aware of Him are sent there to learn to love Him, to worship, glorify and serve him with love and devotion.

In truth, beings who remain constantly absorbed in Krishna consciousness or God consciousness and in pure devotional service, are given the chance, at the moment of death, to obtain the company of Krishna in one of the galaxies of the material world, for Krishna’s entertainment is constantly unfolding in our galaxy the Milky Way, or another. Just as the sun pours its light in turn on all the places of our planet, the advent and sublime entertainments of Krishna, God, the Supine Person, are perpetually manifested in our galaxy or another.

The mature devotees, having attained the perfection of Krishna consciousness, as soon as they have left their material bodies are transferred to the galaxy, whatever it may be, where Krishna then appears. There they get their first chance to live in the Lord’s personal, direct company. This “formation”, we can have it in the Vrindavana of our planet, located in India. ThusKrishna reveals to the inhabitants of Vrindavana (one of the three regions of the kingdom of Krishna) the true aspect of the spiritual planets called “Vaikunthas”, so that they may know their destiny and learn to love, worship, surrender to Krishna, and to serve him with love and devotion.

At the end of life, the components of the body are stored in various areas of material energy.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 283

Austerity or the practice of purity, allows to reach the highest perfection.

This pure practice is the beauty and richness of the holy beings, the devotees and devotees of the Lord, those who belong to the order of renunciation. It concerns and addresses those who are advanced in the field of spirituality, spiritual realization, God consciousness, and who wish to purify their being, reconnect with Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, reconnect the broken bond with the Lord, and thus eliminate all obstacles that distance from the spiritual path and prevent spiritual growth.

By austerity it is necessary to understand the renunciation of the pleasures of the senses, any sexual activity, the consumption of animal flesh (meat, fish, egg), the use of drugs, such as alcohol, coffee, tea, cigarette or toxic substance, any gambling, materialism or simply material life.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on the logos 474 or on the corresponding box of the table.


The coming Avatar.

At the junction of two ages, the Iron Age and the Golden Age, when almost all the rulers of the earth will have become looters, the Lord of the universe will appear as Kalki (the Messiah), the son of Visnu Yasa, in the village Sambhala, India.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Getting To Know God”, and click on page 119

Also open the book “Prophecies”, and read the subject whose title is The kali age or the apocalypse page 13

Still in the book “Prophecies”, read the subject whose title is Other prediction page 13

And still in the book “Prophecies”, read the chapter “Kalki, the Avatar to come, the awaited Messiah” page 15

B Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Balarama, pronounce Balaram, is the first plenary emanation of Krishna, God, the Primordial Supreme Personality of Godhead.

He is the one who grants the spiritual strength through which it is possible to attain perfection. He is also the physical force, for He keeps all the planets in their respective positions. This cosmic power is known in this world as “gravitation”.

Benign, chronic or even degenerative diseases.

In truth, the original cause of all diseases is of spiritual origin.

And the major cause is forgetting our loving relationship with Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Each of us is a spiritual soul and not the material body to which we identify wrongly. When it incarnates, the soul then loses contact with God, and therefore forgets its own spiritual identity and engages in countless activities that entangle it in a karmic network. This karma causes her suffering, and instead of turning to God to alleviate her pains, she seeks material solutions that unfortunately lead to other karmic reactions, and therefore new sufferings. In her present life she suffers the consequences of the acts committed in her previous life, and prepares, by her present acts, for new sufferings in the future. The “mature” or “accomplished” faults committed in the previous life, whose effects we are experiencing today, can have the fruit of a chronic disease, degenerative, in conflict with the law, a low birth, an insufficient education, poor physical appearance or one or more disabled members.

In truth, the diet rich in meat, fish and egg, is a source of diseases, and the real cause of diseases is the violation of the laws of nature.

Human beings are made to consume vegetarian foods, but when their uncontrolled appetites lead them to eat meat, fish and eggs, all those who directly or indirectly participated in the killing of these innocent animals; the breeders, the slaughterhouse priests, the butchers, the fishmongers, the buyers, the cooks and the consumers, must all share the consequences which result from it. Eating meat, fish and eggs causes teeth to break, arteries to clog, and cancers to develop.

This is the fundamental link between diet and disease.

Real medicine.

In truth, our sufferings are due only to our past karma, and the conditions of our body as that of the soul that each of us is, depend on God.

We must take care of our body, out of duty, because it allows us to better serve the Lord.

Whatever our situation, as a devotee of God, we must constantly evolve in the spiritual sphere, have a spiritual vision of everything, and use our body only for spiritual purposes.

This is the true medicine, the medicine that will put an end to all diseases.


It is under this name that the celestial beings inhabiting the upper planets of the galaxy, heavenly, know our planet since the time when the emperor Bharata reigned as sovereign, under the authority of Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Today, this name refers more particularly to India.

The whole earth is one nation, and all human beings one people.

In truth, the whole earth is one nation, without internal borders, and all human beings without exception, are one people. There are no communities superior to others, for they all have the same spiritual level, the same importance, and are therefore all equal.

Blessed are all who surrender to God and serve Him with love and devotion, for they will know absolute peace, and true freedom.

Blessed are all those who surrender to Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who obey Him, who do His divine will, who renew the bond that unites them to Him, and who unite their desires and interests with His, for they are assured of His divine protection.

The Supreme Lord Himself protects His pure devotees, or He sends His messengers to look after them. The personal messengers of God, His heavenly helpers, are always willing to protect the servants and maidservants of the Supreme Lord from their enemies, envious and wicked beings, natural disasters, and against any other danger they might encounter in this world. May they be confident in the protection that Lord Krishna assures them.

I will give you a small glimpse of the protection that God provides to his devotees.

The material nature acts under the orders of God, and when plagues occur and must fall in a particular region (hurricane, violent wind, heavy rain, flooding, drought, intense cold, earthquake, fire...), it is always for karmic reasons, which must touch the people who are there, so that, through the suffering suffered, they erase the malicious acts committed in their previous lives, and diminish their accumulated sins.

God, the Person who knows everything about each one of us, sends at the right time his heavenly assistants, whom He has endowed with special powers, such as that, among other things, of making emerge, forming and controlling the elements of the material nature. They obey God’s orders, and do exactly what the Supreme Lord asks them to do.

Have you noticed during the appearance of a hurricane, when the latter is formed, extends, and follows a given trajectory, it devastates and destroys everything in its path, and sometimes unexplained, it will avoid one or two houses that were however there, in its path. If these two houses were not destroyed, it is simply because they housed devotees and devotees of the Supreme Lord. In this case, Lord Krishna asked the heavenly beings to protect these two houses, and that no harm be done to their occupants.

Whatever the nature of the natural plague, which is to fall wherever it is, the devotees and devotees of God are assured of the protection of the Lord, and those of his heavenly assistants.

Blessed are those who have a pure heart, for they will see God.

Those who turn to God, who are aware of Him, who love Him, who obey Him, who do His divine will and serve Him with love and devotion, will obtain from the Lord all the answers to the existential questions they ask, for there is nothing hidden that is not revealed to those who have a pure heart.

The Lord says, “Surrender entirely to Me. By My grace you will know absolute peace, and you will reach My eternal and supreme abode.

To those who serve and worship me always with love and devotion, I give the intelligence through which they can come to Me.

It is only by serving Me with undivided love and devotion that one can know Me as I am, standing before you and in the same way, truly, see Me. Only in this way can the mystery of My Person be revealed.

Seek to know the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire of her with submission, and while serving her. The realized soul can reveal to you knowledge, for it has seen the truth. And when you know the truth, you will understand that all beings are an integral part of Me, that they live in Me, and belong to Me”.

Blind and deaf.

To be blind and deaf is to ignore everything about God as He really is.

It is to ignore all the data relating to existential and absolute truth, divine knowledge, the true word of God and his sublime teaching.

It is to ignore that each of us is in reality an immortal spiritual soul, and that the body in which she resides is only a garment that she has put on.

It is ignoring that our thoughts, words and actions produce positive and/or negative effects.

It is to ignore that death, which concerns only the body and not the soul, puts an end to one existence, but that another immediately begins for the immortal spiritual soul.

To read this full topic, open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on the chapter “Man is blind and deaf, and ignores it. But spiritually speaking, what does that mean?” in the Table of contents, or click on the page 10


First being created in the galaxy. He receives from the Supreme Lord the power to create everything in the galaxy, of which he is the main regent. He also belongs to the group of the twelve great sages, the greatest authorities in matters of spirituality. It also represents the divinity of passion. He is the initiator of one of the four branches of the succession from master to disciple, the most important known as Brahma-sampradaya.

C Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Compassion and unconditional love.

Showing compassion for all forms of life is a golden rule.

Love is present in the hearts of all living beings, and when it is unconditional and unconditionally offered to all human beings without exception, to all terrestrial and aquatic animals, and to all plants, from the blade of grass to the great tree that shelters many beings, then it’s beautiful.

On a higher level, when we offer Him to Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead with devotion, with the ardent desire to strengthen our relationship with Him, then He is pure and sublime.


It is the sexual act that perpetuates conditioned existence in this material world, which is why God advocates celibacy or continence.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 468 or the corresponding box in the table.


The true intelligence is located in the consciousness of the soul, and the consciousness is none other than the manifestation of the energy of the soul.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 353, 426  and  477 or the corresponding box in the table.

Also open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on the chapter “The spiritual consciousness” of the table of contents.

D Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Death (the).

In truth, death concerns only the body and not the spiritual soul which is itself immortal. Our next life is fixed by the natural laws of God. We are, verily, spiritual souls.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 22 or the corresponding box in the table.

Death (the).

It is to abandon one’s old body and put on a new one. It is to end one’s existence and proceed to the change of body. It is to be plunged into oblivion.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 26, 197, 367, 451  and  459 or the corresponding box in the table.

Divine commandments.

God commands not to harm anyone.

The Lord said, “You shall not harm anyone, nor kill.”

Truly, there is no justification for taking anyone’s life away.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on logos 25, 42, 246  and  373 or on the corresponding box in the table.

Divine commandments, here are three magnificent.

You will love the Lord your God with all your strength, all your heart, all your thought, all your being, and you will serve Him alone.

You will love your neighbor as you would like to be.

You will leave a corner of your field without reaping it, and you will not collect what remains to glean. You will leave it to the poor and to the stranger.

Divine Justice.

No one escapes divine justice, for the latter always carries out its sanctifying work.

Everything is subject to the divine laws, which govern all the elements of the material universe, and ensure the proper functioning and perfect harmonization of the All, of the beings included. For example, karma, the law of action-reaction, or law of cause and effect, renders to each the consequences of his thoughts, words and actions, in the form of benefits or suffering.

An evil, criminal being can escape the justice of men by various stratagems or artifices, but he can never escape the divine justice, because it is simply impossible. Too many people rightly think that “these evil liars, these evil criminals, these evil leaders, by their position and the power they hold, will never be apprehended, arrested, tried and incarcerated, they will escape justice.”

A demonic miscreant can escape the justice of men by using his institutional power, by provoking fear, or by devious ways out of the law, to prevent victims from filing complaints, police and magistrates from reacting, but he can never escape divine justice. The latter acts under the authority of God who knows everything about each of us, and who has instructed heavenly beings to apply it by punishing all those who commit guilty acts. Divine justice always does its sanctifying work.

So let us be at peace, reject all thoughts, words and acts of revenge, for the evil criminal will pay for all his crimes, and all that he has done to others will be done in return in his next life. He will have to answer for each of them, and his sufferings will be commensurate with those he has inflicted on his victims. His next life will be very painful and sinister. If he was a leader, he would reincarnate in the community he hated, live in poverty and suffering, and experience this state throughout his next life.

Let’s see all around us, the evidence and body signs are there to remind us.

To read this full topic, open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, click on the chapter “Reincarnation is a reality. Here is the evidence, it is all around us. Some bodies bear the signs of it” or click on page 20.

Divine laws.

Only the foolish ignore the role and importance of divine laws.

In truth, the divine laws are predominant and immutable throughout the material cosmos. They govern and maintain order and harmony on all planets of all galaxies, which float throughout the material cosmos. No matter what men of weak knowledge say, they are superior to human laws, to those established by human legislators of all nations, and will always be.

They are used by celestial beings in the exercise of their duty, as well as to punish the guilty during their judgment for example. They still govern the entire universe, as well as the existence of human beings. They apply to all living beings, celestial beings, human beings, animals and plants established throughout the cosmos, no one can escape it, even time and material nature submit to it.

Then in our turn, let us respect and apply the divine laws, for they allow us to adopt the right attitude, the ideal behavior, and to walk constantly in the transcendental light and the way of God.

Divine laws.

God is the source of the perfect and eternal divine laws. They are the origin of the order established within material nature.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom”, and click on page 11.

E Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Enemies that we must protect ourselves from.

The six enemies of man.

Man has six enemies from which he must absolutely distance himself: anger, lust, greed, insanity, illusion and envy. These six enemies lead the soul to its downfall.

These six enemies are at the origin of the distraction and the perdition of the soul. They reduce it to material slavery by obliging it to undergo unceasingly the harmful influence of the energy of illusion which conditions its existence, obliges it to follow bad ways, inevitably generate suffering, and oblige it to reincarnate indefinitely.

Thus afflicted and conditioned, the incarnate soul that each of us is really, wanders ceaselessly in the galaxy going from one planet to another, so that it ends up finding normal to live in this way. She can only be freed from her evil when she meets a bona fide spiritual master, a true servant of God, reads his books, follows his instructions and puts them into practice.

We must all live according to the teaching of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.


Do not legalize, recommend, order, encourage or practice Euthanasia, NEVER.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 457 or the corresponding box in the table.

Also open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 30

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God has given to all living beings; terrestrial, aquatic, crawling, flying, insects, etc., a specific food, and to men in particular He asks to eat only seeds from plants.

Krishna, God, said, “Behold, I give you all the seed-bearing vegetation that is on all the face of the earth, and all the trees that have seed-bearing fruits, it will be your food.” (Genesis 1:29).

The words of Lord Krishna are unchanging and eternal. He says “it will be your food”. He gives us as food only, the seed from the plants and fruits that trees produce. The Lord forbids eating animal flesh. Since time immemorial, He has asked us not to kill human beings, terrestrial and aquatic animals and not to destroy any plant, because in each of them resides a spiritual soul.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead never said that man could eat the flesh of animals, it is a lie. On the other hand, the Lord told the apostle Peter that there were no unclean animals. It is time to obey Him.

To learn more about this subject, I invite you to read the book entirely “Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh”.

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Get liberation or salvation, all those who still think of God.

All those who reject God and do not want to recognize that He has a form, cannot obtain salvation, liberation. Because of this offense they are destined to know hell.

On the other hand, all those who meditate on Krishna, in its true primordial form whose aspect is that which He has given to men, certainly obtain it. Blessed are those who constantly think of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, for they will obtain liberation.

The surrender of oneself to God, the Supreme Person, is the only cause of the liberation of this world.

To read this full topic, open the book “The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom”, and click on the page 73

The five forms of liberation.

Also open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 127

Global warming.

The real cause of global warming.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 427 or the corresponding box in the table.

God already knows everything, about everything, and of course about each of us.

In truth, what can we think, say, do, hide, which God ignores?

Where do we think we can hide without knowing that God is already there?

Master of the universal time which sets matter in motion and transforms it, God knows everything about the past, present and future of all living beings, celestial beings, human beings, terrestrial and aquatic animals, and all plants, from the blade of grass to the big trees, like all the material cosmos, all the galaxies that float there, and all the stars and planets that compose them. Before the events unfold, He already knows everything in advance.

He is omnipresent, He is everywhere. He is omnipotent, He is almighty. He is omniscient, He knows everything. He is immutable, He does not change. He is the Absolute Truth, because who knows him as He really is, discovers at the same time the absolute existential truth. It is all of complete knowledge, of pure bliss perfect, infinite, and of eternity. It is absolute integral existence, and eternal life. Nothing exists except Him.

The criminals who hide or commit suicide for example, thinking thus to escape the justice of men, ignore that it is impossible to escape that of God. Sooner or later they will surely suffer the consequences of their malicious acts, and will have to suffer a lot on several lives instead of only one. To believe in God is the true intelligence. It is also a natural choice for a way of life marked by love, respect and wisdom. It is to love one another, rejecting as God recommends, evil in all its forms.

God asks us to love all animals and plants.

God asks us to love all terrestrial and aquatic animals as well as all plants in their diversity, because they deserve our protection.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 78.

God asks us to protect animals and plants, including trees.

As God asks that we do no harm to human beings whoever they are, he also asks us not to harm animals, plants, and of course trees and flowers.

Unfortunately, nowadays demonic disbelievers slaughter all over the world terrestrial and aquatic animals for the sole pleasure of their taste buds, and destroy the earth itself, the flower beds and trees with the help of pesticides, axes, mechanical saws, or by fire, thus killing at the same time a considerable number of flying, crawling, mammalian, invertebrate, etc., which surround them, for the sole pleasure of increasing their surface of culture or rearing.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Words of God”, and click on page 111

God is Absolute Goodness.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is All Love, and Absolute Goodness.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 458  and  480 or the corresponding box in the table.

God is not an impersonal, formless Being.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in his personal, primordial, original, infinite and absolute form, is not, as impersonalist believers on earth believe, an Impersonal, i.e. formless, Divine Spiritual Being. Her body is totally transcendental, and she has form.

God does have a totally spiritual body whose form is that which He gave to the human being. From his spiritual body emanates a radiance that completely envelops him, which prevents the non-devotee from seeing him as he really is. To see Krishna, God, as He is, in His true form from which He first removed His radiance, one must surrender to Him, and serve Him with love and devotion.

In truth, Krishna, God, the Supreme, Infinite and Absolute Spiritual Being has neither hands nor material legs, but indeed spiritual hands and legs that allow Him to accept all that is offered to Him. Nor does he have material eyes, but rather spiritual eyes through which He sees absolutely everything. Though without material ears, He can also hear everything. His senses being perfect, He knows everything, the past, the present and the future of the absolute existence, but also of each of the innumerable beings that we are. In fact He knows everything, but no one can know Him, for He escapes the material senses. As the source of all Avatars, Krishna is God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the greatest and most powerful of all beings.

Krishna’s supreme spiritual body is transcendental, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity. None of the parts that make up his sublime body is different from the others. So He can see with His eyes, but He can also see without His eyes, for example with His hands and feet. He does not need to resort to a certain part of his body to perform a particular action, for He can do whatever He wants with any part of his body, which is why he is said to be all-powerful. There is no difference between his divine body and his Supreme Soul, for they are One. Lord Krishna has an eternal, purely spiritual, conscious, all blissful body, and his spiritual energy is characterized by eternity, knowledge and bliss. He is unborn, without beginning, and remains eternally young.

To better know God as He really is, I invite you to read the book “Getting To Know God”, from the first to the last page, in this order.

God reveals to us what happens to those who enter His kingdom.

Who enters the kingdom of God, never returns to the material universe where suffering reigns.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person says, “My sovereign abode is a spiritual and absolute kingdom from which one no longer returns to this world of matter. Anyone who attains supreme perfection, dedicated to serving me personally in this eternal abode, attains the highest perfection of human life and no longer has to return to this world of suffering.

This supreme kingdom, the ultimate goal, is said to be unmanifested and imperishable. To whom it is attained, the point of return. This world is my absolute home.

He who knows the absolute nature of my advent and my acts will no longer have to be reborn in the material universe. Leaving his body, he enters my eternal kingdom.

It is only through devotional service, and only thus, that one can know me as I am. And the being who, by such devotion becomes fully aware of my Person, can then enter my absolute kingdom.

The devotional service offered to me by living beings revives in them eternal life. Your happy fortune is none other than the love you have for me, for he alone has enabled you to obtain my favour.”

To learn more about the kingdom of God, I invite you to read the entire book “The Spiritual World”.

God teaches.

God teaches us how to come to him and enter His kingdom.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 350 or the corresponding box in the table.

God, the Eternal Supreme dwells in the heart of all bodies of matter, celestial, human, animal and plant, and keeps all these bodies of inert, active matter.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 364  and  473 or the corresponding box in the table.

You can also open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science” and consult the chapter “Without Krishna, God, We can’t do anything”, on page 236

God, the Supreme Sovereign Personality of Godhead.

Krishna is God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth.

It is the container and content of all that exists, both the spiritual world and the material cosmos combined. That is why He is absolute existence, absolute consciousness, absolute bliss and eternity. He is the source and foundation of the entire existence, the only reality and supreme perfection.

Krishna is the Absolute Truth personified, the Supreme Lord in his Personal, Primordial, Original, Infinite and Absolute form, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity. He is the One Absolute without second, that no other Truth surpasses or even equals.

To learn more about Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, read the topic “Let us discover the absolute truth as it is” on the home page, and to know him better as he really is, open the book “Getting To Know God”, you will know everything.

God, what is the definition of this sublime Name?

The great sage Parasara Muni, father of Vyasadeva, the greatest sage of all time and author of all the original holy scriptures known as “Vedic scriptures”, defines God as follows:

“God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is one whose opulence is manifested in six perfections: power, fame, wealth, knowledge, beauty and self-denial. Krishna is the first Name of God, and the most powerful of all. Perfectly autonomous, He is self-sufficient. He is the very source of all powers, it is He who grants them to the heavenly beings, the great sages, the realized beings and the kings. He is the Absolute Truth”.

The attitude worthy to follow. Let us approach a true spiritual master, intimate servant of God, regardless of our social position, our confession, our skin color, our origin, our country, to hear all that relates to devotional service dedicated to Him, for it is this service alone that enables us to love God, to approach him, to see him face to face, and to live with him for eternity. The true purpose of existence is to revive our latent love for God, to learn to love Him and to serve Him with love and devotion. In truth, this is our ultimate necessity, objective and duty.


There are three of them, namely: virtue, passion and ignorance. These are the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature.

These are the various influences that illusory material energy exerts on beings and things. They determine, among other things, the way of being, thinking and acting of the soul they condition. It is through their interactions that the creation, maintenance and destruction of the universe take place.

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Happiness, joy, unhappiness and suffering are the consequences of our karma.

Happiness, joy, misfortune and suffering happen automatically in time and place, without us having to solicit them, because they are the result or consequence of our acts committed in our previous life.

In truth, it is the past acts of a being that determine the conditions of his birth, similarly, it is the thoughts, the memories of the incarnate being at the moment of leaving his body that determine his future condition.

The four consequences of the guilty acts:

These are those which have not yet borne fruit, those which remain in the germ state, those which have almost reached maturity, and those which have reached maturity.

Among the consequences of our sins, “those who have almost reached maturity” are assimilated to the sufferings of the incarnate spiritual being in the present time, and “those who still remain in the germ state”, represent the mass of desires in the heart, and correspond to the “seeds or faults” that are about to germinate, and whose effects we will suffer at the end of our current life already, but certainly in our next existence.

In the case of faults “that have not yet borne fruit”, germination has simply not begun, but will do so in our next life.

In truth, the incarnate soul undergoes contamination by matter, hear, its body and the elements of material nature. Its origin, its development and its consequences, manifested in the form of multiple sufferings, follow one another like so many links in an endless chain.

Misfortune, suffering, joy and happiness happen automatically as soon as our beneficial or guilty acts reach maturity, we will necessarily, at any time, suffer the positive or negative consequences.

These are simply the effects of our karma.

How to put a definitive end to our misfortunes and sufferings.

It is very difficult to pinpoint the origin of our multiple misfortunes and sufferings, as well as to predict their development, because we have forgotten everything about our previous lives, and the guilty acts committed.

However, evil does not arise suddenly. Also, if we want to prevent the growth of evil, it is possible to effectively prevent the germination of our sinful acts, through the sublime teaching of God, which will enable us to achieve spiritual realization, and through Krishna consciousness, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead thus acquired, to surrender ourselves totally to Him, and to serve Him with love and devotion.

By doing so, we can suddenly reduce them to nothing, see our misfortunes and sufferings disappear permanently, and appear forever joy and eternal happiness.


One of the countless Names of God, Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Having several meanings, this sublime Name of the Lord indicates that God relieves his devotee from the sufferings of material existence, and that He removes obstacles in the path of devotional service.

Hell exists, it is a region composed of many infernal planets.

Teaching of the Eternal Supreme.

The Eternal Supreme said, “His last hour has come, and he sees the envoys of the Lord of death coming to him, their eyes filled with anger. Overwhelmed by fear, he urinates and defecates. Just as a criminal is arrested by the public force to suffer his punishment, the man who has committed himself criminally to the pleasure of the senses is seized by the Yamadutas (servants of the lord of death and judge of sinners) who tie him by the neck with strong ropes, and cover his subtle (ethereal) body to inflict severe punishment.”

To read this full topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on the page 176

How can one approach God, see Him face to face, and dwell with Him for eternity?

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 137

How does the illusory energy of the Lord, also called illusion energy or maya, work, and why?

Everything is revealed to those who awaken to true spiritual and absolute knowledge.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on the logos 466 or on the corresponding box of the table.

How to approach God and remain with Him for eternity?

The Lord God, Krishna, answers, “Leave all other forms of religion behind, and simply surrender to Me. I will free you from all the consequences of your sins, have no fear.

So in Me, Krishna, in my personal form, always absorbs your thoughts without fail. Dedicating your actions to Me, turning to Me your mind and your intelligence, no doubt you will come to Me.

Become my pure devotee, give yourself to Me alone. I promise you a perfect spiritual existence, which will earn you the eternal right to serve me with spiritual and absolute love.

To those who serve and worship me always with love and devotion, I give the intelligence through which they can come to Me.

He who at the very moment of leaving the body remembers Me alone, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, will undoubtedly reach the spiritual planets. He immediately reaches My abode, no doubt.

Surrender yourself totally to Me. By my grace you will know absolute peace, and you will reach my eternal and supreme abode.

Only through devotional service, and only in this way, can one know Me as I am. And the being who, by such devotion becomes fully aware of My Person, can then enter My absolute kingdom.

It is only by serving Me with undivided love and devotion that one can know Me as I am, standing before you and in the same way, truly, see Me. Only in this way can the mystery of My Person be revealed.

He who knows the Absolute of my advent and Acts will no longer have to be reborn in the material universe. After leaving his body, he will enter my eternal kingdom.

When they have reached me, the holy beings imbued with devotion, these noble souls, having thus risen to the highest perfection, never again return to this ephemeral world where suffering reigns.”

How to enter the spiritual world, in what?

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 146

How to renew the bond with Krishna?

Love for Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the sublime and strong bond that binds us to the Lord.

To read this full topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, chapter “How to renew the bond with Krishna?” and click on the page 600

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If we want to progress on the path of spiritual realization, let us avoid frequenting unbelieving materialists.

We must avoid all contact with people who are deprived of any knowledge of spiritual realization, who are constantly willing to make us fall. Indeed, progress in Krishna consciousness or God consciousness involves the development of quality as truthfulness, cleanliness or purity, compassion, gravity, spiritual intelligence, simplicity, material perfection, fame, forgiveness and mastery of mind and senses. All these qualities must appear as we progress in Krishna consciousness. But if one mingles with atheistic materialistic fools, it becomes virtually impossible to make any progress. That is why Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Golden Avatar, taught Himself that anyone who follows the path of Krishna consciousness and desires to rise to the -Beyond material ignorance must avoid the company of people whose interest is in material pleasures.

For the embodied spiritual being that each of us really is, who seeks to advance on the path of Krishna consciousness, such dating turns out to be even more dangerous than suicide.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Words of God”, and click on page 37


State of one who knows nothing of God as He really is, of his true spiritual identity, of true spiritual knowledge, and of existential truth.

State of one who has no knowledge of his true nature of spiritual soul, and who wrongly identifies himself with his material body and all that is related to it.

Influenced by ignorance, the embodied spiritual being falsely believes himself to be the master and legitimate beneficiary of the material world. Ignoring his original constitution as a servant of God, he thus usurps the place that belongs to the Supreme Lord, Krishna. This ignorance is very dangerous for the incarnate being, because it leads him to perform many guilty actions. It then sinks more and more into the cycle of death and rebirth, or repeated reincarnations, and runs the risk of being reborn within animal species.

Ignorance is one of the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature, the other two being virtue and passion. Its influence leads to illusion, confusion, laziness, anger and the use of intoxicants. It is governed by Shiva.

Ignorance. (bis)

Ignorance of reincarnation is dangerous.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 19

In truth, God grants intelligence, understanding and mercy to those who walk the path of good.

He causes punishment, torment, and deliverance from the bonds of evil. He delivers him and confuses him by the knowledge of existential and absolute truth.

It becomes the way for those who have gone astray, knowledge for those who are in ignorance, discovery for those who seek it, support for those who tremble, purity for those who are defiled.

Blessed is he who opened the eyes of the blind. God is there, and allows himself to be found by those who seek him.

In truth, man is a trilogy.

Man is composed of a body of dense matter, an ethereal body in which the soul is enclosed, and a spiritual soul that each of us is really. The material body is only the envelope of the spiritual soul. Our true spiritual identity is precisely to be an immortal spiritual soul.

To read this full topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on the page 226

In truth, we are neither white nor black, nor yellow, nor red, nor mixed, nor American, nor Caribbean, nor European, nor Asian, nor African.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 298

In truth, we are not of this world.

Not only is true life only in the kingdom of God, for Lord Krishna is the existential source of it, but true happiness is also in the kingdom of the Lord, for it is in contact with Krishna that we will have it, and nowhere else.

In the absolute kingdom of God, no one is inferior or superior in the transcendental relations exchanged with the Lord, for everything there is of equal value.

If we renew the loving relationship that binds us to Krishna, we will be raised in the spiritual world where we will be able to perpetuate eternally with God sweet exchanges of affectionate feelings, which emanate from our heart.

Because we are spiritual entities, spiritual souls, tiny, integral fragments of Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we too can say, “We are not of this material world.”

That is why we can confidently state that we belong to the infinite and absolute kingdom of Krishna, where we are eternally united to the Lord in a totally spiritual loving relationship, the fruit of the perfect practice of devotional service that we offer Him. This is the glory we have with Krishna.


True intelligence is located in the consciousness of the soul, and consciousness is none other as the manifestation of the energy of the soul.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 353 or the corresponding box in the table.


Material intelligence: is defined by the power to evaluate the impulses received by the mind, and that to analyze the nature and functioning of the material energy. However, because it studies them without taking into account their relationship with God, the original cause of all things, it remains incomplete, and can only be used to satisfy the requests or urges of the body. It is therefore a subtle material energy, capable of veiling the consciousness of the spiritual self.

Spiritual Intelligence: The original intelligence of the spiritual being, allowing the latter to understand how all things (including oneself) exist in relation to Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is through it that we free ourselves from our materialistic conceptions of life.

True intelligence is in the soul alone. The body is actually a mass of inert material elements, devoid of intelligence.

It is identification with its body, which involves the soul in conditioning by matter and in enslavement to material existence.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 303

It is in the kingdom of God that true sublime happiness and true life are found, which have no end.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom”, and click on page 102

It is impossible to change material living conditions.

In truth, it is impossible to change material living conditions, because they are the fruit of thoughts, words and actions committed in the previous life. Material living conditions cannot be improved or aggravated.

Also open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on the logos 200 or on the corresponding box in the table.

It is now, during our present life, that we must prepare for our next existence.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 375 or the corresponding box in the table.

It is the presence of the soul that causes the growth and various transformations of the body.

To read this full topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on the page 214

It is very rare to get a human body.

In truth, the spiritual soul accesses it after having passed through eight million lower bodily species, terrestrial and aquatic animals, and plants, from the blade of grass to the great tree that nourishes and shelters many living beings.

Now only the human form allows the intelligent man to know the laws of karma, law action-reaction or law of cause and effect, and thus to free himself from the cycle of repetitive reincarnation. The human body is the only way to escape the sufferings of material existence. The embodied spiritual being who misuses his human form and does not become aware of his spiritual Self, is hardly better than a dog or a donkey.

It is the activities aimed at the satisfaction of the senses and whose sole purpose is to please the mind and the senses, which are the cause of the chaining of the soul to matter. As long as the soul devotes itself to its self-interested actions, it will not cease to reincarnate, passing from one species to another, without end.

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Jesus was a vegetarian, he practiced spiritual vegetarianism.

Many passages of his teaching were deleted and modified, and additions were made on the orders of the Emperor Justinian, who wanted this new emerging religion to be in line with the one in force at that time. Jesus taught by example, and did not eat meat, fish, and egg. All his disciples and the apostles followed him in this pure way. They were all sinless because they lived according to the teaching of Krishna, God, the Supreme, Primordial, Infinite and Absolute Personality of Godhead.

To know the word of Jesus concerning spiritual vegetarianism, open the book “Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh”, page 4.


There is no final judgment or eternal damnation, it is a lie.

On the other hand, reincarnation is a reality. The evidence is all around us, some bodies bear the signs.

Iniquitous and unworthy clerics, obeying the Emperor Justinian, agreed to modify and remove entire sections of true spiritual knowledge, and made many false additions.

In truth, materialists ignore everything about God as He really is, about true spiritual knowledge and existential and absolute truth. They have no knowledge of true religious principles, and if they believe this lie, they are unaware that they will be plunged into the abyss of material existence, prisoners of erroneous convictions stemming from imperfect knowledge and an alleged material science that will disappear with death. They will have a hard time getting out of it because they know nothing about the spiritual world, the real world. These unworthy religious lead men to perdition and perpetual suffering.

In truth, reincarnation is the consequence of guilty acts committed in the previous life. At the end of each life, the spiritual being leaves his body and passes before Yamaraja, the lord and master of death, the master of the destiny of beings and judge guilty beings, placed in this position by Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. The Lord has given him the regency of the planet Pluto, so that after their death he may lead the sinful souls there, and there condemn them according to their faults to various punishments. He always consults God beforehand because he judges under the authority of Lord Krishna.

There is no final judgment or eternal damnation, but all incarnate souls pass into judgment at the end of each of their lives. Let us not forget that our current activities directly determine our future life. We must as soon as possible extract ourselves from the influence of the energy of the material nature by abandoning ourselves totally to God, and by serving Him with love and devotion, we can thus break with the infernal cycle of reincarnation, and never again suffer.

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action-reaction law, law of cause and effect.

Law of nature according to which any material action, good or bad, necessarily leads to pleasant or painful consequences, which have the effect of increasingly chaining its author to material existence and to the cycle of deaths and rebirths or reincarnations.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on pages 22  and  45.

Karma, an infallible justice.

A being who has committed a crime, a serious fault, an evil action can escape the justice of men by various subterfuges, to that of God it is impossible. He will suffer his punishment sooner or later, at the end of his present life already, and certainly in the next.

In truth, karmic justice takes into account the fact that the soul, that each of us really is, survives death, which concerns only the body, and reincarnates life after life. What we have done will be done to us.

To read this full topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on the page 169

Knowledge of the spiritual soul in all its truth.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 92

Krishna appears only to those who have an unshakeable faith in Him.

Many wish to see God face to face, and wonder why He remains invisible.

Those who reject God, envy and denigration, can never know Him as He really is, much less see Him.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person in his real form, Primordial, Original, Infinite, Unique and Absolute, is totally spiritual, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity.

In truth, no one can know God by material data alone, or by vain intellectual gymnastics.

The Lord says, “The impersonalists believe me to be formless, and claim that I have taken my present form, the one I manifest today, for the sole purpose of serving some purpose. But these speculators are actually deprived of real intelligence. Whatever their erudition of the Vedic texts (of the Vedas, the original holy scriptures), they ignore all of my inconceivable energies and the eternal forms of my person. The reason is that I reserve the right not to show myself to unbelievers, this thanks to my internal power, which veils me in their eyes. Fools and fools therefore do not know my eternal, unborn and imperishable form. They denigrate me when, in my human form, I descend into this world. They know nothing of my spiritual and absolute nature or my supremacy.”

Lord Krishna adds, “The envious and the evil, the last of men, I plunge them into the ocean of material existence in the various forms of demonic life. Reborn life after life within demonic species, they can never approach me. Little by little, they sink fans the most abominable condition.”

Because of their desire for God, atheistic materialist unbelievers are reborn life after life in demonic families. They are great offenders, which is why the Supreme Lord keeps them constantly confused.

Only one who has an unwavering faith in Krishna, loves Him, surrenders to Him and serves Him with love and devotion. One who is animated by such faith, would he be ignorant from the material point of view, quite naturally manages to know God, because by mercy Lord Krishna reveals himself through his form, attributes and entertainments. To his pure devotee Lord Krishna will appear in person, as He did with me, offering me unspeakable joy that will never leave me.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, as He really is.

Many believe that God is formless, but Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead has a personal, Primordial, Original, Infinite and Absolute form. It has no material form but is totally spiritual. Its form is transcendental, full of knowledge, bliss and eternity. On the other hand, He is eternally young, the sages who have seen Him give Him 16 years for some, 20 years for others like me.

God created man in his likeness, in his image. (Genesis 1: 26, and 27)

To read this full topic, open the book “Getting To Know God”, and click on page 129

Also open the book “The words Of Krishna, Christ, God, The Supreme Being”, then click on the chapter “The Glories of the Absolute (of God)”, page 29

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person controls everything.

The Lord said: “I control the head, the rain and the drought. I am immortality, as well as death personified. Being and non-being, both are in Me.

Those who worship me with devotion, meditating on my absolute form, I fill their gaps and preserve what they possess”.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 251

Also open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on logos 319  and  411 or on the corresponding boxes of the table.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person does not like to punish those who do wrong.

Forced to punish those who act evil, the Lord experiences no joy, for all individual spiritual beings distinct from Him are, at the origin, tiny parts of His person. He shows himself no less like lightning with sinners and sweeter than the rose with those who are faithful to Him.

Those who do evil are often led astray by those who ignore the facts of the truth, by evil companionship and counsel opposing the order established by God. They thus become punishable. The surest way to happiness is to live according to the principles enunciated by the Lord and never disobey his laws, as defined in the original Holy Scriptures also called “the true gospel”, for all forgetful souls.

The material creation is precisely intended to satisfy the divine desire, and the Lord desires nothing more than to allow souls conditioned by matter and therefore unfit to enter the kingdom of God, to purify themselves so as to be able to access the spiritual world.

The whole cosmic phenomenon has only one purpose. To give a chance to souls incarnate and conditioned by matter to enter into the kingdom of God, and to this end the nature of the Lord supplies perfectly for the needs of all.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, his glories and excellences. He alone possesses exceptional qualities.

To read these two topics, open the book “Getting To Know God”, and click on the chapter of the table of contents “The glories of Lord Krishna being infinite, here are some of them” or on the page 136

Click on the chapter of the table of contents “The Excellences of Krishna, God”, or on the page 155

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, Infinite, Absolute, One without second is everywhere. He is the cause of all causes, everything emanates from Him.

Lord Krishna says, “There is really nothing that exists outside of Me, that’s what you have to understand clearly.

My supreme kingdom, neither the sun, nor the moon, nor the electric force illuminate it. For whom reaches it, point of return in this world.

I am that Supreme Person, who was before creation, when there was nothing but Myself, and the cause of creation, the material nature, was not yet manifested. I am also the one who will survive after the annihilation.

Before the creation of this cosmic manifestation, Me alone exists with my own spiritual powers, to the exclusion of any gross, subtle or causal phenomenon. Consciousness was not yet manifested. After creation, Me alone lives in all things, and when the time of annihilation (the end of the world) comes, Me alone remains forever.

This universe is completely penetrated by me, in my unrevealed form. All beings are in me, but I am not in them. At the same time, nothing that is created is in me. See my supernatural power, I support all beings, I am everywhere present, and yet I remain the very source of all creation. Just as in ethereal space stands the mighty wind, blowing everywhere, so know it, in me stand all beings.

I know everything about what happened in the past and what will happen in the future. I know everything, but no one knows Me.”

You wish to know God as He really is, so I invite you to read the entire book “Getting To Know God”. You will know everything.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is the absolute power.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in his personal, primordial, original, infinite and absolute truth form, possesses in his divine essence all the source principles, thanks to which He is self-sufficient in Himself. It is the container and content of absolute existence, as well as the ingredients or elements that compose it. He is the source of absolute power, and power itself. It is the all-powerful form of transcendental existence, knowledge and bliss, in all their fullness. He is the source and reservoir of all blessings, all pleasures, and all exchange of love.

His name, form and qualities are of all eternity, spiritual. If in one way or another, through the grace of the Lord, one comes to know one’s transcendental position, then one enters into eternity.

He is the source and ultimate rest of all that is. All is accomplished by Him, all belongs to Him and all is offered to Him. He is the ultimate goal of existence, as well as the Supreme Acting One, whether He Himself is the perpetrator of the act or has it performed by other people. There are an unimaginable number of higher and lower causes, but God Himself is the cause of all causes. He is unborn, and has no other origin than Himself, for He is the primordial cause of all causes, the original source of the Whole, and the source principle of all that exists. Everything emanates from Him, since He is the absolute existence. He is Himself the primordial cause, and There is no cause in His various appearances.

Krishna is its own origin, and nothing and no one equals it. He is the One Absolute without second, and his various forms and plentiful emanations of his Person, also called Avatars, do not differ from Himself.

God needs nothing, for He is sufficient for Himself.

In truth, it is the loving attitude and affection of his devotee, his servant and his intimate, faithful, caring and affectionate servant that compels the Lord.

Lord Krishna feels indebted to his devotee for the sense of love he shows Him, not through the particular service offered to Him. In truth, no one can truly serve God in a complete way, He so perfect, who is self-sufficient in Himself, and who has no need to be served by any of his devotees. It is rather the loving attitude and affection of the devotee, the holy being, that compels Lord Krishna.

The Sovereign Lord has three varieties of internal energies: pleasure power, existential power, and cognitive power. All three exist in Him as one spiritual power.

Since the personal and blissful manifestation of Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is none other than His pleasure power, exists eternally in Him, the Lord obtains all His transcendental pleasure through the latter.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is All Love, and Absolute Goodness.

Yes, perfect and absolute spiritual love is a reality. It has nothing to do with that, concupiscent and corporeal, which is expressed on earth.

In truth, perfect love finds its source in God, who is its pure essence. God has placed Him in the hearts of all souls, so that they may express Him and their fellow men, to strengthen the bond that connects them, but above all to the Eternal Supreme, and dwell in perfect joy.

Perfect love is the emergence of the energy of bliss that emanates from the Supreme Lord of our heart, which is diffused and expressed, in order to offer an exchange of pure, sincere and unconditional affection. Love starts from the heart, crosses space-time, and arrives in the heart of God and that of others, with a single desire, to make happy. It has no relation with the material body which it totally ignores, but touches only the soul, hence its perfection.

Perfect love conveys feelings, emotions, affection, and has only one purpose, to make happy the Supreme Lord, Krishna, and through God, all living beings, celestial beings, inhabitants of the heavenly planets, paradisiacal, human beings, animals and plants.

God is the Personified Love, the center and source of love, and His infinite wisdom is incomparable to ours. As everything emanates from God, who loves the Lord also loves all his creatures.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 480 or the corresponding box in the table.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the Supreme Spiritual Master, the Perfect Counsellor and the Divine Witness.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 479 or the corresponding box in the table.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is vegetarian, like Him, let us adopt spiritual vegetarianism.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh”, and click on page 38

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 442 or the corresponding box in the table.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person reveals to us Himself His sublime opulence. The knowledge of the Absolute.

He is the Whole, the ingredient and the constituent element of the Whole. He then reveals to us what He Is.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Getting To Know God”, in the chapter “The sublime opulence of Lord Krishna” on the page 163

Also open the book “The words Of Krishna, Christ, God, The Supreme Being”, then click on the chapter “The Glories of the Absolute (of God)”, page 29

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person supports and protects us.

In truth, God protects from all perils, all those who submit to Him, who love Him, obey Him, do His divine will, renew the bond of love that unites with Him, bind their desires and their will to his, who abandon themselves totally to Him, serve him with love and devotion and love to please him.

Lord Krishna says, “Surrender yourself entirely to Me, and I will take you under my protection, I will protect you from all perils. I promise and I owe it to myself to always protect anyone who surrenders entirely to Me. Whoever surrenders to Me will never again experience the problems of birth and death. I grant faith and refuge to anyone who surrenders to Me and vows to serve me forever, for this is my nature”.

We are, in truth, tiny fragments, integral parts of the divine person, and it is to serve him that we were created.

That is why we must regain the natural and eternal position of servants of God, who were our servants at the beginning of all things with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

The evidence that God protects his devotees is endless, but here are three.

For example, when a hurricane devastates a vast space, ransacks crops, uproots trees, lifts vehicles, destroys everything in its path, among which houses, it sometimes happens that one or two of them remain intact, while everything was devastated around. God protected these two houses because they sheltered his devotees.

The second proof concerns a beginning of fire which was to take place in the dwelling of a devotee of God. The Lord stopped him, and made sure that he died immediately.

The technician who had come to carry out the repair work found that the cables were loose and therefore badly fixed, causing vibrations that led to the emergence of a short circuit. Three cables strapped to a switchboard case caused a short circuit which, by the heating thus produced, burned the top of the case, making a hole through which a start of fire left a blackish mark on the wall and the wallpaper. God protected his devotee that day.

The third piece of evidence concerns protection against diseases and other viruses. As soon as we do what has been said above, and apply the regulatory principles, namely: not to have sex outside marriage, not to eat meat, fish and egg, not to consume drugs and exciting products such as alcohol, coffee, tea and cigarettes, and not playing gambling, God will protect us from diseases and viruses.

I am not vaccinated and yet God protects me, as He protects all those who are faithful to Him.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, teaches monarchs and heads of state and government how to rule and govern.

When God comes among men and plays the role of a King, He teaches by example to other monarchs, and to heads of state and government, how they should rule, govern.

He is very, very kind to all living things. Even if a poor man can trample his head in violation of the rules and regulations, by his merciless mercy he forgets and shows indulgence. As the protector of the world, He is as tolerant as the earth itself.

When He does not rain and human beings are in great danger because of water scarcity, Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is able to rain. It is very easily able to protect citizens from drought.

Through his affectionate looks and beautiful face, always smiling and showing great affection for the citizens, the Supreme Lord improves the peaceful life of each of them.

The Supreme King is firmly determined and always situated in the truth. He is a lover of spiritual culture, does all the services to the elderly, and shelters all the submitted souls. Giving respect to all, He is always merciful to the poor and the innocent.

In the role of Supreme Monarch, Emperor of all the earth, Krishna, God, respects all women as if they were his own mother, and He treats his own wife as if she were the other half of his body. He is like a loving Father to his citizens, and considers himself the most obedient servant of the devotees, who always preach the glories of the Lord.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Monarch, considers all living incarnate entities as dear as his own Divine Person, and always increases the pleasures of his friends. He is intimately associated with liberated souls, and chastises all godless, irreligious, and atheistic people.

Krishna is God, the Sovereign Person, the One Absolute without second.

God has an infinite number of Names, but Krishna is the first of them and the most powerful of all, for the Lord has invested him with power. Krishna is the original Name of God, in his primordial spiritual form. This sublime spiritual name means “the infinitely fascinating”, “the one who fascinates infinitely”.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in his Personal, Primordial, Original, Infinite and Absolute form is the container and content of the Whole. He is the source of all the plentiful emanations of his person, also called Avatars.

Lord Krishna says, “There is really nothing that exists outside of me, that’s what you have to understand clearly.

My supreme kingdom, neither the sun, nor the moon, nor the electric force illuminate it. For whom reaches it, point of return in this world.

This whole universe is penetrated by me, in my unmanifested form. All beings are in me, but I am not in them. At the same time, nothing that is created is in me. See my supernatural power, I support all beings, I am everywhere present, and yet I remain the very source of all creation. Just as in ethereal space there is the mighty wind blowing everywhere, so know it, in me all beings are standing.”

Krishna is God, the Supreme Person. He is the pure essence of beauty, and absolute splendor personified.

The Lord is the original source of beauty in all its excellence, and the dispensing fountain of the latter’s fragrance. In truth, the beauty of the Sovereign Lord is all-encompassing and pervasive.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 440 or the corresponding box in the table.

Krishna, the supreme Name, sublime par excellence.

Meaning of the Name “Krishna”.

Etymology of the Name “Krishna”: The word “krish” represents the fascinating aspect of the existence of the Supreme Lord, and “na” means spiritual pleasure. When the verb “krish” is added to the affix “na”, one gets Krishna, which indicates the Absolute Truth.

If we analyze the semantic origin of the word “Krishna”, we discover that “na” means to put an end to the cycle of birth and death or reincarnation, and that “krish” means “existence”. Krishna is therefore the whole of existence. “Krish” also means “attraction” and “na” “bliss”.

The name “Krishna” means “the Infinitely Fascinating” “the One who fascinates infinitely”, and can only be applied to God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sovereign, Infinite, Absolute, Absolute Truth, and the One Absolute without second.

In truth, God has no name, but we give Him names that are directly related to His sublime qualities. If a man is very handsome, we say “attractive”, if he is very intelligent, we call him “wise”. Thus a name is given according to the quality of the person. God being Infinitely fascinating, the Name of Krishna can only be applied to Himself. Krishna means “Infinitely fascinating”, which includes All, for He is Unlimited and Absolute.

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Let not kill or make animals suffer, and do not eat their flesh, for they have soul.

Men are still unaware that divine laws prevail over human laws, and that they suffer the consequences of their acts according to the law of cause and effect and karma.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on logos 9 or on the corresponding box of the table.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh”, and click on the different chapters on pages 17, 19, 20, 21  and  22 which are devoted to it.

Let us find reason, and improve our discernment.

For thousands of years, God has recommended that we rediscover reason and improve our discernment, in order to see behind every object and matter that composes it, its true source, its true origin. We must all, from now on, see things and matters as they are, in their true relief, in their true complete form.

Let us understand, for example, that behind a piece of meat there was a living animal with a soul, a creature of God.

This salutary discernment must naturally lead us to consider that behind a rib of beef there was a live ox, behind a leg of lamb there was a live lamb, behind a ham there was a live pig, behind a fillet of sole, there was a living sole, and behind a slice of fish there was a bass, grouper, tuna, sea bream, pike, carp…, alive.

Let us no longer participate in the slaughter of terrestrial and aquatic animals, let us no longer be complicit in their murder, let us stop eating meat, fish and eggs. By killing them, we put an end to their spiritual evolution, and that, we have no right. All animals, like us, also have the right to live and progress spiritually. No one has the right to prevent the spiritual evolution of a being.

Let us free ourselves from the hold of matter in which we are imprisoned.

Men ignore the difference that exists between the soul (that each of us is really) and the material body in which it is locked and imprisoned. Nor do they know the real purpose of life, which is to return to our true home, which is in the spiritual world. But to achieve this, we must absolutely avoid sexual activity.

Indeed, of all the attachments to the material pleasures or pleasures of the senses, attachment to the sexual life is the strongest, for it binds those who indulge in it to the repetitive cycle of reincarnation, and the sufferings inherent in it.

Attachment to his wife, his children, his family is the greatest illusion, which leads the incarnate being to forget the bond that unites him to Krishna.

If we want to free ourselves from this material world, we must absolutely reduce this attachment to nothing, otherwise it will only continue to grow, and we will necessarily have to be reborn according to our karma, either as a celestial being, or as a human being, or as an animal. The various other forms of attachment, but especially that relating to sexual pleasures, always push us to increase these attachments more, and thus forces us to reincarnate, ignoring in which body or where.

True intelligence leads to spiritual understanding, true knowledge reduces attachments to nothing, not to increase them. Sex life is not essential, and true education is learning how to stop it. All my books contribute to it.

True happiness does not exist in this material world, but only in the spiritual world.

Now, our material condition in this world is like a disease, and if we desire to be healed and to taste the true sensory pleasure, we must first escape the constraints of material existence.

Spiritual life gives us access to endless pleasure. The difference between spiritual pleasure and material pleasure lies in its limited nature. Even if a man has the possibility of experiencing fleshly pleasure, his happiness will only be of short duration. But let him renounce sexual enjoyment, and he will have access to the spiritual life, which continues indefinitely.

In truth, spiritual happiness is ceaseless and eternal. Fools who know nothing of existential truth are captivated by the beauty of matter, and hold for real the pleasures it offers, unaware that they are fleeting, and that there is no true happiness.

To learn more about this topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on the logos 468 or on the corresponding box of the table.

Let us learn to know the original source of the All, but also all those at the origin of the perdition of man.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom”, and click on pages 2  and  7

Let us now stop dominating the material nature, if we no longer want to reincarnate perpetually.

The material nature is actually the external energy of Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, also called material energy. The material energy of the Lord is best known in its aspect of material nature. It acts under the supreme authority of God.

To read this full topic, open the book “The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior”, in the chapter “Where’s the justice when you validate the murder” on page 72

Let us regain the position we had with God at the beginning of all things.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 481 or the corresponding box in the table.

Let's adopt spiritual vegetarianism.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is vegetarian, and like him, let's embrace spiritual vegetarianism.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 442 or the corresponding box in the table.


Lying, lying writings and liars.

God hates lies, He does not like liars, because they lead men astray, plunge them into ignorance of data relating to God and to existential and absolute truth, and therefore lead them to perpetual perdition and suffering.

Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, said: “This is the lie that the prophets prophesy in my name. I did not send them, I did not give them orders, I did not speak to them. These are lying visions, vain predictions, deceptions of their hearts, which they prophesy to you. They lead you to nothingness. They speak the visions of their hearts, and not what comes from the mouth of the Lord.

He who commits deceit shall not dwell in my house, nor shall he who speaks lies abide in my presence.”

The truth about lies and lying writings.

We have entered the dark ages, the age of discord, hypocrisy, strife, indifference, decadence, lies and sin.

Many writings in the Bible underwent deletions, additions and modifications on the orders of the Emperor Justinian, including the teaching of Jesus, including an entire section relating to spiritual vegetarianism, the existence of the soul, to reincarnation and the effects on man of the law of cause and effect, has disappeared.

Let us be like the servant whose existence God revealed to the prophet Isaiah. Let us be like him “blind”, so as not to look at all the lying writings of which atheist materialists are the authors, and “deaf”, so as not to listen to their lying words. Let us not follow them on the path to perdition.

Absolute truth and true knowledge are contained in the teaching of the Sovereign Lord, Krishna, God, which I disseminate under his divine authority. Follow me on this path, and the veil of illusion and ignorance will dissipate once and for all.


In the book “Prophecies” which you can consult, I extracted these few lines: “People will prefer to choose false ideas, no one will be able to trust anyone. People will be envious.

When there is a predominance of cheating, lying, laziness, sleepiness, violence, depression, lamentation, misguidance, fear and poverty, we are in the Iron Age, the age where the mode of influence is ignorance.

Human beings will always speak harshly and display theft, deceit and unrestrained audacity.”

Love one’s neighbour.

In truth, the objective of men is to gradually increase their knowledge of God as he really is, to know their true spiritual identity and the bond that unites them to the Supreme Lord, to receive his saving teaching and to penetrate it, to discover existential and absolute truth, to attain spiritual realization, to attain spiritual perfection, and to go and find God in his sublime eternal, infinite and absolute kingdom.

To achieve this, they must learn to unconditionally love all human beings without exception, white, black, yellow, red, half-breed, and not inflict any suffering on any living being, human, terrestrial and aquatic animal, and to no plant, from the blade of grass to the large tree that shelters many beings, such as ants, caterpillars, butterflies, birds, various insects and mammals, etc.

God has given us the duty to protect all terrestrial and aquatic animals, to take care of each of them, and to see that no one harms them in any way.

It is all this, to love one’s neighbor.

Love, or the most beautiful outpouring of feelings, free of impurities.

What does love mean?

To love one’s prochain is good. To know how to love is much better, but to love in the purity of the heart is perfect. To take God as a model and an example is the perfection of existence.

To love is above all to love God to the point of experiencing the desire to offer him the fruit of all our acts, and to want to serve him with love and devotion, in order to please him, to make him happy.

To love is to pour out affectionate feelings, pure, without ulterior motives, unconditionally, for the sole purpose of making one happy.

To love is not only to bring our own love, but also to offer the same feelings, the same affection to all human beings without exception.

In truth who loves God, also naturally loves all human beings without exception, but also all terrestrial and aquatic animals, all plants in their diversities, and all minerals.

To love is to make no difference between all human beings, white, black, yellow, red, half-breed. It is all putting them on the same plane, at the same level, grant to each one the same thing, and see in each of them, his sister, his brother, his mother or his father.

To love is to privilege and favour no one, for it is to be impartial. It means giving everyone the place and the share they deserve, and that they deserve. It means not rejecting anyone.

To love is to bring all human beings without exception to be beings of love, so that they love one another with unconditional love. It is to put an end to wickedness in all its forms.

Love makes anger, revenge, hatred disappear, in short evil in all its forms, and brings out compassion and benevolence.

To love is to criticize and judge no one, whatever the reasons, and to see in each one a son a daughter of God, a beautiful incarnate soul resulting from the marginal energy of God.

To love is to reject no one, whatever he has done, nor to put him away because of his skin color, his physique, his faults or his knowledge.

To love is to forgive mistakes made and to give wise advice, in order to help the person to improve and change into good.

Loving God, obeying Him and serving Him with love and devotion is our only eternal duty.

It is because we are tiny fragments, infinitesimal parts of the Divine Person, integral parts of Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead in his Primordial, Original, Infinite and Absolute form, that we must:

To renew the bond that unites us to Him, to love Him, to obey Him with promptness and affection, to do His divine will with joy, to link all our desires and interests to His, to offer Him all the fruits of our actions, to act only for the sole purpose of fulfilling it, surrender ourselves totally to Him, and enjoy serving Him with love and devotion. Such is the perfection of existence.

To read this full topic and know how to love God, open the book “The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom”, click on the chapter “We must have the sole occupation to loving God”, of the table of contents, or on the page 85

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 469 or the corresponding box in the table.

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The magnanimous being is as humble as a blade of grass, as a straw lying on the side of the road, more tolerant than a tree which offers shelter, leaves, flowers, fruits, because he works for the good of all living beings without asking anything in return. He loves all living beings, humans, animals and plants with equal unconditional love.

Many people ask whether doing good and loving your neighbor is enough to enter the spiritual world?

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 106

Material creation is akin to the formation of a cloud in the vastness of the sky, and the spirit world represents the true sky.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 271 or the corresponding box in the table.

Medicine, or medical science.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead introduced medical science into the material universe.

The Supreme Lord, Krishna, in his personal form, Primordial, Original, Infinite and Absolute, has various plentiful emanations which, each of equal power, perform different tasks.

In his form of Dhanvantari for example, He very quickly heals by his only personified fame, the conditioned beings that the disease overwhelms without end. Thanks to Him, heavenly beings enjoy a long life. Thus the glories of the Divine Person never know an end. Only through Him was the science of medicine introduced into the material cosmos.

Verily, everything emanates from Krishna, the Supreme Lord, for He is the original source of all that exists. He is the Divine Being of supreme purity. We can therefore easily understand that the science of medicine also had to be created by God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in his manifestation of dhanvantari, a science that is inscribed in the pages of the Vedas, the original holy scriptures. A source of all knowledge, the Vedas also contain the medical knowledge necessary to overcome all diseases perfectly.

By the very constitution of his body, the incarnate spiritual being is in a pathological state. In fact, the body itself is a symbol of disease, and even though these diseases vary by species, they inevitably strike all living beings, just as birth and death do. By the mercy of Lord Krishna it is therefore possible to heal not only physical and mental illnesses, but also that which subjects the individual soul distinct from God to the cycle of successive death and rebirth, or repeated reincarnations. Therefore the Lord bears the name of Bhavausadhi, for from Him comes the healing of the sickness of material existence.


Subtle material element, often called “the sixth sense”, because it allows to analyze, accept or reject the impulses received from the five senses; taste, smell, sight, hearing and touch.

It is sometimes called the eleventh sense because its activity, which consists of thinking, feeling and wanting, crowns that of the ten sense organs, including the five perception organs: the ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose, and the five organs of action: mouth, arms, legs, genitals and anus.

We can and must master it through the chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord, “Haré Krishna”.

Morale (the).

Morality is the basic principle of all purification. We cannot purify ourselves unless we know what is moral and what is not, and of course know right from wrong.

Morality offers us the means to escape the clutches of greed, anger and concupiscence. We then gain access to virtue, from which we can reach the spiritual plane.

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No authority has the right to seize the legitimate goods of others, because everything will be taken away from him.

Blessed are those who reject materialism, who renounce the power, riches and material goods that in this world are ephemeral and who give all that they possess to God, for they lose nothing in truth.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on logos 34 or on the corresponding box of the table.

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Our actions cause consequences.

Our actions and our current activities are sure to determine what our next life will be.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 441 or the corresponding box in the table.

Our thoughts, words and actions cause effects and therefore consequences, good or bad.

It is the acts committed in the past or previous life of a being, which determine the conditions of his next birth or reincarnation. The suffering associated with guilty acts has a double origin: the acts themselves, but also those committed in previous lives.

To read this full topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on the page 156

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Parents have a duty to raise their children in the consciousness of God.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 336

Also open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 20

Particular signs and characteristics that God alone possesses.

The peculiar signs of Krishna, its plentiful emanations and Avatars.

Verily, all the Avatars that come down into this world are the plentiful emanations of Krishna, God, the Supreme Persons, or emanations of His plentiful emanations. But Krishna is God himself, in His Primordial, Original, Infinite, Absolute, most complete form. All emanate from Him.

In order to avoid anyone posing as a plenary emanation of Krishna, God, or an Avatar, let us know that the true plenary emanation, or Avatar, will be recognized by the particular and characteristic signs of his Divinity, which He bears upon his body, the palm of his hands and the soles of his feet.

Signs of the soles of the feet: A standard, a lightning, a stick of cornac, a fish, an umbrella, a lotus flower and a disc.

Palm signs: Lotus flowers and chariot wheels.

Seven parts of his body shine with a reddish glow: His eyes, the palm of his hands, the soles of his feet, his palate, his lips and nails.

Krishna also has a peacock feather that adorns his beautiful curly hair, and a tuft of white hair on his wide chest. A large flower necklace hangs from his neck. On the other hand, He alone can manifest His gigantic universal form of the material universe, consisting of the entire cosmic manifestation.

If God manifests this universal form, it is precisely to put the fools in their place, so that only the one who will be able to manifest this gigantic form, as Lord Krishna did, is considered Avatar.

The Avatar who has none of these signs, and who cannot manifest the universal form, is only a liar, an imposter.

What are the signs of an Avatar?

The Lord answers: “Just as we recognize the different Avatars in the light of the Vedic texts (of the Vedas, the original holy scriptures, also called ‘the true gospel’), we can know who is really the incarnation of God in this age of Kali (current age)”.

That is why we must rely on the original scriptures. The Avatar that is not mentioned in them is not one.


This is one of the attributes and modes of influence of the material nature, the other two being: virtue and ignorance. His influence leads to covetousness, great attachment to the things of this world, uncontrollable desires, ardent aspirations, and, despite intense and constant efforts to improve his material condition, perpetual dissatisfaction.

He is ruled by Brahma, the first created being, demiurge and regent of our galaxy.

Penance and repentance.

Repenting, doing penance, respecting, applying, following to the letter all your advice, all your instructions, the commandments of the divine, and resolving never to do it again is very beneficial as long as you don't start again.

Deception, hypocrisy and revenge are not tolerated by higher authorities, celestial beings or helpers of God.

If one knows what sin is, one must absolutely stop indulging in it in all sincerity, regret it, and rely on Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, through his representative and intimate servant, the spiritual master, who is among men, his devotee. In this way we can free ourselves from sinful reactions and progress in the service of love and devotion offered to God. On the other hand, if we continue to sin after having repented and done penance, there is no chance of salvation for us.

Let us make the sincere resolution to no longer do harm to anyone, neither to celestial beings, inhabitants of the Edenic or paradise planets, nor to human beings whatever they may be, nor to terrestrial and aquatic animals, nor to plants, from the blade of grass to the large tree that shelters many living beings, knowing that in each of them resides an immortal soul.

Truly, true repentance consists of surrendering oneself to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, resolving to love Him, to obey Him, to do His will with promptness, to take care to always please Him, and to serve him with love and devotion. This is the perfection of existence.


Pesticides and plant protection products are dangerous for humans, animals, plants and the earth itself, and must be banned.

When God created the material universe with its innumerable galaxies and their procession of stars and planets, He created human beings, terrestrial and aquatic animals as well as all plants, at the same time, simultaneously, that He then placed on earth for example.

God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, asked men to love one another with unconditional love, but also to love with equal love all terrestrial and aquatic animals, as well as all plants, from the sprig of grass with large trees that shelter many beings. He further asked men to support, take care of, protect and watch over animals and plants, so that no harm comes to them.

For some time now, we have been witnessing the decline of human reason. Certain men with limited intellect manufacture pesticides, sell them while making people believe in the benefits they generate, and the buyers, unaware of the toxicity of these dangerous products, use them with disregard for the health of living beings, humans, animals and plants which, after inhaling them, die.

Pesticides are very dangerous products because they penetrate and destroy everything. The soil is thus impacted and loses yield, all the beings that live in it die, all the pollinating insects including bees, dragonflies, butterflies, birds, mammals and many micro-organisms which participate in the development of nature is dying and seeing its decline. Pesticides kill microorganisms, insects and many plants that serve as food for a large number of beings, thus interrupting the cycle of life. However, no one has the right to prevent a soul incarnated in an animal or plant body from continuing its spiritual evolution.

Pesticides poison and make people sick. Not taking into account everything that has just been said is irresponsible and criminal. All those who use these dangerous products and all those who authorize them will be held accountable to divine justice. We can escape the justice of men, but that of God is simply impossible.

The areas where pesticides are dumped will suffer the wrath of the elements of material nature as a sanction, in order to force farmers who use them regardless of the consequences, to put an end to it definitively.

All those who use these dangerous products will be accountable to divine justice, their next life will be sinister and very painful. They will have chronic, disabling, degenerative and incurable diseases. As they have killed many living beings such as earthworms, pollinating insects, ants, butterflies, various mammals, etc., they will be reincarnated within the species killed, and in proportion to the number of beings killed, they will in turn be killed in several of their future lives.

We must immediately ban all pesticides, and severely punish all criminals who manufacture, sell and use them.

Pesticides (continued)

All living beings; Human beings, terrestrial and aquatic animals and plants interact with each other and with each other. They act for themselves, of course, but also at the same time for all the living beings they come into contact with. For each of them there is an interconnection with all other living beings. They act towards each other in a reciprocal manner, and beneficence is its basis.

Every member of every community of human society, as well as in the animal and plant kingdom, every human being, white, black, yellow, red, mixed race, cow, dog, goat, insect, butterfly, blade of grass, shrub, tree, etc., has a role to play, and acts for the good of all others. Everyone works in harmony with everyone else, for the benefit of society as a whole, which includes not only mobile but also immobile beings, such as mountains, hills, rivers, forests and the earth itself. even.

Pesticides hinder the interconnection that exists between all living beings, break the bond that unites them, destroy certain animal and plant species, which eventually disappear, sicken human beings, kill animals and plants, and impoverish the earth which sees its performance decrease drastically.

Each being has its importance, some however are primarily responsible for the progress of human society, and others too but in a more indirect way. When Krishna consciousness or God consciousness reigns, everyone finds what will be the highest benefit for him. All living beings, humans, animals and plants, are linked together and in solidarity with each other. But in the final analysis, Lord Krishna is the summum bonum, and therefore the supreme vital principle of all things.

This is why we must definitively ban pesticides, phytosanitary products, and all chemical substances dangerous to humans, animals, plants, the soil and the environment.

Philosophical thought and words of wisdom of a wise scholar.

“Do not take my silence for ignorance, my calm for acceptance, and my kindness for weakness”.

Contrary to what many human beings believe, to remain silent in the face of those who show complacency, sharp criticism, verbal abuse when one does not want to hurt or vex anyone, to remain calm in the face of wickedness when one does not want to approve the false words that arouse evil, to show kindness, kindness, benevolence while one does not want to imitate the wicked, for this is our deep nature, it is to show to the world that we possess an uncommon inner strength, which evil-doers do not have, which preserves us from evil and enables us to walk in dignity, love, transcendental light and fidelity to God.

Promised Land (the).

the true promised land.

The kingdom of God is the true promised land, the only one, there is no other. Let us not listen to liars, and let us not do what they say, for they mislead us.

God asks us not to listen to liars, nor to all those who modify His word and His teaching, who knowingly add lies, untruths, for the sole purpose of leading us to perdition and perpetual suffering. They will not go into the spiritual world and want to prevent you from going there. Let us turn away from them, let us not listen to them, and let us not look at everything they show us.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 401 or the corresponding box in the table.


The prostate, which particularly affects men, at the origin “concupiscence”, and the trigger is none other than the mind, which is actually a sixth sense.

The mind has the function of thinking, feeling and wanting. The mind is unstable, that is why we must absolutely control it, if we do not want the evil data that animates it to disturb us, and to push us to act badly. It is these voices that some hear, for example, that sometimes lead to the irreparable.

For those who have mastered it, the mind is the best friend. But for those who have failed to control it, it remains the worst enemy.

In reality, God created the male and female sex only for two things: to evacuate the urine, and to procreate. In reality, procreation allows a soul to incarnate, so that it can continue its spiritual evolution. Sex does not have the function of sexual play, and procreation should be practiced only in the context of the marital relationship. The husband and his wife should use it only in this context, and never for anything else. On the other hand, it is the sexual pleasures that cause the reincarnation of the incarnate being, and that anchor man in perpetual suffering.

It is the thoughtless use of sex, outside marriage, in the manifestation of sexual pleasure for example, that triggers the disturbances of the genital system from the impulses generated by the mind, which are at the origin of prostate disease.

In truth, the incarnate soul who wants to pursue its spiritual evolution must absolutely listen to God and faithfully put into practice its teaching. Therefore, whatever body she resides in, she must live in total abstinence, and end up behaving as a spiritual entity, and not by identifying with her body. As soon as it resides in a male body, it must reject all concupiscent thoughts, any sexual act, all pleasures of the senses, so it will not be bothered by any bodily disturbance, much less from the mind or the genital tract.

To prevent the emergence of prostate disease, we must absolutely reject all concupiscent thoughts, not have sex and opt for total abstinence, because it is spirituality that must be favored as well as spiritual evolution, rather than the materialist who leads to perdition and death. Finally, let us understand that each of us is really a spiritual entity and not the body of matter in which we reside, the time of a single life.

How to master and control our mind?

To perfectly control our mind and control it constantly, the Lord has given us the singing of his holy names, whose sound is spiritual. This hymn in Sanskrit is as follows:

Haré Krishna, haré Krishna, Krishna Krishna, haré haré/ Haré Rama, haré Rama, Rama Rama, haré haré.

This song in Sanskrit means: O Lord, O energy of the Lord, O Source of all happiness, please make me your beloved servant, allow me to serve you. Krishna and Rama are the Names of God, and Haré is none other than his inner energy, his blissful energy.

The names of God composing this song “Haré Krishna” are specially intended to counteract the terrible consequences of the present age, the age of discord, hypocrisy, quarrels, indifference, decadence and sin. We cannot find a method of spiritual realization for this age as sublime as this song in Sanskrit. It is enough to recite or sing it without offending God or his holy servants, so that the filth of the present age disappears in us, thus allowing us to find our original spiritual body, and to return to God, in our true home.

The intelligent man detaches himself from the things of this material world. He is totally disinterested in all the pleasures of the senses, and especially of lust, sexual pleasures, and renounces materialism. He definitely opts for spirituality, evolves only in the spiritual sphere, and now lives as a hermit. From then on he is in total union with God.

Let us meditate on these words of God: “It is the thoughts, the memories of the being at the moment of leaving the body that determine its future condition”.

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Regulating principles.

These are the rules that every man who wishes to progress towards spiritual perfection must observe rigorously, if he wants to live in purity and without sins.

There are various orders related to different aspects of the spiritual life, but the four main ones to which every virtuous man naturally bends, what can we say about those who aspire to attain spiritual realization:

Not to have any illicit sexual activity, simply seeking pleasure or outside marriage. Even in the context of marriage, the sexual act should be practiced only for the sole purpose of having a child.

Do not eat meat, fish and egg.

Do not consume any exciting or intoxicating substances, drugs, alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco.

Do not play games of chance, nor those who offer to win money.

Reincarnation (warning).

The ignorance of reincarnation is dangerous.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 19


Reincarnation is a reality. Here is the evidence, it is all around us. Some bodies bear the signs of it.

The Lord says: “It is the thoughts, the memories of the being at the moment of leaving the body that determine its future condition”.

In reality, it is in fact the mental condition of the spiritual entity at the moment of death that determines what its future existence will be. Indeed, the condition of the mind at the time of death serves as the foundation for the next existence. Mental existence actually takes a tangible form as soon as an opportunity arises, because of some material defilement or the development of material elements from ethereal forms.

So let us obey God, let us live according to his teaching, so that we will be sure to walk on the right path and lead ourselves in the right direction.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 20.

Renew the bond: Human beings must renew the bond that unites them to the Supreme Eternal and re-establish their relationship with God.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 91 or the corresponding box in the table.


The true resurrection.

The resurrection of the dead corresponds, in truth, to the resurrection of the subtle body, it is the rebirth of the spiritual being to the true life. It applies to the transformation of the mortal into an immortal being, a material being into a spiritual being, a human being into a divine being. The spiritual body remains even after the destruction of the material body. We all have a spiritual body, which emerges or rises for all who walk with God. The resurrection of the dead corresponds, in truth, to the reappearance of the glorious, incorruptible and spiritual body, which we had from the beginning, and which we lost by entering this material world, but above all by incarnating ourselves in a material body.

There is no resurrection of material bodies, it is a lie.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 275  and  400 or the corresponding box in the table.

Rules of wisdom.

The rules of wisdom aim to help men understand that they are all united, in solidarity with each other, interdependent, and that their individual works are in reality common, because they also benefit others.

Human beings learn from their differences, because they all have a wealth that they make available to all others, so that they grow in intelligence and wisdom.

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Signs announcing the appearance of God.

When Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears in this world in its original form, He does so by the inconceivable power of His internal energy, His own power. It is also by the power of his internal energy that the Lord disappears from this world, in order to return to his kingdom.

When Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appears in this world, divine characteristic signs, heralds of his coming, occur. His advent and acts are all absolute, and those who truly understand their nature immediately gain entry into the spiritual kingdom. The appearance of Lord Krishna depends on his only pleasure.

At the approach of this happy moment, the constellations are ordered in a particularly favorable way. The predominant influence is that of the star Rohini, which is eminently favorable. Just before the appearance of Krishna, the wise, the devotees, hear resound in heaven the deep spiritual vibrations that announce the coming of God, the Sovereign Person. Their minds are again filled with joy, and at the moment of the appearance of Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the stars and planets spontaneously place themselves in the right order for everything to be bathed in happy omens. The proper arrangement of the stars, and the different favorable positions occupied by the planetary systems, determine the “hour” of favorable character.

At that time, in all directions, east and west, as in the south and north, everywhere, an atmosphere of peace and prosperity reigns. In the sky we see favorable stars, and on earth, in all the towns and villages, in the pastures and in the minds of each of the living beings, there are signs of good fortune. Rivers flow, and lakes are adorned with beautiful lotus flowers. Forests abound with birds and wonderful peacocks. All these wood singers begin to modulate their sweetest ramages. The peacocks with their companions open the dance. A pleasant breeze spreads the fragrance of various flowers, and everything, in contact with the body, provides a pleasant sensation.

The inhabitants of the planets Gandharvas and Kinnaras begin to sing, and the beings of the planet Siddhaloka as well as the Caranas, the celestial beings inhabit the heavenly planets, possessor of the yoga of the powers; become smaller than the smallest, greater than the greatest, walking on water, etc., in their own planets, begin to offer their prayers to God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And on the heavenly heavenly planets, the angels and their companions, joined by the Apsaras, the heavenly dancers, begin to dance in honor of the Supreme Lord, Krishna.

Filled, the great sages and celestial beings throw rain of flowers towards the Lord. On the beaches, we hear the lapping of the gentle waves, and in the sky, above the waters, thunder resounds pleasantly in the middle of the clouds.

When all things thus harmonize, Lord Visnu or Krishna, who resides in the heart of all living beings in his form of the Supreme Soul also called the Holy Spirit, appears in his form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, sublime in beauty. Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead has a totally and uniquely spiritual body, the form of which is that of a true athlete. He has beautiful lotus-like eyes, smiling and animated. His wide forehead embellishes the wonderful shape of his pretty face, surrounded by very pretty curly black hair. Her gleaming ears dangle.

The sublime personal, primordial, original, infinite and absolute bodily form of God is of unspeakable beauty. Entirely and purely spiritual, it is all of absolute knowledge, the most perfect bliss, infinite truth and eternity. Always happy, calm and smiling, the Lord shines with Bliss. A sweet fragrance emanates from his pretty body, spreading everywhere, for the pleasure of all his devotees.

Slaves and slavers.

Slaves are all those who do not love God, who do not respect Him, who do not obey Him, nor do His divine will.

Slavery takes many forms.

The first form, being dominated by our senses.

Is a slave of his senses, the one who is not able to dominate them, and who thus undergoes them. All those who are conditioned by matter, by the fact that they identify with their body, are slaves to their senses, and the pleasures that the latter engender. To be slave of the senses is to be unable to restrain the impulses of the body.

The second form, being dominated by our mind.

The mind has three functions: think, feel and want.

By nature, the mind is unstable. Without end, it wanders from one thought to another.

When we follow a philosophy, a behavior, an event, all the thoughts that emanate from it are part of our mind, and if they are harmful, they will create forms-negative thoughts, which can translate into voices we hear in our mind. If at this stage we are under the influence of the mind, the latter will put in our minds thoughts that are iniquitous, destructive, ordering us for example to take revenge, and to kill. It is these voices that are sometimes heard by those who act. We must bring our mind back under our control. We must dominate it, not the other way around.

God then tells us Himself: “Put Me in your mind”.

For this it is enough to recite or sing the hymn of the Holy Name of God “haré Krishna”, to surrender to Him, and to serve Him with love and devotion.

The third form, being dominated by matter, the material body.

Each of us is actually an immortal spiritual soul, and our true body is therefore spiritual. To have opposed God, to have challenged His authority and to have envied Him, we were expelled from the spiritual world, and sent into the material universe. For this we had to put on a body of dense matter, of which we became slaves. As long as we do not become servants of God again, we will remain slaves of matter, and according to the strict laws of material energy, we must put on, one after the other, many bodies of matter that respond, each time, to our new desires. Our material bodies come from the material nature, and we are subject to the law of karma, action-reaction law, or law of cause and effect.

Until we accept to become the servants of God again, to assume this role, we will remain slaves of matter.

The fourth form, being dominated by a human master, who considers us to belong to a lower class, without a soul.

The slave, in this case, is the one who has lost all his total freedom of action, movement and thought, who knows himself to be the total property of a master, and to whom he owes total obedience. The master having the right of life and death over him.

People are generally unaware that the vile slaveholders English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Americans, Arabs and Asians, who have infamous exploited men, women, children and old men, by the law of karma, infallible divine justice, all became slaves in turn in their next lives, in order to suffer the suffering they had inflicted on their slaves in their past existence. We can escape the righteousness of men, that of God it is impossible.

If we want to get out of these various forms of slavery, it is imperative that we surrender totally to God, and put ourselves at His service only by regaining the natural position of eternal servants, which we had at the beginning of all things with Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and serve him with love and devotion.

Spiritual education, the art of living according to God’s teaching.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom”, and click on page 25

Spiritual elevation.

In the material universe, the attachment to his wife or son, forces the incarnate being to remain a prisoner of matter, of material existence, of his body of dense matter. But if the same attachment is carried over to Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then we benefit from elevation to the spiritual world, where we can dwell eternally with the Lord.

To get to know Krishna, God, as he really is, to want to discover his advent, his activities, his entertainments, his glories and excellencies, allows to reach spiritual realization and therefore to be aware of the Lord. Meditating constantly on his Divine Person allows us to detach ourselves from all that relates to the material world, to renounce all interest in material pleasures, to reject objects that arouse the pleasure of the senses, and of course to reject materialism, to feel a strong attachment to Krishna. Unless one is able to transfer one’s attachment to God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is impossible to separate one’s ties with matter or even material existence.

The simple fact of knowing that we are not the material body, but a spiritual soul, hardly purifies our being, our intelligence and does not break the link to the material attachment. Purification and spiritual elevation are achieved through Krishna consciousness, attachment to His Divine Person, total surrender to Him, and the service of love and devotion that we continually offer Him.

The holy beings, devotees of Krishna, take the devotional path of listening and glorifying the activities and entertainment of the Supreme Lord, thanks to which they can always remember its fascinating eternal primordial form. By thus serving the Lord, by becoming His friend or servant, and by offering Him all that they possess, they qualify to enter the kingdom of God. By practicing devotional service in its purity, which is actually the manifestation of the love one has for Krishna, one can know it in all its truth, and thus obtain to be able to live in contact with it on either of the spiritual planets. This is the most beautiful way of spiritual elevation.

Spiritual evolution.

The purpose of life is to turn to spiritual progress, to attain spiritual elevation, to attain God consciousness, and to direct ourselves to Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, with the ultimate goal of going to find him in his eternal kingdom, and not to seek material progress.

God, Krishna, is the Absolute All, the container, content and active essence of the All. As soon as we move away or turn away from Him, our enlightenment darkens, our intelligence diminishes, and the darkness of the material energy that resembles Satan envelops us. To use an image, God is like a fire, and as soon as the sparks go away, they go out. This is so for souls who reject Lord Krishna.

Without Krishna consciousness or God consciousness, souls conditioned by material energy perpetuate their existence here below.

In truth, the individual soul distinct from God that each of us really is, such is our true spiritual identity, evolves from a lower body to a higher form. That is spiritual evolution. Once the human form is reached, the soul can now receive the teachings of Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and if that is its desire, to surrender completely to the Lord, in order to return to Him. Such is the perfection of existence.

Otherwise it will remain in this world of matter to undergo the repeated tribulations of birth, disease, old age and death. She will then assume a new bodily form, not necessarily human, and will then have to suffer according to her karma.

By re-establishing our relationship with Krishna, God, we regain our power of enlightenment, our spiritual power, and can then live eternally with Him in absolute peace and bliss.

Spiritual souls.

We are all individual spiritual souls distinct from God, distinct from one another, and distinct from the bodies of matter in which we have incarnated.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 4, 21, 22, 163, 395, 426  and  477 or the corresponding box in the table.

Also open the book “The words Of Krishna, Christ, God, The Supreme Being” and click on the chapter “Prelude to divine knowledge, the revealed soul”.

In truth, the soul is fixed, it does not move.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click onpage 236

Spiritual Souls (continued)

Yes, animals and plants also have a soul.

All spiritual souls incarnate in this world of dense matter are at the origin of tiny fragments, integral parts of God. It is for having rebelled against God, for having challenged his authority, that they were expelled from the spiritual world and locked up in material bodies. It is according to their spiritual advancement and their karma that a specific body, that of the celestial being, the human being, the crawling, flying animal, mammal, aquatic, etc., and the vegetable, is attributed to them. In the material universe where we evolve, it is important to understand that it is the thoughts, the memories of the being at the moment of leaving the body that determine its future condition. It is in fact the mental condition of the spiritual entity at the moment of death that determines what its future existence will be. Those who are influenced by passion will be reincarnated into a human body, and all those who reject data relating to God, to their true spiritual identity, to true spiritual knowledge and to absolute existential truth, and who are therefore immersed in ignorance of reality, will reincarnate in the animal or even vegetal kingdom.

Let us bear in mind that all terrestrial and aquatic animals, as well as all plants, from the blade of grass to the great tree that shelters many living beings; caterpillars, ants, bees, butterflies, various insects, mammals, etc., also have a soul. On the spiritual level, they are all on the same level as man, because the souls who reside in these different material bodies all belong to the marginal energy of God, since they are its components. They are all identical and equal.

That is why God asks us to stop slaughtering animals, even tiny insects, to stop destroying plants, from grass to tall trees, and to stop eating meat, fish and eggs. Lord Krishna forbids us to take the life of all living beings, human, animal, plant and not to destroy the body of one of them, because it is to undermine the integrity of the individual spiritual soul that lives there as well as that of the Supreme Soul, God, who dwells beside him.

We must in no way hinder the spiritual evolution of a soul, it is also for this reason that God asks us not to abort. We must, for all these reasons, initiate our family members as well as our friends and acquaintances in the importance of this pure way, which allows to live without sin.

Spiritual world (the).

The spiritual world is the real home of the incarnated spiritual beings that we all are.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 10 or the corresponding box in the table.

Suffering is useful and necessary.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 472 or the corresponding box in the table.


We must fight against suicide.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on pages 24, 25  and  26.

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The American dream.

In truth, “the American dream” is a lure, a brake on the development of spirituality and spiritual realization.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 454 or the corresponding box in the table.

The best charity activity.

The greatest benefit that can be brought and offered to humanity is to revive in it the lost consciousness, Krishna consciousness or God consciousness, and the ultimate benefit is the love of God.

Spreading the consciousness of God is the best charitable activity, for it brings peace and prosperity among human beings.

The celestial beings.

The celestial beings are all virtuous beings, servants of God, and emanations of His power.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 467 or the corresponding box in the table.

The consumption of animal flesh causes diseases (teeth break, arteries become blocked, certain cancers appear, etc.), defiles man and plunges him into sin.

It is for these reasons, like many others, that God asks us not to eat meat, fish and eggs.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh”, and click on page 21.

Also open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 79.

The eight characteristics of a liberated person.

In truth, liberation is to regain our original position, that of serving the Lord with love and devotion. It is to detach from all material attraction in order to become absorbed in the loving and devotee service offered to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, this is called immutability. Liberation is also breaking the chains that hold us prisoners of matter and this material world, in order to return to the eternal kingdom of God. The service of the Lord is that level of perfection that we call “the highest liberation”.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Words of God”, and click on page 101

The eternal religion.

The institution promoting the natural organization of society established in social classes and spiritual divisions is a creation of Krishna, God, the Supreme Persona.

When a society is no longer structured, when the organization of social classes is no longer assured, the destruction of the family unit leads to collapse of eternal traditions erected by God, aimed at the material well-being but also spiritual of its inhabitants. Human beings therefore sink into irreligion.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom”, and click on page 41

The glories of the eternal spirit soul.

Who is the spiritual being, also called spiritual entity or spiritual soul?

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 477 or the corresponding box in the table.

The Lord said, “Surrender to Me, I will take you under My protection and you will come to Me.

Leave all other forms of religion behind, and simply surrender to Me. I will free you from all the consequences of your sins, have no fear.

Surrender yourself entirely to Me. By My grace you will know absolute peace, and you will reach My eternal and supreme abode”.

The Lord teaches us how to act and why?

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom”, and click on page 75

The major keys to the Absolute.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the major, primordial key of existence, the sublime essence and the original active force of life.

To read this full topic, open the book “Getting To Know God”, and click on the page 5

The material galaxy is, in truth, like an ovoid sphere, a complete universe in itself but much smaller than the cosmos. It is a dynamic set of stars and planets.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 418 or on the corresponding box in the table.

The material universe in which the human beings evolves is the world of oblivion, of which death is synonym:

Forgetting all the data relating to Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, existential truth, and the reality of the spiritual world.

Of forgetting the bond that unites us to God.

Of forgetting the loving relationship we had with God.

Of forgetting our true identity, that of spiritual entity or spiritual soul.

Forgetting our past, our place of origin.

Of forgetting the natural, original and eternal duty that we must offer to God.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 459 or the corresponding box in the table.

The most secret, confidential teaching of God.

The secret to regaining smile, peace of mind, inner calm, love of heart and radiating happiness to a name: Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, our beloved Sovereign Lord. Krishna is the original source of love, bliss, eternal supreme happiness. The essence of his word is love.

Whoever recognizes Krishna as God, the Absolute Supreme Person, and says to Krishna, “You are that same Spiritual Supreme Being, God, the Absolute Supreme Person,” immediately severs the bonds that hold Krishna bound and imprisoned in matter, and sees His return to God assured. In other words, he or she who devotes himself or herself to the Lord with ardent devotion, attains the perfection of existence.

We must, through faith and spiritual knowledge, revive in our heart Krishna consciousness also called God consciousness, so we will attain perfection. Only action in Krishna consciousness can end the material existence, and thus allow us to return to the kingdom of God, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity.

The whole secret of God consciousness is to realize that nothing exists outside of Krishna. Who understands this truth, frees himself from all fear and then knows supreme peace. It is in the consciousness of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, that knowledge and peace reach their climax. Surrender to Krishna through God-conscious service of love and devotion is the most “secret” and “confidential” teaching.

To have access to them, let us open the books that contain them, namely, “The words Of Krishna, Christ, God, The Supreme Being”, and “The Words of God”.

The most secret of knowledge.

The branches of faith, the perfection of the act, and the most secret of knowledge.

The gunas or modes of influence of material nature: virtue, passion, ignorance, condition the incarnate being.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 476 or the corresponding box in the table.

The Names of God.

God, the Supreme Person, has an infinite number of Names, here are some of them.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 407 or the corresponding box in the table.

The path of renunciation and detachment.

But what is renunciation?

The Lord Himself answers: “Man can taste the fruits of renunciation by simple self-control, detachment from the things of this world and disinterest in material pleasures. Therein lies in fact the highest perfection of renunciation.”

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 77

The perfect and pure transcendental path, or the ideal path to eternal life.

The essence of this sublime path is love for God.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 480 or the corresponding box in the table.

The practice of purity.

Austerity, or the practice of purity, enables one to attain the highest perfection.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 474 or the corresponding box in the table.

The promised land.

The true promised land.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 401 or the corresponding box in the table.

The real promised land.

The kingdom of God is the true promised land, the only one.

In truth, the promised land to which God has alluded is his absolute kingdom, and nowhere else.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 401 or the corresponding box in the table.

The real, unique and ultimate goal of existence.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 132

The secret to entering the kingdom of God.

Who passes these four preliminary stages to the realization of the consciousness of God; cultivate a pure moral discipline, become non-violent, recognize the supremacy of God and preserve life by not taking it away from human beings, nor from terrestrial and aquatic animals, neither to plants, reaches the state of awakening and approaches God.

It is impossible for anyone to shed the blood of human beings, terrestrial and aquatic animals and destroy plants, to enter the kingdom of God. It is impossible for anyone who eats meat, fish and eggs to approach God.

The soul is not the author of its actions.

The Lord reveals to us that in reality, under the influence of the three gunas, the soul misled by the false ego believes that it is the author of its acts, whereas in reality they are performed by nature.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 478 or the corresponding box in the table.

The spiritual soul, on its own, enlightens the entire material body with consciousness. Consciousness is the concrete evidence of the presence of the spiritual soul in the body.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 426 or the corresponding box in the table.

The spiritual world.

The spiritual world is all of knowledge, bliss and eternity. In the kingdom of God, every word is a song, and every step is a dance.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom”, and click on page 81

Also open the book “The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior” and click on page 57

To know everything about the spiritual world, open the book “The Spiritual World”.

The surrender of oneself to God, the Supreme Person, is the only cause of the liberation of this world.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom”, and click on page 73

The ten characteristics of a released person.

The ten characteristic features of a person already liberated, of a soul that is still in its fleshly envelope.

It does not commit any sinful activity. Indeed, as long as one undergoes the influence of maya, the energy of illusion that resembles Satan, within the material energy, one is forced to commit guilty activities. Men thus lead a life of sin.

On the other hand, the soul liberated in its present life is not guilty of any fault. That is why:

She doesn’t have illicit sex outside of marriage.

She doesn’t eat meat, fish and eggs.

It does not use exciting products, nor toxic substances; drugs, alcohol, coffee, tea, cigarette.

She doesn’t play games of chance, gambling.

She is not affected by the suffering of old age.

She is preparing to no longer put on material bodies, all destined to perish.

It no longer falls into the cycle of repeated birth and death.

She renews the bond that unites with God, loves him, obeys him, does his divine will with promptness, links his desires and interests to his own.

She offers him all the fruits of his actions, his days and his life.

She surrenders totally to Him and serves Him with love and devotion.

The true promised land, the only one.

(See: Promised Land (the): the true promised land.

The true religion.

True religion is that which reveals God, the Eternal Supreme in his true primordial, original, infinite and absolute aspect, as He really is, which calls to love him, to obey him, to surrender to him, to respect his regulatory principles, his laws, his directives, his counsel, his commandments, to receive his sublime teaching, and to serve him with love and devotion.

True religion teaches that God is the Sovereign Monarch of the infinite and absolute spiritual world as well as the entire material cosmos, and the Supreme Lord of all beings who live there.

True religion reveals to the human being his true spiritual identity, letting him know that he is in reality an immortal soul, incarnated in a body of matter that serves as his garment. Depending on their karma, the soul also reincarnates in an animal or plant body. Yes, animals and plants also have a soul. That is why God asks us not to harm them, not to kill them, to take care of each of them, and to protect them.

True religion does not appropriate the Eternal Supreme, for that is the lie. It reveals that God is not the God of one community, one people, one nation only, another lie, but the God of all living beings, all human beings without exception, all terrestrial and aquatic animals, and all plants, from the blade of grass to the big tree that shelters many beings, such as birds, insects, mammals, etc.

For God, the Eternal Supreme, the whole earth is an immense country, and all human beings without exception are one people, of which He is the Sovereign Monarch. That is the truth.

The true Trinity, the three aspects or supreme realizations of God.

Krishna, the Absolute Lord in his original form, is the summum bonum. In his Personal, Real, Primordial, Original, Infinite and Absolute form, He is all of knowledge, bliss and eternity. He is the original source of all the plentiful emanations of his Person, the emanations of his plentiful emanations, and the Avatars. Everything emanates from Him.

It manifests itself in three aspects: the Supreme Impersonal Spiritual Being (the only aspect of God known to believers on earth), the Supreme Soul also called the Holy Spirit, and the Supreme Person in its personal, primordial, original, infinite and absolute form.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Getting To Know God”, and click on the chapter of the table of contents “The true Trinity, the three Supreme aspects or achievements of God”, or on the page 92

The two kinds of diseases that affect humans.

The human being is, in truth, subject to two kinds of diseases. The first is of a material nature, and the second, the main one, is of a spiritual nature.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 475 or the corresponding box in the table.

The ultimate goal of existence.

God is the ultimate and unique goal of existence. To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 422  and  443 or the corresponding box in the table.

Also open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, chapter “The true purpose of human life and its raison d’être. The true journey of life” and click on the page 607

The ultimate perfection.

The ultimate perfection is love for God.

How can we love God and have pure love for Him?

True transcendental love, as practiced in the spiritual world.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 469 or the corresponding box in the table.

The visible proofs of the existence of God.

Also open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 6

The whole earth is one nation, and all human beings one people.

In truth, God willed, from creation, that the whole earth be one and the same nation, without internal borders, and that all human beings without exception, be one people. That was the case 5,000 years ago. Peace and harmony prevailed throughout the world.

When the nation is governed by spiritual principles, the consciousness of God then naturally spreads everywhere, for the good of all living beings, humans, animals and plants. Peace and harmony then reign throughout the empire. Such is the perfection of existence.

The world is at war because human beings have distanced themselves from God and have completely forgotten him.

They removed God from their minds and hearts. The people who move away from God degrade and plunge into the darkness of ignorance of the data relating to God and existential truth, and are therefore animated by hatred, aggressiveness, violence and revenge.

The most beautiful act of charity is that which consists in offering the knowledge of God as He really is, the consciousness and the love of God to all human beings without exception, so that they put the Lord in their hearts, may they receive the true gospel and become beings of love.

Love for God is the major factor from which comes the love of neighbor. By loving God more than anything, we also naturally love our neighbor and through him, all human beings without exception, all animals and plants.

To help others to love God is to love others, and to be helped by others to love God is to be truly loved. These are the foundations of love. Then, under the authority of the Lord, peace and harmony will reign again on earth.

There are two places where, if we enter, we no longer come out.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 366 or the corresponding box in the table.

These two philosophies lead men to perdition.

Atheist philosophy causes considerable harm to humanity, making men believe that God does not exist and that they can at leisure plunge into the pleasure of the senses and materialism. They know nothing of the law of cause and effect and the consequences thereof, of which reincarnation is the visible sign.

In the same line, the philosophy of impersonalism or nihilism, which is widespread on earth, does so much damage, because it wrongly claims, that God is an Impersonal Being, formless, only pure energy. For those who spread it, God is not a person. They also ignore that man is in reality a spiritual soul residing in a body of matter, and not the fleshly envelope to which they identify wrongly, hence the illusion in which they are plunged. They run straight towards darkness, illusion, and ignore it.

These two philosophies keep man in ignorance, oblige him to follow a dead-end path, and lead him to renewable, even perpetual suffering. This is why many people want to know why they suffer so much, or even repeatedly.

The unbelieving nihilists and the ignorant impersonalists, by their limited intelligence and incomplete knowledge, diffuse dangerous data that mislead all who embark on the search for God as He really is, who want to have access to existential and absolute truth, and to discover their true spiritual identity. They have forgotten God and are unaware that the Lord, in his personal form, primordial, original, infinite and absolute, has a spiritual body whose form is that which He gave to man (“Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.” Genesis 1:26)., but all of knowledge, bliss and eternity.

He is the source and reservoir of knowledge, intelligence, wisdom and absolute power. His nature, all of infinite purity and absolute perfection is unique, that is why He is the “Sommum Bonum”, the greatest and Almighty.

This is what happens to the spiritual entity, the soul, at the time of death and after.

At the moment of leaving her body at the moment of death which concerns only the body and not the soul, the latter undertakes her mysterious journey, and can meet either the envoys of God or the agents of the lord of death.

In reality, it is the mental condition of the spiritual entity at the moment of death that determines what its future existence will be. Indeed, the condition of the mind at the time of death serves as the foundation for the next existence.

To read this full topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on the page 149

Also open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 480 or the corresponding box in the table.

This is what happens to those who kill animals.

To read this full topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on the page 174

The fate that awaits those who kill animals.

To read this full topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on the page 47

Who kills a human being or an animal, will be killed in turn.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on the logos 8, 9, 36, 246, 339, 362  and  373 or on the corresponding boxes in the table.

Time is a manifestation of the Lord, meant to remind us that we must surrender to Him.

The fear of death arises through the action of the time factor, which represents the influence of God, the Supreme Person, and ignorance of the data relating to the supreme and spiritual truth, concerning real existence.

The Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person addresses each soul incarnate and conditioned by matter in the form of time. He declares that whoever surrenders to Him, will never again know the problems related to birth and death. We must therefore see time as the Sovereign Lord present before us. The influence of God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is felt through the time factor, which represents the influence of God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In other words, time is destructive. All that is created is also subject to destruction and annihilation, which represents the action of time.

God constantly manifests himself in the form of the universal time, thanks to which He sets matter in motion and makes it age, as well as in His manifestation of the “death” by which He carries away all living beings. All this is the work of unavoidable time, which carries away all living beings from all planets located in all galaxies.

The Lord said, “Surrender to Me, I will take you under My protection and you will come to Me.

Leave all other forms of religion behind, and simply surrender to Me. I will free you from all the consequences of your sins, have no fear.

Surrender yourself entirely to Me. By My grace you will know absolute peace, and you will reach My eternal and supreme abode”.

To read this full topic, open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on the chapter “Reincarnation is a reality. Here is the evidence, it is all around us. Some bodies bear the signs of it” in the table of contents, and then go to the sub-chapter “Lord Krishna sanctions the acts of every being, as well as attributes the consequences to them” by clicking on the page 27

To adopt Krishna consciousness is to be good and to have a high degree of morality.

By adopting Krishna consciousness one automatically becomes moral and good.

Morality is the basic principle of purification. One cannot purify oneself unless one knows what is moral and what is not. However, it is essential to distinguish good from evil, hence the regulatory principles mentioned above. By adhering to it, we can access the spiritual plane and transcend the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature: virtue, passion and ignorance.

Passion is the force that binds us to the material universe. Material nature keeps us prisoners of the material universe through the chains of sex life, and our desire to dominate nature.

Passion encompasses lustful desires that, unfulfilled, incite us to anger. All this keeps us trapped in the material universe.

All evil deeds result from ignorance, from our ignorance of the data relating to God as He really is, from our true identity, from true spiritual knowledge, and from existential and absolute truth.

Ignorance is therefore the cause of our many sufferings and the enslavement of which we are victims because of our karma. It is out of ignorance that we commit a large number of guilty acts and our entanglement in the matter.

To be born a second time or to be twice born.

Lord Caitanya, Mahaprabhu, the Golden Avatar, Krishna Himself says, “Harassed life after life by the laws of nature, the distinct being wanders through the entire galaxy on different planets and within various species. If, in one way or another, he is fortunate enough to meet a holy man who will change his whole life, then he can return to God, to his original home”.

As soon as an individual and distinct being of God forgets his own natural position and seeks to become one with the Absolute, his conditioned existence begins. It is indeed the conception that the Supreme Spiritual Being, Krishna, and the individual being distinct from God that each of us is, are equal not only in quality, but also in quantity, which is at the origin of the conditioned existence.

Whoever forgets the difference between the Supreme Lord and the distinct being is subject to the conditions of the material world, which implies that he will have to abandon one material body to accept another, and die to die again.

Forgetfulness and misunderstanding of this truth are called maya, illusion. It is for forgetting one’s own position and that of the Supreme Lord, Krishna, that the embodied spiritual being sinks into illusion, or into the existence conditioned by matter, and undergoes the influence of material energy.

When the soul is reincarnated through different bodies, everyone, regardless of whether they are human, animal, plant or heavenly, gets a father and a mother. So it’s not difficult. What is difficult is to get a bona fide spiritual master, and Krishna, God.

The two-time born.

That is why the duty of the human being is to seize the opportunity to come into contact with the representative of Krishna, the spiritual master, the true servant of Krishna, God, the Supine Person. Under the guidance of this spiritual father, he can then return to God, to his original home. He will then become “twice born”.

To be twice-born is by the grace of a bona fide spiritual master, to access the spiritual knowledge of which Krishna is the original source and Supreme Teacher.

One becomes twice born during the initiation received from the spiritual master from whom one then becomes a disciple. The bona fide spiritual master transmits to his disciple the data relating to the nature of the spiritual being, the ultimate reality.

The twice-born is the one who came out of oblivion, ignorance and perdition, and who, by the knowledge of God as He really is, of true eternal spiritual knowledge, of the knowledge of his true spiritual identity, and the acquisition of existential and absolute truth, becomes again what it has always been, Krishna’s servant. He then entered the light and eternal life.

To know God as He really is to enter into eternal life.

Knowing God as He really is of paramount importance, paramount, and synonymous with salvation and infinite joy. It is to discover at the same time the existential and absolute truth.

To know God as He really is to come out of impersonalism (the belief that God would be an Impersonal Supreme Spiritual Being, that is to say without form), from ignorance of data relating to God, to absolute truth, from the pit where we are imprisoned, and the world of oblivion. It is to renew the bond that unites us to God.

The Lord God says: “He who knows the Absolute of my advent and my Acts will no longer have to be reborn in the material universe. After leaving his body, he will enter my eternal kingdom.

Only through devotional service, and only in this way, can one know Me as I am. And the being who, by such devotion becomes fully aware of My Person, can then enter My absolute kingdom.

It is only by serving Me with undivided love and devotion that one can know Me as I am, standing before you and in the same way, truly, see Me. Only in this way can the mystery of My Person be revealed.

Always fill your mind with Me and become my full-fledged devotee, constantly worship me, and simply surrender to Me. This is the only way to reach my kingdom. I reveal to you here the most secret of knowledge.

Whoever dies, at the very moment of leaving his body remembers me alone immediately reaches my abode, do not doubt it, for it is the thoughts, the memories of the being at the moment of leaving the body that determine his future condition. So in me, Krishna, in my personal form, always absorbs your thoughts without fail. Dedicating your actions to me, turning to me your mind and your intelligence, no doubt you will come to me.

When they reached me, the holy beings imbued with devotion, these noble souls, having thus risen to the highest perfection, never again return to this ephemeral world where suffering reigns.

Those who worship the heavenly beings will be reborn among the heavenly beings, among the ghosts and other spirits those who live in their worship, among the ancestors the worshippers of the ancestors; likewise, it is with Me that My devotees will live.

Surrender yourself totally to Me. By my grace you will know absolute peace, and you will reach my eternal and supreme abode”.

To know everything about God, read the book “Getting To Know God”, from the first to the last page, in this order, you will know everything.

To walk with God is the perfection of existence.

To walk with God is to be immersed in eternal life.

The key to the liberation, salvation and spiritual elevation of the incarnate soul that each of us really is, is to desire nothing for ourselves, but to kindly wish that all human beings also walk with God.

To walk with God is to act like Jesus, when he says: “the son does what he sees the Father doing, and all that the Father does, the son does the same”.

On the other hand, to walk with God is to apply in everyday life, at every moment, at every moment, constantly, without departing from it, the precepts, the directives, the commandments and the teaching of God, always being as the Lord recommends us, in unconditional love, kindness, benevolence, obedience to God, justice and peace.

To walk with God is to demonstrate all this by thought, word and deed.

To walk with God is to offer Him the fruit of all our actions, and to act only for Him.

To walk with God is to manifest without end the love we feel for Him. It is to love Him, to obey Him, to do His divine will with promptness. It is to renew the bond that unites us to Him, and it is to link our desires, our wishes and our interests to his.

To walk with God is to feel the constant and unreserved desire to surrender to Him and serve Him with love and devotion.

To walk with God, finally, is to be immersed in eternal life, absolute knowledge, and sublime happiness, permanent, incessant, of a very high intensity, for He is the original source and the beneficent, saving fountain, of the sublime beatific effluxes that He offers.


Tolerance is the art of recognizing in others the place that is their rightful place, and the importance that they deserve.

Transmigration or reincarnation.

In truth, at the end of old age the soul transmigrates into a new body determined by the acts which it will have accomplished during its life.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 114 or the corresponding box in the table.

True justice.

True justice, that of which God is the initiator and the propagator, has for essence its divine nature, law, impartiality, equity, morality, virtue, ethics, harmony and peace.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 462 or the corresponding box in the table.

True knowledge is only revealed to the holy being when, through the grace of Lord Krishna, he comes to a proper understanding of life.

In the material world or at the level of the material consciousness, good and evil are on the same plane, the distinction between the two being only a pure creation of the mind.

In truth, all living beings are sons of God, derived from his marginal energy. Because of the defilement inflicted on us by the modes of influence of the material nature, we make distinctions between the same spiritual ones.

He who possesses true knowledge makes no distinction between a wise scholar, a virtuous person, an elephant, a dog, a flower and a tree. In reality, instead of considering a being according to its fleshly envelope, it sees it as a spiritual soul incarnated in a body of specific dense matter.

A higher level of understanding makes it possible to understand that the body is only a combination of five material elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether. In this sense too, the physical constitution of a human being and that of a celestial being turn out to be identical.

From the spiritual point of view, we are all spiritual sparks, infinitesimal parts integral parts of God, the Supreme Soul also called the Holy Spirit. Whether materially or spiritually, we participate fundamentally, of one and the same nature. But under the influence of illusory energy, one of the aspects of material energy, we create friends and enemies. In reality, we are all energies belonging to the marginal energy of God, and as such we have no friends and enemies, for we are all One.

True life begins only at the end of material existence. It is in the kingdom of God that you will find it.

Whoever develops Krishna consciousness, or God consciousness, is already in the kingdom of God. One who engages in the service of love and devotion that he offers to Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Sovereign Lord, is freed from the hold of matter.

The incarnate spiritual being, conscious of God, knows that a new life begins after death which concerns only the body and not the soul, that each of us is really. If before death we obtain the grace to become aware of God, we immediately obtain the level of the absolute, the knowledge of the Lord and the complete knowledge. Whoever settles there, even at the moment of death, comes out of confusion, and the kingdom of God opens up to him.

Those who truly know God and the relationship by which they are united to the Supreme Lord reject materialism, and hate the material universe. They are attracted only by God, and seek only his company.

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Vengeance is the prerogative of the weak, and the justification of the devil.

Atheism, nationalism, capitalism and materialism, which originate from ignorance, are in reality the sources of wickedness. They convey inequalities, injustices, irreligion, enslavement, hatred, racism, inequity, partiality, indifference, insensitivity, fuel quarrels, violence, and lead to decadence, to perdition and sin.


This is one of the attributes and modes of influence of material nature, the other two being: passion and ignorance. His influence leads to knowledge, happiness, purity, mastery of the senses, serenity, humility and moderation.

It is governed by Visnu, the plenary emanation of Krishna.

W Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


By related pandemic to the current coronavirus, the Supreme Eternal gives a warning to human beings; stop aborting, killing animals, and eating no more meat, fish and eggs.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 361 or the corresponding box in the table.

Warnings from God.

In truth, the warnings of Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead take many forms, and are aimed at men to become better and holy.

By his external energy, in his form of material energy, when men deviate from the right path, the one that leads to God, to salvation, and ignore what is good for them and good for their own spiritual evolution, the Lord spreads, as warnings, what He has always done since time immemorial, typhus, the plague, the Spanish flu, pandemics such as the coronavirus throughout the world, with the aim of punishing mainly all those who disobey Him, do not surrender to Him, reject him, walk away from him, eat meat, fish, eggs, and abort.

Always through material energy, the Lord spreads the avian flu that decimates the livestock, in order to force the torturing breeders to stop their criminal activities, which consists in raising animals in suffering, with the sole objective of then killing them in death centers such as slaughterhouses.

God’s warnings are meant to compel people to come to their senses and show compassion.

They aim to force men to stop aborting, to slaughter animals in slaughterhouses, in the open sea by trawlers, in fish farms and aquaculture, to stop eating meat, fish, eggs, and to stop extracting fossil fuels; oil, gas and coal.

Their purpose is to make the breeders and the fishing industries understand that they make the animals suffer, and that by leading them to death, they hinder the spiritual evolution of the soul embodied in these various animal envelopes, and that is intolerable.

These warnings are also the particular signs which aim to make men understand that they must absolutely change their attitude, repent, do penance, turn to God, apply the commandments of God and the divine laws, respect the precepts, renounce the materialism that leads to perdition and perpetual suffering, surrender to Him, if they no longer wish to suffer, for they themselves are at the origin of their own suffering.

The origin of our suffering.

It is because men no longer respect God, reject his authority, his divine laws and no longer apply their spiritual duties, that spirituality declines, disorder, misfortune, suffering, hatred, Wickedness, epidemics and war rule the whole earth. Those who in this material world believe that they can act freely, make the decisions they want and thus do without God are deluded, because they are notoriously ignorant. They do not know that God alone reigns in the whole material universe and in the spiritual world, that He alone decides and acts, to man it is simply impossible.

A perfect civilization is one that walks with God, that feels love, respect and consideration for all living beings, humans, animals and plants.

When the nation is governed by divine principles, the consciousness of God then naturally spreads everywhere, for the good of all living beings, humans, animals and plants. Peace and harmony reigned everywhere.

Wars and other world conflicts.

Source and cause of violence, wars and conflicts.

Humanity has been the scene, for many years already, of violence that erupts here and there throughout the world, in the form of wars, urban violence, murders, terrorisms, vandalism or abortions.

The law of karma, law of action-reaction or law of cause and effect.

It is time that men understand that they themselves are responsible for everything that happens to them, in the form of violence, wars, conflicts and suffering. In fact, they are unaware that through thought, speech and actions, they themselves generate positive but also negative effects, which cause consequences, which they will suffer in the form of benefits or suffering. They therefore fall under the law of karma, law of action-reaction or law of cause and effect.

In reality, the source and major cause of this wave of violence, wars and other world conflicts is the slaughter and cruel murder of countless innocent and defenceless animals in slaughterhouses, in the open sea by trawlers and in fish and aquaculture centres, for example.

If violence in all its forms is so widespread in human beings, it is the karmic consequence of the slaughter of animals. Indeed, we see in them a complete lack of compassion. Men do not understand that since they kill countless animals without restriction, they too must be killed in war. This is the law of karma.

Those responsible for killing the animals.

It is not only the herders who lead the animals to the slaughterhouse, so that they may be killed, but also the butchers, the fishmongers who sell their flesh, and consumers who, at their level, order this killing for the sole pleasure of their senses.

In truth, all those who do not feel responsible for killing the animals they feed on are nevertheless guilty. In fact, according to the law of karma, the one who allows an animal to be killed and the one who carries out the murderous act, the one who sells the flesh of the slaughtered animal, the one who prepares it, the one who buys such “food”, and finally the one who eats it, all are responsible for the suffering imposed on the animal.

Let us no longer live in sin.

Let us no longer live in sin, for this we must now, and forever, no longer eat meat, fish and eggs.

Finally, let us all know that all the terrestrial and aquatic animals, like all the plants, from the blade of grass to the big tree, each have a soul. In truth, according to its karma, the soul is incarnated in a human body, animal or vegetable.

All divine laws prevail over human laws and no one can get rid of them, for they govern us.

We all undergo in this world the influence of the laws of material nature, which act under the authority of God.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 277

We are not a material body, but an immortal spiritual soul.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom”, and click on page 94

We know that evil is at the origin of reincarnation, when is it good?

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 102

We must have the sole occupation of loving God.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom”, and click on page 84

Wealth and poverty are the result of our actions in our previous lives.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 158

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 88, 156, 190, 207, 254  and  319 or the corresponding box in the table.

Weapons, armaments.

weapons must be manufactured and used only for the sole purpose of defending and protecting the territorial integrity of a kingdom, a nation, and the tranquility of a people.

They must be used only by soldiers trained for this purpose, whose job is to defend the integrity of a nation, a people, a possible bellicose invader, but also by the police in order to protect a community or a virtuous person from an evil or even criminal being. Apart from them, no one else should be in possession of a weapon.

The military and the police recognized for their irreproachable morality, their uprightness and their sense of ethics, must imperatively observe a code of good conduct, which intimates never to use their weapons against innocent citizens, never destroy residential buildings, hospitals, never touch caregivers, whether in times of war or peace, or against a military or even a civilian man on the ground and unarmed.

Weapons never pursue the peace and prosperity of the world, for they only cause chaos and death. That is why we must never distribute arms to citizens under the false pretext of defending themselves. Dishonest people never seek to see their own faults, but always strive to highlight only those of others.

In truth, weapons are useless where the spirit reigns. Who fills his mind with divine knowledge and walks with God, in no way needs weapons.

What does it mean to be “dead” while still living?

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 131

What happens to the soul at the hour of death?

The moment to leave his body.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 101

The death is the sudden change of body.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 121

What happens to the soul at the moment of death?

In general, death means entering a period of unconsciousness that lasts seven months.

The Lord says: “At the moment of death, the soul takes on a new body, as naturally as it passed, in the previous, from childhood to youth, then to old age”.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 125

This is what happens to the spiritual entity, the soul, at the time of death and after.

Without Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the living being is nothing and can do nothing. He cannot see, hear or act without the active principle, God.

The Lord says: “It is the thoughts, the memories of the being at the moment of leaving the body that determine its future condition”.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 149

What is “Liberation or Salvation”?

Liberation is the return of the incarnate spiritual being, once he has freed himself from all material conceptions of existence, to his original and natural spiritual condition.

It is to regain our natural, original position, that which we had at the beginning of all things with Krishna, which is to serve Him with love and devotion.

It is to detach oneself from all material attraction and to become absorbed in the service of love and devotion offered to Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the true immutability.

It is breaking the chains that hold us prisoners of matter and this material world, in order to return to the eternal kingdom of God.

It is to regain our original consciousness as well as the original natural position of eternal servants of Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, established in our true spiritual and eternal identity.

It is the cessation of the cycle of rebirth and death, or repeated reincarnations.

It is escaping the strict laws of material nature whose signs are birth, sickness, old age and death.

It is, after a long period spent in darkness and ignorance of the data relating to God and absolute truth, to gain true freedom, true spiritual resurrection, and to rediscover God in his sublime kingdom, where he will offer us eternal life and an ineffable, endless and unceasing perfect happiness.

The ultimate liberation is that which allows us to regain the personal bond that eternally unites us to the Absolute, God, the Supreme Lord, Krishna.

When one renounces material positions to act directly under the orders of the Sovereign Lord, our spiritual existence is revived, and we then find ourselves in our natural and original position. This is true liberation, which puts an end to material slavery.

What is meant by a chain to material existence?

The external energy of God is transformed and is known in its two aspects: the material energy and the illusion energy that resembles Satan.

The energy that God used to create the material universe is at the origin of the material nature. The latter has such power that it plunges man into oblivion of his past and his true spiritual identity, from his birth. Under the influence of the attributes of material nature, passion and ignorance, man believes to be the body. The bodily conception of existence is the fundamental cause of ignorance. Ignorance of God as He really is, of His true spiritual identity, of true eternal spiritual knowledge, and of existential and absolute truth.

Therefore, all that he associates with his body, his spouse, his children, his house, his material goods, his wealth, his power, his opulence, the pleasures of the senses, although ephemeral and causes of fear, illusions, sorrow and distress, compel him to know the four forms of suffering that are: birth, sickness, old age and death, in a repetitive way, and to continually suffer the consequences of his thoughts, words and actions by the suffering they entail.

The chain to existence is all this, and liberation is rejecting everything for God.

What is original sin?

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 85

What is “surrender to God”?

The secret of success and the perfection of existence is the surrender of oneself to God. To surrender oneself to Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is to accept or firmly believe that the Lord protects the soul that surrenders to Him, wherever it may be. She never stays alone or unprotected.

Lord Krishna takes charge of anyone who surrenders to Him, in a sense of helplessness, as a result of which the influence of material energy vanishes. That is why we must surrender to the Lord.

Interrupting any sensory pursuit to focus on the supreme cause, Krishna, is a mark of self-denial, such surrender is in turn a certain mark of devotional service dedicated to God. Each being must devote himself to the service of love and devotion offered to Lord Krishna if he wishes to know the ultimate cause of his existence.

Willingly surrendering to Krishna, carrying out all his instructions, obeying Him and doing all his will spontaneously, immediately, frees from all the consequences of sin as many as they are, and offers the liberation of this material world.

To surrender to God is to have absolute trust in him, to the point of offering him his life, his existence, all that we have, all that we do, and the fruit of all our acts.

To surrender to Krishna is to serve Him with love and devotion, to enjoy it, to love Him, and to do His divine will.

To surrender to Krishna is to renew the bond that unites us to Him, to love Him, to link all our desires and interests to His.

Surrender to Krishna is synonymous with complete purification.

The Lord can be perceived by the submissive, the only quality required, and thus becomes a soul abandoned to his Divine Person. The degree of spiritual realization is proportional to the development of submission, by which the being ultimately gains to meet the Lord in person just as one is face to face with someone.

Thus, as soon as a being surrenders to Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he certainly becomes free from all defilement.

What is the greatest and most beautiful victory?

The greatest and most beautiful victory is not to acquire power, wealth and power to the point of dominating the world, no, it is to dominate oneself, managing to extinguish in one’s mind and heart, the fire of evil, materialism and the pleasures of the senses.

The greatest and most beautiful victory is to become master of oneself. It is to succeed in developing inner strength and peace, the calm of the mind, to control one’s emotions, feelings, thoughts, words and actions, so that the fire of wickedness never appears again.

The greatest and most beautiful victory is to find God, to love him, to surrender to him, to serve him with love and devotion, to be near him, and to see him face to face.

Blessed are those who seek and find God. But happier still, those who come to know Him as He really is, who love Him, who apply His regulating principles, His precepts, His laws, and His commandments, so that they come to purify their being, their environment, the people they live with and their own families. They thus liberate their families from twenty-one generations before and to come, not to mention the present generation.

What is the source of our suffering?

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on the logos 207  and  351 or on the corresponding box of the table.

What is the true meaning of free will and free choice that God grants us?

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on the logos 380 or on the corresponding box of the table.

What to do to approach God, and to remain with Him?

The Lord answers: “Always fill your mind with me, and become my pious servant. Be faithful, devoted, without envy, and committed to my service. Just surrender yourself to me. Fear not, for I am with you. Walk not with anxious eyes, for I am your God. I strengthen you, I come to your rescue, I support you with my triumphant right hand.”

Those who truly want to know God, to see Him face to face, to hear His beautiful grave voice, and to have the great honor of entering their heavenly home, have only one thing to do: to love Him with all their heart and mind, to surrender totally to Him, Obey him, take pleasure in doing his only will, and serve him with love and devotion. There’s no other key.

What we have done to others will be done to us.

All those who speak of brotherhood and universal solidarity, but take into consideration only the body of dense matter and not the spiritual soul that has the enjoyment, are false philanthropists, false benefactors.

In truth, the true notion of brotherhood and universal solidarity is that which leads to ignoring the form and colour of the material body. It is the one that leads to love all living beings, all human beings without exception, all terrestrial and aquatic animals, and all plants in their diversity, from the blade of grass to the great tree that shelters many beings, of equal love. It is that which grants to the spiritual soul that each of us is really the consideration that it deserves. This is the one that leads to see in every body of dense matter only the spiritual soul that resides in the heart beside God. The Lord also resides there in his form of the Supreme Soul also called the Holy Spirit.

In truth, if the human being has a spiritual soul in him, know that all animals and all plants without exception, also have one. These are not empty bodies. No one has the right to stop the spiritual evolution of an incarnate soul, much less that which is in a body inferior to that of man.

That is why God urges us to stop slaughtering animals in slaughterhouses, at sea by trawlers and everywhere else, not to make them suffer, no longer destroy the plants, among which the trees that shelter many living beings, and never again eat meat, fish and eggs.

No one can avoid, ignore, reject and escape the divine laws, for they govern the matter and existence of beings. They are inviolable. Sooner or later we will suffer the consequences of our past actions in the form of chronic, incurable or degenerative diseases, various and sometimes repetitive misfortunes, and suffering.

That is why God asks us not to harm anyone, not even an insect, because we will have to suffer. We can no longer afford to ignore this truth.

What we have done will be done to we.

God grants our desires and sanctions our actions.

When a hunter, a slaughterhouse priest or an evil being causes suffering to animals, men and needlessly destroy the plants among which the trees that shelter many beings, they will have to account for it.

When they consciously make them suffer and then kill them, they are guilty of a very serious sin. They too will have to suffer in the same way by means of retaliation, such is the law of karma, action-reaction law, law of cause and effect.

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 163

Whatever the material body in which it resides, the spiritual soul is always the same.

As pure spirits, all spiritual souls are equal and identical, whether they reside in a celestial body, an inhabitant of the heavenly planets, paradisiacs, a human being, an animal or a plant.

For this reason the Lord says: “Those who are truly enlightened do not see the outward appearance of the living being, [the material body] whether it is a celestial being, an inhabitant of the heavenly planets, a human being, an animal or a plant”.

Those who are enlightened by pure divine knowledge no longer see the dense matter body of white, black, yellow, red, mestizo, or the material animal or vegetable form, but only the spiritual entity, the spiritual soul that is there, that resides there. Therefore, they experience an equal love for all human beings without exception. They go even further, because in all the bodies of animals and plants, they also see only the spiritual soul that resides there, and also do not differentiate between a man, a woman, a dog, a cat, an elephant or an ant, they all love them equally.

Through the material envelope that covers the spiritual entity, they see only the incarnate spiritual soul that resides there. It’s that to really love.

That is why God commands not to eat meat, fish and eggs.

When God inflicts punishment it is always out of compassion and mercy, in order to save a being from hell.

When God inflicts punishment on a person guilty of malicious, criminal acts, it is to bring him to correct himself, bring him back to reason, and thus make him aware of his mistakes.

Divine punishments are based on the Lord’s compassion for the guilty being, in order to save him and prevent him from going to hell. But if the latter does not want to listen to God and acts as he desires, nor does he take into account the mercy of the Lord, then he will go to hell for a very long time. Every divine punishment or punishment aims to bring the being to repentance, to penance, to radically change attitude, to become better, to respect and to apply the regulating principles, precepts, divine commandments and counsels of God, and finally, to make it possible to erase the sins committed by the suffering felt, and to live according to the teaching of Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. We must suffer for our past misdeeds, it is an irrevocable fact.

However, the sufferings of those who serve God with love and devotion are minimized. For example, instead of being stabbed as our destiny would have us, we may only receive a cut on our finger. Thus are minimized the consequences of the past acts of those who practice devotional service.

Krishna, God, says, “However, the sufferings of those who serve God with love and devotion are minimized. For example, instead of being stabbed as our destiny would have us, we may only receive a cut on our finger. Thus the consequences of the past acts of those who practice devotional service are minimized.”

Do not harm anyone, humans, animals and plants, and love one another with unconditional love. But first of all let us surrender to God, and enjoy loving and serving Him with love and devotion.

When will those who choose the path of wickedness in all its forms understand?

When will those who choose the path of wickedness in all its forms understand, that hatred, racism, resentment, anger, revenge and violence engender closure of mind, sclerose the intellect, diminish discernment, prevent any prospect of the future, accentuate sadness, increase suffering, and plunge the being into the cycle of repeated rebirth and death?

Where did the “Messiah” come from, the envoys of Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, also called “Son of God”, and who are they?

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on the logos 425 or on the corresponding box of the table.

Where does the spiritual life lead us?

How do we know whether or not we should reincarnate in our next life?

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on logos 381  and  433 or on the corresponding box of the table.

Who deeply loves God, obeys him, does his will, surrenders to him and serves him with love and devotion, enjoys the benevolent protection of God, the Supreme Person.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 340 or the corresponding box in the table.

Who kills a human being or a terrestrial and aquatic animal, will be killed in turn.

It is time to tell men that there is a correlation between wars, the killing of animals in industrial slaughterhouses that exist around the world, or caused by hunters, the mass killing of aquatic beings by trawlers in the open sea, fishermen, the killing of human beings in acts of terrorism and the revenge of certain governments who, through the army, indiscriminately kill abortions and karma, action-reaction law or law of cause and effect, in the form of various disasters and ongoing suffering.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on the logos 362 or on the corresponding box of the table.

Also open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on the chapter “Reincarnation is a reality. Here is the evidence, it is all around us. Some bodies bear the signs of it”, of the table of contents, page 20

Who knows God, knows at the same time the Absolute Truth.

All those who do not know the works of God, do not bury anything, for they truly ignore the Absolute Truth.

All those who do not seek to know the roots of evil in order to eradicate them permanently will remain slaves of evil.

All those who do not know their true spiritual identity, who do not know who they really are, or how they came to this material world, will not understand nor know how they will go, nor where they will go. They will remain prisoners of this world of suffering.

All those who do not reject envy, desire, lust, materialism, evil in all its forms, and who do not extinguish anger, greed, lust and revenge, close the doors of existential truth.

All those who do not seek God, who do not seek to know him as he really is, nor seek to receive his divine word and his sublime teaching, remain in darkness, they will never see the light.

All those who do not seek to know the place from which they came, nor the bond that unites each of them to the Lord, the latter will be hidden from them.

The path that leads to the pure light, to the sublime kingdom of God, is the surrender of oneself to the Lord, and the service of love and devotion that we offer him. Such is the perfection of existence.

Who learns to know God as He really is, discovers at the same time the absolute truth, and enters his eternal kingdom.

Only man with limited intelligence, or even totally ignorant, is unaware:

That true freedom does not exist in the material universe, for it is subject to divine laws.

That his thoughts, words, and actions are controlled by God and his heavenly helpers, and that he will be accountable to divine justice.

Let his thoughts, words and actions produce effects, which cause good and/ or bad consequences, which he will have to suffer or rejoice.

That it is his thoughts, memories and desires, at the moment of leaving his body at the moment of death, that determine his future condition.

That if he does not listen to God and do what he says for his own good, he will inexorably sink into matter, become mad and slave to it, and subject to the darkness of ignorance, he will never see God again.

The Lord says: “He who knows the absolute of my advent and my acts will no longer have to be reborn in the material universe. After leaving his body, he will enter my eternal kingdom.

When they have reached me, the holy beings imbued with devotion, these noble souls, having thus risen to the highest perfection, never again return to this ephemeral world where suffering reigns”.


Why has the Supreme Lord immersed the spiritual soul in the material universe, who we really are, what is our true spiritual identity, and what is our true origin ?

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 2 or the corresponding box in the table.

Why can those who deny the existence of God and reject His authority never see Him?

Why can’t all those who doubt the existence of God, and do not want to listen to him, ever see him?

These unbelieving materialistic people therefore fall under the influence of the energy of illusion of God, who, accentuating their pernicious desires, plunge them into the blindness and ignorance of the data relating to God as He really is, of true spiritual knowledge, and existential truth.

God says, “It is only through devotional service, and only then, that I can be known as I am. I never show myself to fools or fools. By my inner power I am for them veiled. This lost world therefore does not know me, the unborn, the imperishable”.

The Eternal Supreme is revealed and shown only to those who surrender to Him, and serve Him with love and devotion. This is why men wonder where God is, and even go, out of ignorance and stupidity, to claim that he is dead or that He simply does not exist.

Why does God allow the existence of good, evil and suffering?

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on the logos 371 or on the corresponding box of the table.

Why does God allow the soul to go astray in the material universe?

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Science of God, or Science of Salvation”, and click on page 125

Why does God allow viruses, the covid 19 pandemic, drought, fires, heat, floods, etc., and wars to take place?

The truth is that one man's misbehavior has repercussions on his whole family.

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 471 or the corresponding box in the table.

Why does God punish those who do evil?

There are two kinds of punishment: the one a warrior inflicts on his enemy, and the one a son receives from his father. There is obviously a huge difference between the two.

God does not conceive of enmity towards any living being. On the contrary, He always cares for the welfare of all without exception, and when He punishes, His punishment is comparable to that of a father who punishes his son. If He punishes those who do evil in any form, it is only to bring them to their senses, to make them aware of their mistake, that they correct themselves, become better and never again.

On the other hand, punishment makes it possible to understand that they thus erase the guilty act committed in their previous life, that they reduce the number of sins accumulated in each of their past lives, that they must make the resolution never to start again, may they turn to God, obey him, do his divine will, do penance, repent, and end up loving one another.

To understand this topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on the logos 472, the title of which is “Suffering is Useful and Necessary”, or on the corresponding box in the table.

Why does the Lord allow living things to do wrong?

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on the logos 368 or on the corresponding box of the table.

Why does the Lord attribute consciousness to one incarnate spiritual being, and to another to oblivion?

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God”, and click on the logos 90 or on the corresponding box of the table.

Why must we absolutely know the existential and absolute truth?

Man, in his ignorance of the data relating to existential truth, and to true pure knowledge, confuses truth and lie, and begins to act badly, persuaded that he is doing well.

Over time, he generally adopts the ideals of his parents, feeds on their culture and tradition, and often assimilates the concepts of other peoples, where, if he is not simply constrained and thus misled by blind leaders, and poor, doubtful, ignorant spiritual guides. Sometimes he is marginalized by the nationalist unbelievers who, through their atheist religion, impose on him their materialist philosophy that leads to perdition. This is how he abandons true right and pure knowledge for the worse.

It is this degeneration that leads human beings to decay and perdition. Let us not remain blocked or frozen, but let us evolve by relying on the right word of light and the sublime and sure teaching of God, which recommends us to live according to his instructions, and to abide by them without fail.

To have a precise idea of the causes at the origin of the perdition of man makes it possible to know the reasons for this misguidance, to understand very clearly the direct link which exists between the guilty activities, the reincarnation, and the different conditions of life which result from it.

Knowing the truth is:

Never again remain in the material cosmos also called “the world of oblivion”. The world of oblivion, for we have forgotten everything about God, our true spiritual identity, the reasons that led God created the material cosmos, nor why we are there. The world of oblivion, for it plunges us into ignorance of the data relating to truth, to God as He really is, to the knowledge of our true spiritual identity, the spiritual knowledge, and the knowledge by which we can put an end to our sufferings and the perdition in which we are enclosed.

End the repetitive cycle of reincarnations.

Knowing that our thoughts, words and actions produce positive and negative effects, which generate benefits or suffering. We will experience the effects in the third part of our current life already, but certainly in our next incarnation.

Knowing that God’s teaching preserves us from perdition, shows us the right way to approach God, to attain spiritual realization and Krishna consciousness, or God consciousness, and to attain salvation.

Knowing that by surrendering ourselves totally to God, and serving Him with love and devotion, we put a definitive end to our sufferings, obtain God’s protection, and enter forever into His eternal and absolute kingdom.

Getting to know Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead as He really is, automatically gives access to existential and absolute truth.

To want to learn everything from Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead as He really is, is to discover at the same time the existential and absolute truth, for He is the Absolute Truth.

The ultimate goal is to enable us to know how to avoid mistakes and to act better, to be in tune with divine knowledge, and to live according to God’s teaching, if we do not want to suffer from it. To know them is to avoid unpleasant and painful reincarnations. That is why it is essential to adopt an authentic spiritual practice as soon as possible, to turn to Krishna, if we want to have the chance to escape the influence of the laws of material nature, energy of illusion, karma and reincarnation, to enjoy a free and happy existence for eternity.

Krishna, God, tells us, “There is really nothing that exists outside of Me, that is what you have to understand clearly. I am the source of all that is, everything emanates from Me.”

To read this complete topic, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on logos 2 or the corresponding box in the table.

Why should the death penalty be imposed on criminals?

To read this complete topic, open the book “The Pure Spiritual Science”, and click on page 104

Words of wisdom 1.

When man will no longer distinguish between white, black, yellow, red, half-breed, and love them all with unconditional love,

When it will no longer distinguish between all human beings, all terrestrial and aquatic animals, and all plants, from the blade of grass to the great tree that shelters many living beings, knowing that in each of these bodies lives a soul and will take care of the earth, by loving them all with equal love, for from the same source, God,

When he sees with one eye the human being, the dog the cow, the elephant, the tree, the flower and the water,

When he looks with equal eyes at gold, silver, lead, iron and pebble,

Then, having put God in his mind and heart, love, compassion, beneficence, justice and peace will reign over all the earth.

Words of wisdom 2.

Faith and the consciousness of God are the foundations of knowledge that lead to wisdom, because when they are there, understanding follows.

To know God as He really is, to know that Everything emanates from Him, that He is the original source of all the plentiful emanations of His Person, also called Avatars and that the whole existence remains in Him are the fundamental data, which make it possible to know that whoever penetrates them knows at the same time the absolute existential truth.

Words of wisdom 3.

By establishing a loving spiritual relationship with Krishna, God, the Supreme Lord through our total surrender to His Divine Person, we free ourselves from suffering inflicted by the laws of material nature.

Those who offer all their works to God, who act only for Him and see all things in relation to Him, all their acts are the absolute. God being the center of their activities, the latter, although of a material nature, are saturated with spiritual powers. This is the advantage obtained by all those who serve God with love and devotion.

In fulfilling our daily duty for the pleasure of the Lord, all our actions are then imprinted with the thought of God, this is the highest form of meditation leading to spiritual realization. Let’s enjoy loving her.

Word of wisdom 4

Acts rooted in God’s consciousness have no consequences.

He who acts in the consciousness of God, under the guidance of the Supreme Soul in his heart, is not bound by any of his acts. Man totally established in the consciousness of the Supreme Lord is not accountable for his actions. For him, everything rests on the supreme will, the Supreme Soul also called the Holy Spirit, God, the Sovereign Being.

Knowledge, the object of knowledge and the knowledge are the three factors that trigger the act. The senses, the act itself and its author form the triple basis of all action. The one whose acts are not motivated by the interest of the body, whose intelligence does not get bogged down, the acts never chain it. He remains free of karma or law of cause and effect and the cycle of reincarnation, which no longer affect him.

Words of wisdom 5

What does it mean to be aware of God?

Blessed are those who have understood that Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the sole beneficiary of all their actions, and who offer to Him the fruit of their desires, for in this way they prove their gratitude to the Supreme Lord for all that He already gives them in abundance.

Blessed are those who act only for God with love and devotion, for the Eternal Supreme will offer them much more.

Blessed are those who put God in their minds, who have thoughts continually absorbed in Him, who always offer their service to the Lord, and who constantly think of Him, for they will obtain the mercy of the Eternal Supreme, and will therefore be in personal contact with Him.

Blessed are those who put God in their minds, who have thoughts continually absorbed in Him, who always offer Him their service, who accept with dignity the difficult conditions that are theirs, who react equally to heat or cold, joy or sadness, kindness or wickedness, good or evil, remaining regardless of calm and balanced circumstances, who love all men, all terrestrial and aquatic animals and all plants, from the blade of grass to the great tree that shelters many living beings, of equal love, and who give equal value to gold, iron or stone, for they are very dear to the heart of the Lord. Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will always remain with them, and will never abandon them.

Blessed are those who have understood that everything belongs to Krishna, God, even their body, and do not seek to acquire anything. If we consciously offer to God everything we do and possess, we will prove that we are worthy and sensible people. God will give us beyond our expectations. That’s all being God-conscious.

Words of wisdom 6

At the end of life, the components of the body are preserved in the various sectors of material energy.

To this end the Lord says: “My dear Gopi friends (young village women, Krishna’s companions in Vrindavana, who embody, because of their pure love for Him, the highest devotion offered to the Lord), learn from my lips that it is my energies alone that act everywhere.

Take a pot of earth, you have nothing but an assemblage of earth, water, fire, air and ether. And whether the pot is new, old or broken, the same elements still compose it. When created, the pot is only a combination of earth, water, fire, air and ether. Throughout its existence, its components remain the same, and when it is finally destroyed, annihilated, its ingredients will be preserved in different sectors of material energy. According to the same idea, during the creation of this cosmos, all the time that its manifestation lasts, as well as after its destruction, it is my energy, always the same, which takes on different aspects. And because my energy is not separated from my Person, it must be concluded that I exist in all things.”

Words of wisdom 7

The ideal behavior.

The Eternal Supreme teaches: “No one should cling to perishable things. As long as one lives in the material body, one must act with great caution in this world. The most perfect way of life here is simply to devote oneself to my service of love, spiritual and absolute, and to submit oneself in good faith to the duties that the scriptures prescribe to each one according to his position. You must live honestly, according to the obligations of your position, and make others happy in all respects. Do not beget a child for the simple pleasure of the senses, simply watch over the well-being of men in general”.

Words of wisdom 8

To do God’s will is to enjoy serving Him with love and devotion.

Jesus had said: “Whoever says to me: Lord, Lord, will not necessarily enter the kingdom of heaven, but only, he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven”.

To do God’s will is to serve him with love and devotion.

God says to this effect: “Only by devotional service, and only in this way, can one know me as I am. And the being who, by such devotion becomes fully aware of my Person, can then enter into my absolute kingdom”.

Devotional service or service of love and devotion offered to God is in reality the manifestation of the love one feels for Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the expression of the joy one feels and takes to do his divine will, to please Him and to be happy.

The service of love and devotion dedicated to the Lord revives in us eternal life. To serve God with devotion is to take pleasure in obeying Him, doing His will, glorifying Him, dedicating our whole existence to Him and offering Him our life, then love for Krishna, the Supreme Being, is born in us.

The love that this devotional service gives rise to allows one to obtain the favour of Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It then becomes a sign of perfection.

The service of love and devotion alone makes it possible to approach God, to see him face to face, and to remain with him for eternity. The Lord rarely grants the privilege of serving Him.

Words of wisdom 9

The Lord says: “He who turns his senses away from their objects has a sure intelligence. What is night for all beings becomes for man who has mastered his senses, the time of awakening. What, for all, is the time of awakening, is the night for the wise collected.

He who remains unshakeable in spite of the incessant flow of desires, as the ocean remains immutable in spite of the thousand rivers that flow there, can alone find serenity, but not he who seeks to satisfy his desires.

The one who is no longer attracted by material pleasures, who is no longer a slave to his desires, who has rejected any spirit of possession, and who has freed himself from the false ego (from identification with his material body), can only know perfect serenity.

These are the modes of spirituality. Whoever settles there, even at the moment of death, comes out of his confusion, and the kingdom of God opens up for him”.

Words of wisdom 10

The Lord says: “Even away from material pleasures, the incarnate soul can still feel some desire for them. But let her attain a higher joy, and she will lose that desire to dwell in spiritual consciousness.

Strong and impetuous are the senses, they even delight the mind of the man of wisdom who wants to master them. Who restrains his senses and absorbs himself in Me proves a sure intelligence. By contemplating the objects of the senses, man becomes attached, from which arises lust, and lust, anger. Anger calls for illusion, and illusion leads to memory being lost. When memory goes astray, intelligence is lost, and man falls again into the ocean of material existence.

Who controls his senses by observing the regulating principles of freedom, receives from the Lord his full mercy, and is thus freed from all attachment and all aversion”.

Words of wisdom 11

The blessed Lord says: “When a man frees himself from the thousands of material desires created by his mind, when he is satisfied in his true self, it is because he is fully aware of his spiritual identity.

The one that the three forms of suffering here below no longer affect (those caused by the body and the mind, those caused by other living beings, those caused by the elements of nature; hurricane, earthquakes, cold, etc.), that the joys of life no longer intoxicate, that have left attachment, fear and anger, this one is held to be a sage with a firm mind.

He who, free of all ties, rejoices no more in happiness than he afflicts himself with misfortune, is firmly established in absolute knowledge.

He who, like a turtle retracting his limbs to the bottom of his shell can detach from their objects, the senses, he possesses true knowledge”.

Words of wisdom 12

The Supreme Lord says: “Free yourself from all material acts by devotional service, absorb yourself in it and do not seek to benefit from the fruit of your acts. “Miserly” are those who aspire to the fruits of their actions.

Devotional service can, in this life, liberate those who engage in it from the consequences of action, good or bad. Strive to attain the art of acting in union with God. Absorbed in the service of love and devotion, the wise take refuge in the Lord and, renouncing in this world to the fruits of his acts, frees himself from the cycle of death and repeated rebirth. He thus reaches the state that is beyond suffering.

When your intelligence has crossed the dense forest of illusion, all that you have heard, all that you could still hear, will be indifferent to you.

When your mind will no longer be distracted by the flowery language of the scriptures, when it will be all absorbed in spiritual realization, then you will be in union with the Divine Being”.

Words of wisdom 13

The truth is that a man’s misconduct has repercussions for his entire family.

It is for this reason that a worthy man, full of benevolence and compassion, wishes to suffer his punishment alone. Not wishing for a calamity to fall upon him and his family, he wants to carry alone the weight of his fault, without any detour. He expects that his personal sufferings will lead him to abstain in the future from committing further ineptitude, and that the sin of which he was guilty will thus be redeemed so that his descendants will not have to suffer.

This is how a responsible saint thinks. In return, his family members also share the fruits of his loving and devotional service to Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In fact, the greatest benefit, or blessing, that the Lord can bestow upon a family is to bring forth a saint.

Words of wisdom 14

Only austerity, penance, restriction or abstinence, allows to achieve the realization of the true Self.

Austerity is, in truth, the beauty and wealth of pure people or pure souls, and of the order of renunciation to materialism and the material world. According to the philosophy of the science of God, austerity is the one and only goal of the existence of all human beings, because it alone allows to realize the true Self. Now the purpose of existence is precisely to achieve the realization of the Self, and not the search for the pleasure of the senses. This path of austerity was established at the very beginning of creation, and it was Krishna, God, the Supreme Spiritual Master, who taught it to Brahmâ, the first created being, who adopted it.

Only the path of austerity makes it possible to take full advantage of human life, unlike the animal way of life. In reality, the animal knows nothing except the pleasure of the senses, because it is open to only four activities, eating, sleeping, mating, defending, and foolishly enjoying life. It is closed to intelligence and understanding, unlike man.

The human being is made to observe austerity and thus return to God in his original home.

Words of wisdom 15

Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you in return.

What you desire for yourself, likewise, wish for others.

Retain the true knowledge of which God is the original source, live according to his teaching and you will come out of darkness, ignorance, perdition, and you will enter the transcendental light. The truth will be revealed to you.

Take the advice and instructions of Lord Krishna, do not relinquish them, for they are your assurance of walking the right path.

Move away from unbelieving materialists and wicked, do not follow them, for they go in the wrong direction, and ignore it.

Because of ignorance, materialists know nothing of their true interest, of the path that allows them to succeed in life. Their lustful desires chain them to material enjoyment, and all their projects are designed for this purpose. For the ephemeral satisfaction of their senses, they create a society based on envy. This state of mind makes them sink into an ocean of suffering, and in their foolishness they do not even realize it.

Words of wisdom 16

If you believe that God alone reigns and rules the world, and not man,

If you believe that the Lord is the support and protector of all living beings,

If you think a smile disarms,

If you believe that love is the most powerful weapon there is,

If you believe that what unites or gathers is better than what divides,

If you know how to look at each other with love knowing that it is your brother or your sister,

If you give the child the love and attention he deserves,

If the injustice that strikes others touches you to the highest point,

If you believe that forgiveness is more valuable than revenge,

If you hate evil in all its forms and love good,

If you believe that anger and wickedness are a mark of weakness,

If you believe that lust, anger and greed lead to perdition and hell,

If you defend the poor, the widows and the oppressed,

If you teach people to put God in their minds and hearts, to love Him, to surrender to Him and to serve Him with love and devotion, then love, goodness, kindness, justice, harmony and peace will cover you with their blessings. By the grace of Lord Krishna, you will know true freedom, absolute peace, and enter into eternal life.

Words of wisdom 17

Thinking of the Lord purifies us and allows us to reach liberation.

When by practice, his thoughts constantly absorbed in the Lord the incarnate spiritual being manages to remove his mind from all material activities, the incarnate spiritual being then knows the perfection of union and communion with Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Once the mind is purified it realizes its true identity and tastes the inner joy. In this happy state he enjoys, through his purified senses, infinite spiritual happiness. This perfection attained, the incarnate soul knows that nothing is more precious and will not depart from the truth, but will remain imperturbable, even in the heart of the worst difficulties.

This is the true liberation from all the sufferings born of contact with matter.

The spiritualist whose mind is absorbed in God undoubtedly knows ultimate happiness. Having understood that he participates in the Absolute, in Krishna, he is already liberated. Serene is his mind, appeased his passions. He is delivered from all sins.

Established in spiritual realization, purified of all defilement, the spiritualist enjoys a supreme happiness that provides constant union with the Absolute.

Words of wisdom 18

What is God consciousness, and how to develop it?

The Lord rules over the material nature, and all conditioned souls are subjected to the yoke and strictness of the laws of the material nature. The pure soul, as a tiny fragment, an integral part of God, remains his eternal servant. But as soon as it desires to dominate the material nature, it then undergoes the influence of the latter, and falls prey to multiple sufferings.

Unless we know these fundamental truths, there can be no peace in this world, both individually and collectively. Perfect peace is achieved only through the full development of God consciousness, and to be aware of God means first of all to realize that Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Absolute Master, and that all beings distinct from his person that each of us is really, including the mighty heavenly beings, He is subordinated. The God-conscious being acts in full knowledge of the relationship that unites him to Lord Krishna, and the perfection of the science of God, or the science of union and communion with the Supreme Being, is to know God perfectly, the Sovereign Lord.

Krishna consciousness or God consciousness is also to know Him as He really is, to meditate on Him, to act for Him alone, to offer Him all the fruits of our actions, to take pleasure in spreading His glories, through the practice of loving and devotional service that we offer to Him at all times.

As long as the soul remains in contact with matter, it must act according to its material needs. We can, however, even at the heart of matter, awaken our spiritual consciousness and regain a pure existence. It is enough to practice the consciousness of God. The more we progress in this way, the more we free ourselves from the clutches of matter.

The Lord is impartial, and everything depends on the efforts we make in the performance of our duty, in order to master our senses and to overcome the ascendant of lust and anger. To dominate our passions allows us to develop the consciousness of God, and to reach the spiritual level.

When a being rises to the level of God’s consciousness, he frees himself from all false conceptions of existence.

Words of wisdom 19

The beneficial effects of forgiveness.

The ability to forgive, compassion, benevolence, tolerance, purity of mind, heart and body, penance, repentance, and total surrender to God are the distinctive and characteristic signs of a virtuous being. He is calm, kind, reassuring, soothing and constantly smiling.

In truth, forgiveness results from an inner strength that only those who have anchored unconditional love and goodness in their minds and hearts possess.

To forgive frees the soul, to rid our spiritual essence of the accumulated negative charges, to elevate our being, and through the love and goodness that characterize us, to be bathed in a positive, beneficent and protective aura, They destroy the effects of negative charges and send them back to the person who issued them.

To forgive is to love one’s neighbor, white, black, yellow, red, half-breed, of unconditional love. It is not criticizing or judging anyone in any way. It is to ignore the defamatory remarks by forgetting them instantly.

To forgive is to be in the image of God, benevolent, just, upright, upright, full of fairness, and impartial in all circumstances.

Forgiving allows the blissful energy of the Lord to emerge from our spiritual essence, through which we can experience phases of happiness.

Words of wisdom 20

The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, truly grants intelligence, understanding and mercy to those who walk the path of good. He causes punishment, torment, and deliverance from the bonds of evil. He delivers and confounds it by knowledge of the truth.

It becomes the way for those who are lost, knowledge for those who are in ignorance, discovery for those who seek it, sustains for those who tremble, purity for those who are defiled, refuge and protection for those who surrender to Him.

Blessed is he who opened the eyes of the blind. God is there, and allows himself to be found by those who seek him.

Word of wisdom 21

Counsel of God.

Lord Krishna says, “Let the wise not trouble the ignorant who are attached to the fruits of their deeds. They should not be encouraged to do nothing, but rather to imbue each of their acts with love and devotion.”

The wise, the holy beings also called “realized or devout souls”, must not turn men away from their activities, nor disturb their conscience, but rather act in such a way as to show them how the result or fruit of any action can be offered to Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

The devotee who holds the knowledge relative to God as He really is, to the existential and absolute truth, to the true eternal spiritual knowledge and to the true spiritual identity of man, must ensure, by his acts and word, that the ignorant, the one who ignores all the fundamental facts and acts only for his own personal pleasure, learn to behave well, that is, to commit all his thoughts, words and actions to the service of the Lord, impregnating them with love and devotion.

Such is the perfection of existence.

Words of wisdom 22

This is how we should behave.

The Vedas, the original holy scriptures also called “the true gospel”, state: “Those who speak of brotherhood and universal solidarity but only consider the material body, are false philanthropists. The true notion of universal brotherhood is that which leads to ignoring the colour of the material body and its form. It is the one that leads to love all living beings, all human beings without exception, all terrestrial and aquatic animals and all plants, from the blade of grass to the great tree that shelters many beings, of equal love, who considers only the spiritual soul, and which leads to see in each body of matter only the individual soul distinct from God beside the Supreme Soul also called the Holy Spirit, Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in its primordial form”.

In truth, if the human being is in reality a spiritual soul incarnated in a material body in human form, know that it is the same for all animals and plants without exception, which have in each of them a soul. These are not empty bodies.

To abort is to prevent a soul from progressing and seeking God.

In truth from the first phase, that of the union of the sperm and the egg, the soul is there in the egg they generate, because it is she who gives life to the egg thus constituted. It is thanks to the soul that the egg can develop and become an embryo, thanks to the soul still that the embryo will develop to become a foetus, and always thanks to the soul that the foetus will develop to become, finally, a complete baby body. It is thanks to the soul always that the baby’s body will develop to become that of a child, then thanks to the soul still in that of the teenager and finally of the adult.

That is why God asks us to stop aborting, to stop immediately slaughtering animals, to stop destroying plants, and to stop eating meat, fish and eggs.

Words of wisdom 23

Where the attachment ends, is born, emerges and extends the truth.

The transmutation of our spiritual essence is the result of the anchoring in our heart of love, goodness, generosity, justice and peace.

Ignorance is the main cause of man’s weakness and misguidance.

Self-control, inner calm, unconditional love, make it possible to resist harmful influences, belligerent provocations, sharp criticism, and wickedness.

Y Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Practice of union and communication with Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Spiritual acts, or spiritual elevation. To come into contact with the Supreme Lord, to be connected to Him. Equality of soul: to do one’s duty without being bound by success or failure. Focus on Krishna, through the mastery of the senses.

True yoga is following the instructions of the Supreme Lord, who finds its practical application in the consciousness of God. The set of practices that allow the pure soul to free itself from the chains of matter. Meditation on God. Practice leading to concentration of the mind and mastery of the senses. Deep meditative absorption obtained by manipulating the physiological and psychological functions of the body. The path of devotion.





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