Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 483 of 624

under the influence of the illusory material energy, abused by it, they then imagine themselves to exist outside the Lord, and under the cover of various material identities, they forget Krishna.

However, when these lost souls develop their Krishna consciousness, they are considered to be on the way to being liberated. Liberation is rediscovering one's original relationship with Krishna, that of eternal servant, or eternal servant. Such is the perfection of existence.

Logos 462

Goto table of logos

True justice, that of which God is the initiator and the propagator, has for essence its divine nature, right, impartiality, equity, morality, virtue, ethics, harmony and peace.

It is based on divine laws and commandments. It applies to all beings, regardless of skin color, race, ethnic origin, people, nation, and makes no difference between man and woman, big and small, powerful and the weak.

It allows to maintain in place the honor of each one, the honesty, the integrity, the respect of the other, the kindness, the compassion, the tolerance, the benevolence, the reserved part to everyone, and the equitable sharing of goods, resources and land. It punishes wickedness in all its forms.

It is because men no longer respect God, divine laws, no longer apply their spiritual duties, and that spirituality declines, that disorder, misfortune, suffering, hatred, wickedness, pestilence and war reign over all the earth.

Until 5,000 years ago, men loved and honored God, respected and applied divine laws, divine rites, and gave glory to the Lord of lords, Krishna, God, the Supreme and Sovereign Person.

At that time, the spiritual master, the woman, the child, the old man and the cow were protected, the whole society benefited from it. many blessings, and lived in peace. Spirituality animated all of humanity.

This is the model that God had instituted, it is the one that we, too, must adopt and apply.

Human beings can escape the justice of men, that of God is quite simply impossible.

Divine justice through karma, law of action-reaction or law of cause and effect which is one of its formidable levers, sooner or later and certainly accomplishes its work.

This is how the criminal liars, were they powerful, even though they would multiply the tricks to maintain themselves in power, or to pass their inept and iniquitous laws, they will not be able to escape divine justice.




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