The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom
Page 85 of 102

We must have the sole occupation of loving God.

The love of God is the essential requirement to know all that touches Krishna, the Absolute Divine Person.

It is only possible to know Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, if one becomes his devotee to serve Him with love, for this is a mystery, and this mystery “is the love of God”.

There lies, in fact, the essential condition for knowing all that touches Krishna, the Absolute Divine Person, and to reach this level of spiritual and absolute love, one must necessarily observe the regulatory principles of devotional service to the Lord.

This way opens up to the neophyte and allows him to observe the regulating principles while his senses are still conditioned by the matter and the energy of illusion. It will essentially be to listen to and sing the glories of Lord Krishna, which is practiced only in the company of devotees of Krishna, holy beings, spiritualists of the highest level, who have realized the Supreme Person.

The Lord advocates five fundamental principles for achieving the perfection of devotional service to Lord Krishna.

  1. To live in the company of holy beings, devotees of Krishna, which will have the effect of promoting the listening of the glories of the Lord, and of reading the books concerning him and spreading his sublime teaching.
  2. Sing the glories of the Lord «Hare Krishna».
  3. Listen to Krishna’s teaching, receiving it from the lips of a pure devotee of God, as a bona fide spiritual master, true servant of the Lord.
  4. To dwell in a holy place, which was blessed by the presence of the Lord.
  5. Worship the representation of the Lord in the temple, with devotion, for it is really the manifestation of Krishna.

These five principles are directly related to devotional service.

The devotional service offered to God is, in truth, the manifestation of the love one feels for Lord Krishna, and the expression of the feelings we carry to him, in the ardent desire to please him.

Devotional service develops in two stages. It is first approached from the point of view of devotion governed by the regulating principles and then at the higher level, one accesses the devotional service imbued with pure love.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, embodies the Absolute Truth, but He also manifests Himself through the unfolding of various energies.

Those who adhere to the regulatory principles of devotional service ultimately reach the spiritual planets of the spiritual world. But all those who adhere to the principles of love in the practice of such a service join the supreme abode, the supreme planet, the one where Krishna resides permanently and never leaves, also called «Krishnaloka or Goloka».

The spiritual soul shares the same nature as the Supreme Lord, and is One with Him qualitatively. It is therefore at the absolute level, between the individual spiritual




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