Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 323 of 624

The Supreme Lord stands in the hearts of all beings without exception. He cannot therefore be hostile or friendly towards anyone, for Him all beings have the same importance. Even though we sometimes see him chastising someone, he is actually acting like a father punishing his child for the sake of the child. The Lord's chastisement is just another manifestation of his impartiality. Although the Lord must carry out his purposes perfectly, He is equanimous in all circumstances and is fair to all.

Logos 373

Goto table of logos

We must not harm anyone, whether human beings, animals of all species and plants in all their diversity

At the beginning of existence on earth, God had ordered human beings to watch over all animals, from elephants to ant, as well as over all plants, from trees to blade of grass, to take care of and protect them.

Humans must not ignore the existence of any living being, from celestial beings, to human beings, animals and plants.

God commanded us, Thou shalt not kill, nor do violence to any being.

The human being must know that in every living being, celestial, human, animal and plant, however insignificant it is, it would be an ant or a microbe, God is present to its sides, so you have to be kind to everyone and not do violence to any of them. In today's so-called civilized society, certain religious allow and encourage the existence of a large number of slaughterhouses and fish and aquaculture ponds, where a large number of living beings, various animals, both terrestrial and aquatic, are killed.

But if the human being has no knowledge of God in every living being, any alleged progress of human civilization, whether on the spiritual or material level, can only result from ignorance and blindness.

Why be surprised at the chaos that reigns in this world and the rise of atheism. By ordering: You shall not kill, God orders not to take the life of any living being, human, animal or plant. It is very simple to understand, so let us love each other with unconditional love and also love all animals and plants in the same way.

It is the duty of the spiritual soul embodied in a human body to remember that it must be careful not to kill anyone, even ants. God ordered human beings to watch over and protect animals and plants. Indeed, a human being, and all the more so a holy servant of God, should never be malicious or needlessly violent. Many ants cross the path, but the human being must watch his steps always looking at a meter in front of him, and when there are no more ants in his path, he can then put his second




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