The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 214 of 728

an instrument having nothing to do with the real intelligence that is in the soul. True intelligence is also another major principle of the soul, because it is in it that it is found and null elsewhere. Real intelligence, mind, and consciousness in their pure form are inherent in the distinct spiritual soul of God. This makes it possible to affirm with certainty that the brain of the material body is not the center of intelligence, and that it is the consciousness of the soul that determines the intelligence of its acts. Whatever brain we have, our life will be successful if we simply turn our consciousness away from the matter and turn it to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

Whoever adopts the path of Krishna Consciousness attains the highest perfection of existence, no matter how degraded he may have fallen. In other words, anyone in Krishna Consciousness will return to God when he leaves his material body.

The consciousness is individual. Because the consciousness remains specific to the individual, it remains unchanged despite the transformation of the body. Thus, the physical constitution has nothing to do with the development of consciousness, which follows the movements of the soul through its transmigrations (reincarnations). The soul is the seat of the intellect and God the supreme source of the latter.

It is the presence of the soul that causes the growth and various transformations of the body. After the annihilation of the body, the soul is not destroyed, but continues to live.

The Supreme Lord says: "The soul knows neither birth nor death. Living, she will never stop being. Not born, immortal, original, eternal, it never had a beginning and never will end. She does not die with the body.

Death represents only the destruction of the material, gross body. We all know from experience that when we dream, at night, we leave our room carried away by the ethereal body of mind, intelligence and false ego. Although our "rude" material body remains lying on the bed. The ego, the soul, thus constantly passes from the material body to the ethereal body. We dream with the ethereal body, and out of the dream state, we reintegrate the material body. And it is this passage of the soul carried by the ethereal body of a material body to another that is called death. The ethereal body, composed of the mind, the intelligence, and the material ego, carries us from one body to another, according to our thoughts at the moment of death. The soul will thus have to put on a new body of matter corresponding to these thoughts. The




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