Getting To Know God
Page 129 of 176

Supreme Person, Hari, is so good and merciful to humanity that He always remains anxious to bring fallen souls back to their original home, to Him.

In the form of the Prajapati Marici, God, the Supreme Person, begets descendants; becoming the king, He kills thieves and robbers; and in the form of time, He destroys everything. We must see all the different characteristics of material existence as characteristics of God, the Supreme Person.

All the causes and effects that determine the creation, the maintenance, and the annihilation of the material world are actually caused by the one Supreme Personality. In a day of Brahma, the demiurge and first to be created and ruler of our galaxy set up by God, there are many changes.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, as He really is.

The first Name of God and the most powerful of all is Krishna, which means “The infinitely fascinating”.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is a living being in the same way as all of us; He is not an impersonal entity without form, as the impersonalists believe. Being all individuals, persons, but whose knowledge and opulence are limited, the impersonalists can not accommodate the idea that the Supreme, the infinite, the first cause of all things, is also a Person. In truth, the body of Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in its original, personal form, is veiled to impersonalists, unbelievers, and atheists by the radiance that emanates from the sublime body of the Lord. Only devotees, great souls, servants and servants of Krishna can see it without this dazzling radiance and admire its marvelous divine form.

The Vedas, the original scriptures also called “The true gospel” inform us on the contrary that God is a person. Krishna is a person, as we are, with the difference that there is no difference between his Supreme Spiritual Body and his Soul, because they are ONE.

God is One, and we are legions, but we adore him because He supports the needs of all of us. God is a person endowed with an intelligence and a conscience out of the ordinary and inconceivable. He has a totally spiritual body whose form is human.

Is it not written, “God created man in his image, in his image He created him”?

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person has given to man a body whose form is identical to his.




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