The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 92 of 150

Knowledge of the spiritual soul in all its truth.

The spiritual soul, also called spiritual entity or spiritual spark, is actually a tiny fragment, an integral part of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. As such, it is pure, eternal, for without beginning or end. From the beginning, the soul is pure and virtuous.

The spiritual soul, which each of us is indeed, resides in a body of dense matter, and by its vital power, keeps the latter alive. It is thanks to the soul that bodies can develop and continue their existence, God willing, because life belongs to the Lord. We are not the body in which we reside as souls. It is this bodily conception of existence that leads the soul to its loss, to fall into permanent oblivion of everything, to reincarnate in a repetitive way, and to continual suffering.

The simple fact of perceiving one's spiritual position, of seeing the self as it is, makes it possible to escape the traps of matter. It is necessary to perceive one's own being and to know who one really is. Our real, natural, original and eternal position is to be the eternal servant of Krishna. Whoever reaches this stage, and is aware of it, becomes a realized soul. This correct understanding of his true identity has the effect of cutting the bond of attachment to matter.

It is the false ego, or the erroneous identification of oneself with the body of matter and the material universe, which plunges the incarnated being into the traps of the energy of illusion, which is akin to satan, and leads the soul to its loss. But as soon as he knows himself to be a spiritual soul, qualitatively of the same substance as Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, he knows that he belongs to the same category as the Supreme Being, and as soon as he realizes that his eternal position is to serve Him, he attains spiritual realization.

From one incarnation to another, or from one life to another, we change bodies, which do not necessarily have the same shape and the same complexion.

In truth, when we obtain a new body, the latter acquired, automatically plunges us into the forgetfulness of our previous life. We no longer know anything of our real past, or of the body we had then, and of course of our true spiritual identity, this is really what death is.

The material bodies we put on are actually the product of our mental activities, and we cannot now remember our old bodies. That is why we must never harm any living being, whether it is a human being, an animal or a plant, and love each other unconditionally.




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