The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 169 of 728

Karma, an infallible justice.

Karma: Law of nature according to which any material action, good or bad, necessarily entails consequences, which have the effect of always linking its author more and more to the material existence and the cycle of the dead and the rebirths.

We must free ourselves from karma, the law of cause and effect and reincarnation. The way back to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the one we must take. The law of karma, action-reaction, explains the causes and effects of the acts concerned, and more particularly those which relate to reincarnation. During this very life, through our thoughts, words, and actions, we are preparing our next body, which may be higher or more vile than the one we currently have.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, alone has the power to free his devotee, devotee, and every living being from the ocean of the dead and repeated rebirths. The purpose of human life is to escape the endless cycle of death and rebirth, which is reincarnation. When a living being reaches the end of his life in this material world, the law of reincarnation forces him to begin another. At each of his existences, he struggles hard to achieve material ends, but these always end in failure, and he must start all over again.

The first step to escape the cycle of the repeated deaths and rebirths is to know that we are not our body, but a spiritual soul also called spiritual entity or spiritual spark, and to say "I am a pure spiritual soul".

The second step is to surrender ourselves to God, to serve him with love and devotion and to offer him our existence. Thus, our thoughts, words and actions being pure and no longer leading to consequences, we put an end to the cycle of repeated deaths and rebirths and we can then return to the kingdom of God, all of knowledge, happiness and eternity. .

As such, a bond unites us to the Supreme Soul (Holy Spirit) Krishna, God. The individual soul distinct from God can be likened to a spark springing from the fire of the Supreme Soul. Just as fire and spark possess the same attributes, so the distinct soul has the same spiritual nature as the Supreme Lord. The Lord and the distinct being both possess a nature made of eternity, knowledge and bliss. All living beings exist originally in the spiritual world as spiritual servants of God, but when the distinct being desires to break this link, he falls under the yoke of material energy. The eternal soul then becomes a prisoner of the cycle of the dead and of successive rebirths, and it must assume various bodies according to its karma. To free oneself




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