Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh
Page 38 of 60

Each living being receives by the will of the Supreme Lord, sustenance and protection, according to the position he has acquired in this world. This is why the Lord is called the Supreme Protector. Knowing that He supports all beings, everyone should only care about their own duties, because the power to truly protect others, no one has, except the Supreme Lord.

The highest, the most perfect humanitarian enterprise, consists in bringing each human being to practice and to teach the service of love and devotion offered to God throughout the world, for this work alone can to tear the soul from the grip of delusion, material nature, devastating time and karma.

The Lord said: It is only through devotional service, and only so, that one can know Me as I am. And the being who, through such devotion becomes fully aware of My Person, can then enter My absolute realm.

The Supreme Lord, Krishna, grants his protection to all beings, for of All He is the Supreme Guide, the Supreme Protector, the One Absolute without a second. Anyone who knows him can attain eternal peace.

The Lord grants his protection to beings of various levels through his multiple energies, but his pure devotees He protects them Himself.

Seing a pure soul born in a family is a great fortune for that family, because its ensures ascendants and descendants over a hundred generations, to be freed by the grace of the Lord, as a sign of the respect He shows to his dear devotee. The highest benefit that one can bestow on one's family is therefore to become a pure devotee of the Lord.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is vegetarian, like Him, let us adopt spiritual vegetarianism.

The Lord said: May they offer Me with love and devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit, water, this offering I will accept it.

After showing that He is the original Lord, the supreme beneficiary and the true object of all sacrifices, Lord Krishna reveals what offerings He desires to be presented and offered as an oblation.

If indeed we desire to devote ourselves to the Lord through devotional service and thus purify ourselves in order to reach the goal of existence, which is precisely the service of absolute love of the Lord, the first thing is naturally to know this that He expects from us. The one who loves Krishna will offer Him whatever He desires, and not of course, what He displeases or what He did not ask for.

Also, we must not offer Him meat, fish and eggs, which He will not accept. In fact, the Lord clearly indicates the offerings that He desires to be made to Him and that He will accept, as He confirms; a leaf, a flower, a fruit, water. If He had wanted meat, fish,




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