Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 120 of 624

He is at the head of the innumerable living beings, takes care of their needs and ensures their maintenance. He grants them the fruits of their deeds and fulfills all their desires. Each one is attributed the intelligence that has been valued to him by the acts of his past life.

In truth, the degree of intelligence differs in each individual being distinct from God, for it is determined by the Lord. This, in its Supreme Soul form, stands in the heart of every being, and from Him alone comes the power of remembering, knowing and forgetting. Thus, some will be able, by the grace of the Lord, to remember their past actions, and others not. By his grace, this one will enjoy great intelligence, and this other will be foolish. The Lord is called the master of intelligence. God is absolute truth, perfect intelligence and the Supreme Spiritual Master. He is the Supreme teacher, and from him alone comes perfect knowledge.

Logos 88

Goto table of logos

Our thoughts, words and actions, cause positive or negative effects, which will lead to pleasant or unpleasant consequences from the end of our present existence already, but in any case and for sure, in our next life.

This translates to: An existence filled with repeated suffering and misfortune or a pleasant and happy life. By an existence anchored in poverty or on the contrary in financial ease. Physical disabilities (various physical malformations) or even by obtaining an unsightly or beautiful body. Through various blindness (visually impaired, hearing impaired) or obtaining a healthy body. A short life, (die of illness, assassinated, in an accident, in war, from a stray bullet). In all cases it is a question of suffering, by the law of Karma, the consequences of our own sinful acts accomplished in our past life. Divine righteousness, through the agents of God, returns to us exactly the wrong that we have done. (He who murdered, will be murdered in his turn. He who blinded a person, will be blind in his next life. He who was rich and who, despite his wealth did not seek God, will be reborn poor and will remain so forever. his life, etc.)

To put an end to suffering in all its forms in this world and no longer undergo all this, it is enough to turn to God, to love him, to obey him, to be surrender to him and serve him with love and devotion. Then our next life will be beautiful, with God in his eternal kingdom.




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