The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 10 of 150

What do we mean by love?

To love is, first of all, to love God to the point of feeling the desire to offer Him the fruit of all our actions, and to want to serve Him with love and devotion, in order to make Him happy. In truth, he who loves the Lord also naturally loves all human beings without exception, all land and water animals, all plants in their diversity, and all minerals.

To love is not only to give love to one's own, but also to pour out the same feelings, the same affection to all human beings without exception.

To love is to make no difference between all human beings, white, black, yellow, red, mixed race, and to put them all on the same level, and to see in each one, his sister, his brother, his mother or his father.

To love is to bring all human beings without exception to be beings of love, so that they love each other with unconditional love.

To love is to put an end to wickedness in all its forms and to offer love unconditionally to all beings without exception.

To love is not to criticize or judge anyone for any reason.

To love is not to reject anyone, no matter what they have done, nor to set them aside because of their skin color, their appearance or their faults.

Loving means forgiving mistakes and giving good advice to help the person improve and change for the better.

Man is blind and deaf, and ignores it. But spiritually speaking, what does this mean?

To be blind and deaf is to be ignorant of God as He really is, of His transcendental qualities, of His glories, of His excellences, and of His primordial, original, infinite and absolute form.

To be blind and deaf is to be ignorant of the data relating to existential and absolute truth, of divine knowledge, of the true word of God and His sublime teaching, of pure spiritual science, of the kingdom of the Lord and of the material universe.

To be blind and deaf is to be ignorant of the fact that each of us is actually an immortal spirit soul, and that the body in which it resides is only a garment that it has put on.

To be blind and deaf is to ignore that our thoughts, words and actions produce positive and/or negative effects, which in turn generate and provoke good and/or bad consequences, which we will suffer at the end of our present existence, and certainly in our next life, in the form of misfortune, suffering, or benefit.

To be blind and deaf is to ignore that death, which concerns only the body and not the soul, puts an end to one existence, but that another begins immediately for the immortal spiritual soul. It is reincarnated in a new material body and begins a new existence whose nature will be determined by its past thoughts, words and actions.




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