The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 283 of 728

relationship with the gunas. If men desire to live in harmony and peace, they must opt ??for Krishna consciousness, because as long as they remain absorbed in a bodily conception of existence, they will be unable to rise to the highest level of existence.

Materialists who remain attached to the pleasures of the senses, to material goods, to material comfort, and to their privileged positions until death, generally never wish to leave honors and family charm. Those who are attached to the honors and sweets of the home are forced to be reborn among the lowest species because of their guilty acts committed in their last existence and throughout a lifetime of sins. The holy being enjoys such a high position that he has no consideration for any material benefit. There are different forms of wealth on earth, on the Edenic planets and even on the lower planetary systems, hell, known as Patala. Nevertheless, the pure being knows that they are all material, so that he has no interest in them. One must develop in oneself a taste for spiritual life, superior to the material model, it is only then that one can give up all material good. If a person’s thoughts are relentlessly focused on a single object, the body they will get after death will undoubtedly be a function of those thoughts.

The Lord said, “It is the thoughts, the memories of being just leaving the body that are sure to determine its future condition.”

We can naturally conclude from this that if we always think of Krishna, God, or if we become fully aware of him, we will reach the planet of Goloka Vrndavana, where Krishna lives forever.

At the end of life, the components of the body are stored in various areas of material energy.

The Lord said: “My dear gopi friends (Young village women, Krishna’s companions in Vrndavana. They incarnate, because of their pure love for Him, the highest devotion to the Lord.), Learn from My lips that these are My energies alone that act everywhere. Take a pot of earth: you have nothing more than a combination of earth, water, fire, air and ether. And whether the pot is new, old or broken, the same elements always make it up. When created, the pot is just a combination of earth, water, fire, air and ether; throughout its existence, its components remain the same, and when it is finally destroyed, annihilated, its ingredients will be preserved in various sectors of material energy. In the same vein, during the creation of this cosmos, all the time that its manifestation lasts, as well as after its destruction, it is




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