Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 475 of 624

The spiritual world, bathed in that radiance which emanates from the sublime spiritual body of Krishna and which extends to infinity enveloping even the Lord Himself, n he is neither created nor annihilated, for he is eternal. Beyond the material universe is an eternal, spiritual universe, where everything exists for eternity.

Souls conditioned by matter can only have knowledge of the spiritual world through great sages established beyond the influence of the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance. Unless one is firmly established at the absolute level, knowing the nature of this spiritual world is relatively impossible.

This is why the Lord recommends to adopt the service of love and devotion offered to his Person and to keep twenty -four hours a day absorbed in Krishna consciousness or God consciousness, which elevates those who indulge in it beyond the influence of the attributes of material nature. The human being established in Krishna consciousness can easily know the nature of the spiritual world and the spiritual planets.

The inhabitants of Vrindavana, a region spiritualized by the presence of Krishna during his stay in India 5,000 ago years, constantly immersed in this Krishna consciousness, could know without any difficulty the spiritual and absolute nature of the spiritual planets.

Thus, Krishna leads all the shepherds, headed by King Nanda Maharaja, to the lake where later He was to reveal to them the spiritual planetary system. There, without delay, they bathed, and, thanks to this bath, which played the role of purifier of their being, each one could see the true nature of the spiritual planets. Once imbued with this vision, all men felt overwhelmed with wonderful bliss, and the first thing they saw emerging from the water was Krishna, worshiped with very beautiful chosen prayers.

To know more, read the book The spiritual worldl.

Logos 457

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Do not legalize, recommend, order, encourage or practice Euthanasia, NEVER.

Euthanasia which is murder, is equivalent to assisted suicide, depending on the case.

It is ignorance of data relating to existential truth, which leads human beings to speak lightly and unconsciously about euthanasia, because they do not know anything about the afterlife.

God did not order; You will not kill or harm anyone?




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