Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh
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Look at the birds of the sky. They neither sow nor reap, nor do they gather anything in barns; and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than them?

Which of you, by his worries, can add a cubit to his life span?

And why worry about clothing?

Consider how the lilies of the field grow; they neither work nor spin. (Matthew 6: 26-30)

Because all forest animals are to Me, all the mountain beasts by the thousands. I know the birds of the mountains, and everything that moves in the fields is mine. (Words of the Supreme Eternal) (Psalms 50: 10-11)

And he said unto them, Which of you, if a son or his ox fall into a well, will not bring it up immediately on the sabbath day? (Read 14: 5)

Like a shepherd, he will feed his flock, he will take the lambs in his arms, and will carry them in his bosom, he will lead the suckling sheep. (Isaiah 40:11)

For thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I will take care of My sheep Myself, and review them. (Ezekiel 34:11)

The slaughter of animals is not a sign of intelligence, greatness of soul, civilization.

The truly civilized human being knows the art of preparing nutritious dishes based on milk. In all rural communities, the people who live there make hundreds of products, all of them wonderful, from milk. From milk, one can obtain by-products such as yogurt, cheese, butter, and by mixing them with cereals, fruits and vegetables, one obtains hundreds of preparations. This is what we mean by civilization, and not killing an animal just for the pleasure of the senses, to delight the taste buds.

Animals and plants also have the right to live.

All living beings, humans, animals and plants have received from God the inalienable right to life. If the body of human beings differs from that of animals, and that of plants, and the latter from the other two, it must be understood that in each of them resides a soul. There is therefore a soul in each human being, in each of the animals, and in each of the plants. God therefore gives all living beings, human, animal and plant, the same rights and the same advantages. There is no difference between them.




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