Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 325 of 624

of progressing on the path of spiritual realization must not at any cost, when there is abundant food, do violence to animals and plants.

True non-violence consists in not slowing down the spiritual progress of a being, whatever it is, human, animal or plant. However, souls embodied in animal bodies, by transmigrating from one species to another, follow a certain evolution, and also progress. A slaughtered animal sees its progress hampered. In fact, before rising to the higher animal species, he will have to return to the species which he prematurely left to complete his due in days or years. We should therefore not slow down the evolution of animals for the sole satisfaction of our palate. This is true non-violence. It is God's order not to harm anyone, human, animal or plant.

Logos 375

Goto table of logos

It is now, during our present life, that we must prepare for our next existence.

The Lord said: It is the thoughts, the memories of the being at the moment of leaving the body, which determine his future condition.

The intelligent human being prepares for it and seeks to obtain in his next life the best possible body, that is, a spiritual body, as possessed by those who return to the kingdom of God.

But let us understand that in terms of reincarnation, we must prepare now our next life, and our actions, our thoughts, our desires, our memories, determine what this next existence will be, and which body will be ours.

Materialists turned to the pleasure of the senses attach a very great importance to the present existence despite its ephemeral character, and thus we see human beings putting the emphasis on the body and what is attached to it. This is called the bodily conception of existence. This conception attaches not only to the body, but also to relatives, to the wife, to the husband, to the children, to the friends, to the possessions, to the homeland, and to so many other things which are extinguished when s' completes the present existence. When death occurs, the whole context of this life sinks into oblivion.

Death comes down to a sleep of about nine (9) months, the time required for the shaping of a new body offered according to our wishes by the laws of nature, through the intermediary of a particular mother.

It is simply a question of changing the nature of our desires during our current existence, in our present body, by a knowledge that God transmits to us through his authentic servant, the spiritual master. This knowledge can be received at any stage of life, even moments before death, but the normal procedure is to see it formed from early childhood.




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