Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 330 of 624

That is what truly loving. This is why God commands not to eat meat, fish and eggs.

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What is the true meaning of free will and free choice that God grants us?

Only love pure natural and spontaneous can satisfy God, an immaculate love, without a trace of any personal desire. This is the main reason why God gives each living being his freedom of choice. This free will allows us to love or not to love the Supreme Eternal.

The choice is left to each living being. The beings who dedicate their love to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, are found in the spiritual world, while those who do not want to love him are relegated to the material universe. Those who do not love God or who are envious of his position as Supreme Beneficiary cannot remain in the spiritual world. When this happens, they are immediately fallen from the spiritual world and sent into the material universe, because the envy of the Lord does not exist there.

The choice to love or not to love the Supreme Eternal exists in each of us from all eternity. The individual being distinct from God has no real independence. When he places himself under the tutelage of the Sovereign Lord, he remains free. But as soon as he engages in material activities while having the impression of fulfilling his senses, he is indeed under the spell of material nature.

It is up to us.

Love God, obey Him and serve him with love and devotion, and live with him in his absolute kingdom, happy for eternity by his side, or choose not to love him, not to serve him with devotion, in order to satisfy our own senses. and undergo in this case, in the material universe life after life, rebirth, death and suffering repeatedly.

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Where does spiritual life lead us?

How can we do we know whether or not we should reincarnate in our next life?

The spiritual life leads us to our primordial state, free from any material identification. We reach the state which frees us from all anguish, pain and lust. Once this state is reached, it is then possible to think in terms of universal brotherhood.




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