The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 226 of 728

The Supreme Lord, Krishna says, "I want you to know that: never, in any place, under any circumstances, can we be separated, for I am everywhere present".

"Nothing is separated from My Person; the entire cosmic manifestation rests in Me, it is not separate from My Person. Before the creation, I already existed.

To escape from oblivion, it suffices to abandon ourselves to God, to love him and to serve him with love and devotion.

In truth, man is a trilogy.

The Supreme Eternal says: "Like the ether, which everywhere spread, however, can not, of a subtle nature, be mixed with anything, so the soul, spiritual substance, although in the body, does not interfere with him".

The ether penetrates the water, the mud ... everything that exists, but it does not mix with anything. In the same way, the soul, although it is situated in various bodies, remains, by its subtle nature, independent of these bodies. It is therefore impossible to see, with our material eyes, how the soul is in contact with the body, and how it separates when the latter perishes. No man of science can explain these things.

Man is composed of a dense body of matter, an ethereal body, and a spiritual soul. The material body is only the envelope of the spiritual soul. We are, in truth, a spiritual soul. The mind, the intelligence and the false ego form the ethereal body in which is enclosed the spiritual soul. At the moment of death, the ethereal body, the inner envelope, carries the soul into the new body that a new mother prepares for the soul that will incarnate, and the body of dense matter made of earth, water, air, fire and ether, constitutes the external envelope.

Originally, as pure spiritual souls, we possess a spiritual body. This spiritual body is identical to our real self (in other words, there is no distinction between me and my spiritual body) while the actual material body is quite distinct and different from our actual identity. When one speaks of a material body, one speaks in fact of two material bodies: the coarse material body (made of dense palpable material) and the subtle material body (ethereal). The first is composed of coarse material elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether) and the second of the subtle material elements (mind, intelligence and false ego). It is this second which, in fact, transports us from one body envelope to another, constantly going from one species to another, among the 8,400,000 species of material bodies; plant species, animal species; terrestrial, flying, crawling, aquatic and human.





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