Getting To Know God
Page 30 of 176

He also wears around his neck a garland composed of pretty wild flowers, around which buzzes a swarm of bees intoxicated by its sweet perfume. The parent also has a beautiful pearl necklace, a crown and pairs of armbands, bracelets and anklets.

This description suggests that the flower garland worn by the Supreme Lord is fresh. In truth, in Vaikuntha, in the spiritual world, everything is fresh. Even the flowers picked on trees and shrubs keep their freshness, because in the spiritual world, everything keeps its state first, nothing deteriorates. The fragrance of the flowers of these trees, intended to be woven into garlands, does not disappear either, because trees and flowers are spiritual. Thus, when a flower is taken on the tree, it remains as it is, and never loses its fragrance, so that the bees are just as attracted to the flowers of the garlands as to those still on the trees. trees. This is what characterizes the domain of the spiritual: everything is eternal and inexhaustible. Whatever may be subtracted from a thing, it remains unchanged; in other words, as we have already stated, in the spiritual world one minus one equals one, and one plus one equals one. The bees, therefore, are buzzing around the fresh flowers, and this sweet whisper rejoices the Lord.

In addition, his bracelets, necklaces, crowns and anklets are all inlaid with priceless jewels; because of their spiritual nature, the value of these jewels and pearls can not be evaluated in material terms.

In general, it takes purified eyes to see the Lord and His devotees.

Krishna is the original name of God, the Supreme Person, in his first spiritual form and means “the Infinitely Fascinating.” All of Krishna's Entertainment is like the activities of humans. Let us understand, therefore, that his Form is similar to that of man. In truth, the human form only imitates His.

Krishna is the Supreme Soul, the Unmeasured, the Supreme Master of all supernatural powers, the Lord of the entire Universe, the Omnipresent Divine Person. In Him rests the cosmic manifestation. He is the Master of all the holy beings, the sages and the Lord of all beings. As a Supreme Soul residing in the hearts of all beings, He remains hidden in their hearts like fire in every piece of fuel. Of all the acts of beings He is the Witness, seated in their heart, the Sovereign Master. He is self-sufficient. Before creation He already existed, and by his energy He creates all the material universe. According to its flawless plan, the interaction of the three gunas (the attributes and modes of influence of material nature: Virtue, passion and ignorance) produces this world, which is then maintained by it, then annihilated. However, their influence does not affect him, because He remains the Supreme Master forever.

Lord Krishna appeared on the surface of this planet for the sole purpose of destroying all the so-called sovereigns who are only demonic miscreants, devils in royal robes, who only deceive the people. It appeared so that it realizes its own words.




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