Getting To Know God
Page 26 of 176

Here are some of the innumerable Names of the Supreme Lord.

El-Elohe: “God powerful, strong and preeminent”. ELOHIM: “Creator God, Powerful and Strong” EL-SHADDAI: “Almighty God”. ADONAÏ: “Lord”. YAHVE / JEHOVAH: “The Lord”.

Krishna means “The infinitely fascinating” and “The ultimate source of all energies”.

Krishna remains the first of them, the most powerful, the Supreme Ultimate Name.

It is written:

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. - He was in the beginning with God, everythingwas through him, and without him nothing was, from all being he was life, and life was the light of men, and the light shining in the darkness and the darkness have not been able to reach it.”

The Vedic Scriptures corroborate this same truth. In the beginning, then, was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. God, indeed, is the Absolute Truth, so there is no disparity between God, His Form, His Attributes, and His Word. All that relates to God is also God, whereas in the material universe, the substance remains different from its name. If you are thirsty, for example, it is not by saying “water, water” that you will be quenched; but in the spiritual realm, the Name of God -Kṛiṣhṇa- and God Himself, are identical.

I would like to quote a Sanskrit verse related to this passage from the Bible:

This verse explains, that the Name of God has the same power as God Himself. The name of God is here qualified as “complete”, “devoid of all material defilement” and “eternal”. There is no difference between the Supreme Person and his Name. This is why when we sing the Holy Name of God, that of “Kṛiṣhṇa” for example, Kṛiṣhṇa is then Himself present. But it is not obligatory to sing “Kṛiṣhṇa”. We can sing any of the Names of God because He has innumerable people around the world who all have the same effect.

To tell the truth, God has no name, He is attributed according to His Acts. We ourselves glorify God under the name of “Kṛiṣhṇa”, which means “the infinitely fascinating” because it is the first of the Names of God, and the most powerful. But how is God infinitely fascinating?

We must first define what exerts a certain fascination in this world. One will say that a person is fascinating for his wealth, his power, his wisdom, his beauty and his renunciation and God possesses them to infinity and in an absolute way.

It is written, “All things were by God, and without God nothing was.”

That's the perfect knowledge.




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