absolute existence, beyond the cosmic manifestation, beyond the reign of the three gunas. Great sages and spiritualists worship Him as God, the Supreme Person, the original Cause of all beings, all worlds and celestial beings. They worship God as the One who contains all things.
All living beings, including celestial beings with different powers, the various orders of suzerains, kings and other leaders, are said to dwell in God. Because every being is a fragment of the great All, none can know it through empirical knowledge, because its absolute existence resembles an ocean where thousands of species live.
Every avatar, the eternal form that Krishna takes to appear in this world, comes with the purpose of relieving living beings of their ignorance, their illusions, and their lamentations. Thus, all men can come to appreciate its manifestations in this world, its Entertainment and sing the glory of its Acts, eternally. No one can appreciate the number of its forms and avatars, nor the number of universes that extend in Him.
All beings in this world are conditioned by its illusory energy (which is similar to Satan). Its absolute, eternal form is all knowledge, bliss and eternity. By the simple concentration of the mind on it, one can understand in the full clarity of knowledge all that is, because He is the original source of all knowledge. He is the Sovereign Powerful Being who possesses all energies, the Supreme Spiritual Being, the Sovereign Person, the Supreme Master of all energies. He is Vasudeva (His full emanation), the resting place of all creation. He is God, the Supreme and Omnipresent Person, the Supreme Soul dwelling in everyone's heart, guiding every being in his actions.
Krishna, the Original Lord, plays his flute wonderfully. Her face radiates beauty and her eyes blossom like Lotus petals. His skin is as black as the clouds, the plumes of Peacock crown his head, his indescribable grace charms millions of cupids.
The Lord always delights in the entertainment of love. A garland of flowers enhanced by a moon medallion dangles around his neck and jewels adorn his hands, where his flute dances. It manifests itself eternally in its graceful form of Śyāmasundara, which draws three curved lines. Its sublime form is all of happiness, truth and reality and radiates the most perfect splendor. Each of the organs of his spiritual body possesses the faculty of fully performing the functions of all his other members. He eternally watches over the infinite universes, both spiritual and material, which he creates and maintains.
Inaccessible by the study of the holy scriptures, He can easily be reached by the soul who serves him with pure devotion, without any mixture. He is the absolute, unique and without second, not subject to decline; he himself in his infinite form has no origin since he is the original cause and the Eternal Supreme Being; and yet he does not lack the beauty of youth like a fresh flower.