Getting To Know God
Page 34 of 176

The Lord forms an undifferentiated whole since His energies do not differ from His Person. In him innumerable universes draw their existence, their creation takes nothing away from its own power. In its fullness it is also present in the heart of each of the scattered atoms in the universe.

He resides in his Goloka kingdom with Radhādā (Radharani) whose spiritual traits are similar to his own. She embodies her power of bliss and perfectly masters the sixty-four arts. He is Krishna himself and his innumerable attributes remain inconceivable. It is he who sees in the depths of their hearts the pure sages whose eyes are anointed with the balm of love and devotion.

The Supreme Eternal appears in this world in his personal form of Krishna or in the form of various avatars, Rāma, Nṛsiḿha, Vāmana, all, emanations of his person. It has unlimited power. The dazzling radiance of its transcendental form constitutes the Impersonal Spiritual Supreme Being, undifferentiated, infinite, absolute, impenetrable, complete and omnipresent. Source of the innumerable planets of the material universe, each with its own opulence.

Krishna, the original Lord to whom Durgā obeys, Māyā, his external energy, which is like the shadow of the spiritual energy called “chit”, is worshiped by all men in the form of Durgā, the creator, preservative agent and destroyer of the material universe.

Krishna, the Supreme Eternal says: “Because He knows to me the ultimate goal of all sacrifices, of all austerities, Sovereign of all celestial beings and beings, friend and benefactor of all beings, the wise man find the cessation of material suffering.

Incarnated and conditioned souls, trapped in the clutches of illusory energy, all earnestly desire to find peace in this world, but do not know the conditions required to obtain it. The secret lies in the recognition of God as the recipient of all man's efforts. Man must sacrifice everything to the absolute service of the Supreme Lord, for all planets and their inhabitants belong to Him. Nobody equals it.”

The Lord reigns over material nature, and all conditioned souls undergo the yoke and rigor of the laws of material nature. Unless you understand these basic truths, no peace in this world, at the individual level or at the collective level. Perfect peace is obtained only by the complete development of the consciousness of God. And to be conscious of God means first to realize that Krishna, the Lord, is the Absolute Master, and that all distinct beings, including the powerful celestial beings, are subordinate to Him.

The conscious being of God acts in full knowledge of the relationship that unites him to the Lord, and the perfection of this science is to know God perfectly, Lord Krisna, the Supreme Person. The pure soul, as an integral part and fragment of God, remains its eternal servant. But as soon as she wishes to dominate Maya, the material nature illusory, she is seized by it and falls prey to many sufferings.




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