Getting To Know God
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give the necessary energy to the various forces of the material nature, which act differently in different creatures. No one can understand how He acts in this world. He manifested himself in the form of the three main deities of this universe, Brahma, Visnu, and Siva, for the creation, maintenance, and destruction to take place, but his Appearance as Lord Visnu has the special purpose of benefiting him. of all beings. It is therefore recommended to those who live in peace and aspire to supreme peace the adoration of his peaceful aspect of Lord Visnu.

Each being is begotten of Him and of every being He maintains.

Krishna, the Supreme Lord descends into our universe at various times under various carnations, white, red, yellow; and as this time, 5,000 years ago, he appeared in Vrndavana (India) with a blue-black complexion, he is called Krishna. Once, the Wonderful Divine Being saved the world from chaos and snatched from the clutches of demon beings all men of virtue. Anyone who has the good fortune to become attached to Krishna will never be defeated.

He is the Supreme Soul, the Supreme Father, the Sovereign Spiritual Master, and the King of Kings. He is the root of all creation, and in all beings the Supreme Soul. He is the protector of the wise and the Spiritual Guide of all living beings.

The Supreme Lord says, “Always remember that only My grace grants you your material opulences. No one must forget that I am the Supreme Lord. No one is higher than Me. To all I can show My favors, to all inflict My punishment. And he whom pride dominates, to show him My unmotivated mercy, I strip him of all his opulences.”

The Lord teaches unequivocally that every time He appears in this world, it is through the effect of His inner power. He is not, like the ordinary being, compelled by the law of karma to accept a body. Except for Him, all beings in this world necessarily receive a certain type of body, according to their past acts. But Krishna appears in a body that is not imposed on Him by his previous Acts. The Body He takes serves as a vehicle for His sublime pleasure, which comes from His inner power. He is therefore in no way subject to the law of karma, as the materialistic monists remain. This is why the claim of the latter to attain unity with God can only remain on the theoretical plane. Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is already present as the Supreme Soul in the body of both gopis and their husbands. Guide of all beings, the Supreme Soul directs the distinct soul in its acts. Of all acts it is She, to tell the truth, the Author and the Witness.

Krishna is present in everyone's heart and from Him acts, but also memory and forgetting. He is the original Person, whom the original knowledge is destined to make known to us. He is the Author of the philosophy of Vedanta, and therefore he who knows it most perfectly. Krishna, the Supreme Soul in all beings, is already in everyone's body.




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