God To His Messenger
Page 35 of 59

Then God created us, thinking it is love, goodness, righteousness, justice and peace, that all
his creatures, would act the same.
But soon, alas, a revolt fomented by one of the heavenly beings, and the first of them, because
God had placed at their head, (I named Satan and the devil) the latter 's thought is allowed to
bypass the authority of the Supreme Being, thinking out of ignorance, he could assume the
same privileges as the Being of Light, up wanting to play this role, or defer all decisions and
wishes of the Supreme Being. This being unclean, even went up to counter the aspirations, or
amend all decisions and creative works of God. Satan really does not know God, ignorant of
this fact, it evolved like other celestial beings, in the Divine Being.
God does not malice, can not allow this troublemaker from engaging in the libertarian
tendencies that would bring what was already the case, alas, an upheaval. Satan has managed
to rally to his cause of other angels, led in the celestial world, disorder, disorders, and its
negative actions, created waves and negative mass began to seriously pollute the heavenly
universe. He could not accept the love God has for the spiritual entities, Adam and Eve, and
he gave them importance.
Therefore, while Satan has lied to Adam and Eve into believing wrongly that they would not
die if they ate the forbidden fruit, which symbolized the end, knowing that no control would
create as you know not inconsistent, suffering, etc. disorders. at the author and his entourage,
God made clear to our first parents, and therefore a fortiori to those whom he said was true.
What is now the father or mother who does not explain to her child what to do or not do, or
would not understand her child, that the acts or decisions uncontrolled, can lead to disastrous
consequences for himself and his entourage. And ultimately, if the child does not obey, what
the parent is not punished for his own good. ?
If the Being of Light gave us the seed of life, we do not (and that Satan was careful to say it
was Adam and Eve, and has the same opportunity to men, that it still leads to destruction)
consciousness or control, and do not always have, because it is conditioned on our behavior.
We will keep this germ of life forever, if we work as God wants for our own good, by
purifying our spiritual essence, is the condition cine qua non, because eventually we will
return to the endless kingdom to God, so we melt it, and then enjoy the rest and thus eternal
It is a basic understanding at this level, and at that precise moment, is that the Being of Light
to always act from the beginning and speak with honesty, with justice and truth. His actions
and intentions have always been focused on happiness, well being, narrowly against people
whom he addressed.
Therefore, the germ of life he had offered and placed in the spiritual essence of celestial
beings, angels, or spiritual beings, men, was a gift in perpetuity. But by their disobedience,
Adam and Eve, just as Satan and his fallen angels, have caused this break in the conditional.
This is a result of this disobedience, that Being of Light created the material universe bit, and
placed our first parents, giving them a body adapted to their new environment, and providing
the latter, a spark life whose duration is limited in time.
As you understand, God has given us a seed of life temporarily, for us to win forever.
It will be produced in us, that is to say completely forever, if we work as God himself, in
rejecting the evil in all its forms, and choosing good.
There are two types of sparks or seeds of life.
God, giving importance to celestial beings, angels and spiritual beings, men, placed in their
spiritual essence, a germ of life, whose term has no limit, because from the source bracing,
which is the sole owner. His dearest wish is that we all looked the same.
On the contrary, he instructed the angels to be placed in the fleshly envelope, a spark of life,
whose lifetime is limited in time. This is done as follows.




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