God To His Messenger
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earthly riches rather than useful and beneficial to the celestial sphere, which does not perish,
all these entities will be entrenched and will never enter the celestial universe, let alone in the
infinite realm .
If the first death on the human body, causing a rupture of fact, requiring as it does not expect
the spiritual entity to leave the latter for its evil deeds, will experience the second death, the
real there.
Not only does it will not enter the kingdom of heaven, but it will be sent into the world of
darkness, or her life is finally removed, or for an indefinite time, depending on the crimes
It is written;
You the wicked, cursed, go into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his
What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world if he loses his soul?
The unprofitable servant cast into the outer darkness where there shall be weeping and
gnashing of teeth.
Regarding the world of darkness, I would say to those who have chosen the path of evil by
making the blood, for example, monstrous act, offense if any, of preventing a spiritual entity
of the possibility that was offered to wash her dress, that is to say, to purify its spiritual
essence, save carefully they may be, or what will certainly happen to them after the death of
their bodies.
When a spiritual entity leaves its carnal envelope the death of the latter, it goes automatically
into the invisible part of our material universe binary, which is also called transition zone.
This area is a place of convergence of spiritual entities who left the earth. They are received
by angels who, according to how they behaved during their earthly journey, the guide and
lead them to the appropriate destination. Of course, they will pass prior to trial to account for
their actions.
As you now know, the angels were commissioned to the Being of Light, after the spiritual
entities have been considered, to guide and direct them to the celestial world for those who
deserve, and that God will eternal happiness. The spiritual entity undergoes a transmutation of
his spiritual essence, which is the second birth, and it was during this divine operation, as the
Supreme Being implanted into the essence of the spiritual entity, and this time permanently,
for eternity, the germ of life.
The spiritual entity has been reached a plateau, is such an angel, and now lives in the heavenly
kingdom forever to eternity with God the Father in an ineffable happiness.
The others, all those murderous, greedy, who have experienced the hatred of their brother and
sister human beings, they not only saw the dead land, that of their fleshly envelope, which
was to her at a fateful moment traumatic rupture because of their strong inking in materialism,
but they felt the time was an indescribable fear, knowing they would fall into an unknown
world, they measured only the effects and risks they incur. At this moment, they know they
will stand trial, and that the sentence will be terrible. They will inevitably experience the
second death.
They are then, and only at that moment that something occurs, which according to their poor
work their evil will be terrible for them. They now know that the angels guide to the world of
darkness, and will for the occasion, they take away, take away the seed of life. They will
experience the second death that is real and will be locked, chained with Satan and his fallen
angels in the dark for a thousand years, see for eternity.
The door to the world of darkness will be sealed.




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