God To His Messenger
Page 32 of 59

Visible, because as I said, without hiding, he makes himself known to men by showing them a
small part of his anatomy, "that they ignore. It is this small portion or part of its Being, that
the man known as the visible matter to him, and he called material universe, with himself in it
as galaxies, planets, including earth belongs. The land itself and everything in it is part of the
"anatomy" of the Almighty, and would in some way, the visible part of its BEING.
That is why the Being of Light was saying;
Split the tree, you will find me. Lift the stone, I'm here.
Invisible, because its divine essence, which is actually his real being, that which is
concentrated and gathered all the divine principles which the matrix bracing, has properties
other than those we know. As such, as a spiritual being Heavenly Divine, God is invisible to
all heavenly beings themselves, although I heard the angels, and more so for spiritual beings
we are.
It is also in its spiritual essence of God, that is united, its five performances.
We must humbly admit, that if we want to know and find God, we must go back in time, back
to the original source, return to the beginning, and there my friends, God will reveal himself
to us because he has never hidden .
It is absolute.
Pure spirit, it can not be represented.
God is the one in whom is concentrated together, all the divine qualities. It is from the first
moment of its emergence from nothingness, all the fullness of absolute space, the infinite
Therefore, nothing existing was initially somewhat disintegrated, evaporated, dissolved, no
longer exists, since filled in its entirety by one who is from the beginning, O Lord, the One
God. We can then say:
In the beginning was the Lord.
God, Eternal essence and nature is both, the first living being, the One Being Pure Spiritual
Entity, is custodian of all the sources or principles propagators of life, truth, knowledge,
God is indeed a Divine Spiritual Entity, but it is also and especially those which have sprung
all the particles that gave rise to different celestial regions, aided by the creative principle
which is the representation, as we shall see later. Having life in himself, being the life of his
divine essence gush all sparks of life that gave birth to celestial beings such as angels, for
example, the spiritual beings (men) as well as plants, minerals etc..
His divine essence that filled the entire area, stretching to infinity, it is the vastness of
existence itself. It is by whom all things exist, because the WHOLE house, moves in him.
It is the total component of everything that exists and lives, as containing within it, while
forming and penetrating all things, human and celestial beings included.
God is the container and the contents of ANY.
One of the first qualities of God, if we can talk about that in terms of nobility, remains in the
ability of its spiritual essence, to have within it the vivifying source that gives eternity. Having
him in life, is essentially life, given that most grants available to God this unique natural, he
has also offered not to change, to remain in the state, not to be affected by time.
Stay at the moment, there position, confine them naturally without change one iota, is the
unique ability of God, and the five Beings of Light.
It is said of God, it is activated and not activated at once. We can actually say, because these
qualifiers unique characteristic and describe some of what it is.
Being heard and we have seen above, that God is at the same time, the container and contents,
inside and outside of the cup and dish, or ALL, in the words of Being light, it is also extended
to infinity, the volume of infinite space, the living representation. It is existence itself.




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