God To His Messenger
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4 - He is the owner, the owner and the propagator of the germ or spark of life that allows
everything, including human life.

5 - He is the owner and holder of wisdom, knowledge, knowledge, science, because it is the
principle source holder. He is the master of wisdom, the lord of justice, the master of time,
morality, ethics. He is LOVE and GOODNESS.

There was the beginning God, we also respectfully call upon the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Entity
Only Divine.
The first moments have been utilized to realize fully the Lord wanted to pursue his creative
and innovative, adding him since he was now all of the existing space, regions or celestial
celestial universe, and celestial bodies that we call angels.
But for this it needed to emerge from its divine essence, one of five Beings of Light, the
creative principle.
So to fill the emptiness of all existence of anything which is the component, the Lord, whose
essence is divine union of five spirits in one, five or divine sources, each with specific skills,
give their unity in an extraordinary power to the Divine Being, use one of its sources or divine
principles, to train him as a Being of Light, which is itself the representation.
It is as if the Lord God had somehow split or self generated again, so that the double divine
act, be and become the verb, the creator God.
God has therefore again somehow, from one of the five divine sources, self created, giving his
new representation, his new self, a new spiritual form with other skills, always in his spiritual
essence the same qualities as the remaining thread, the active principle and creator of the
divine source plant.
The first Being of Light which is God himself, is best known men as the verb, the Creator of
all things, words.
It is written:
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. It was in
the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and nothing has been done has
been done without it. In him was life, and life was the light of men.
Under this new spiritual form, the first Being of Light, God proceeded to create the celestial
universe, places of celestial bodies, the angels and the spiritual entities to whom he will later
carnal envelope, the men.
When life is created in you life you save. If you have no life, no life will kill you.
You know now that we were created or begotten by God, and he wished for love we offer the
same features as it is the importance that leads us. Our spiritual essence is derived from his,
and has all the properties. God is the owner and holder of the life-giving source, is indeed life
itself, he has delved into a seed and placed in our spiritual essence, so that we can in turn have
life, and live.
If the human level, this is done at the union of parents, when they pass through the sperm and
ovum to the child, their genes. The latter shall then receive the information, the characteristics
of its parents.
There is much the same thing, except that the scene is played at the spiritual level. Therefore,
as a spiritual entity, we are like our Father God.
If we follow the chronology, we find that God has created in the first angels, to whom he
conveyed specific properties, differentiating them from us, and offering an important role, that
of celestial wizard. Thus they are involved with men when it comes to forward a recent, data
divine, or to place the entity in a spiritual body (the baby being created in the belly of the
mother) when he came on earth. As you see, this important role, their vests.




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