God To His Messenger
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Blessed are they, those who have been persecuted even in their heart, those have been the
Father in truth. Blessed are those who are hungry, they will be filled.
Blessed are the poor, the kingdom of heaven belongs to you.
Blessed are you when men hate you, when they persecute you, nobody will find where you
are not persecuted.
Reincarnation is a fact accepted by the various Asian religions that advocate, among others, in
their mystical philosophy, the law of karma determines the conditions of life know the
applicant at a possible revival. This law states that the actions positive or negative result in
penalties suffered or will suffer any man in this life below, or at the next, whose aim is
precisely to bring human beings to repent to change its behavior if it does not know the
horrors of life.
Conversely, any positive act, lead man on the path to happiness and liberation of his being, to
bring human beings to be free from materialism, and to put an end to the series of incarnation
detain the prisoner of this world.
Many people belonging to monotheistic religions that deny reincarnation, arguing that this
figure is pure invention, arbitrary and baseless.
Let us take a moment what the Being of Light told the apostles, when they asked him who
was John the Baptist.
But before that, when Christ asked them what the people said to him, the apostles answered;
The people said you'd be John the Baptist, others Elijah, others that the ancient prophets has
raised (reincarnated).
The disciples laid to Being of Light the next question.
Why do the scribes say that Elijah must first come?
Being of Light replied;
It is true that Elijah must come, and prepare everything. But I say unto you that Elias is
already come, and they have not acknowledged.
It is that which is written;
Behold, I send my messenger before thy face.
He (John the Baptist) is the Elijah who was to come.
Being of Light and made them understand that if reincarnation was not systematic, not
concerning all spiritual entities, he was however circumstances where it was needed;
Is to publicize new knowledge to a spiritual entity whose previous life was a failure.
Or to remind a spiritual entity regulations, new data relating to real existence, and thus back
on the right path, one that leads to salvation.
Or as John the Baptist came as such a messenger sent by God to prepare the arrival of the
Being of Light.
Either this is the case for the vast majority of men, help them have had a mixed past life,
because not based on the word of God, who is skeptical, having developed an atheist
philosophy but who However, not evil. To these spiritual beings, reincarnation is an
additional chance offered by God to help them work this time in the right direction for their
release and to bring them not only to explore and find God, which must be Indeed, the focus
of their research and action, but also by releasing the material, reaching to leave this world for
the heavenly universe, and obtain eternal life promised by God.
Remember my friends, no one can enter the heavenly world, in the heavenly kingdom and
therefore know the Supreme Being, he does not seek God first, he did not love sincerely, and
if he does not reject totally and permanently the forces of evil.
For no one can enter the kingdom of heaven infinite, that God, being infinite kingdom.
If I mentioned above in karma, because contrary to a commonly accepted and transported by a
philosophical movement, it is not solely or exclusively acts, actions, works previously




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