Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 37 of 89

His knowledge of the being of light or just the truth being known him, leads him to seek and return to
the only place that it is for the sole reality.
God loves man more than he imagined. By putting on the ground, he tried to help her learn the
essentials to bring to the purification of its spiritual essence.
It is the purpose that God assigned to man.
This, along with Adam and Eve, unable to learn by kindness, must unfortunately for him, follow a
path strewn with obstacles to its essential spiritual evolution. But what on earth is the spiritual entity
that can penetrate the divine truth to verify the accuracy and quintessence, and the teaching of God
received, how to behave, what to do or not how to purify it to its essence spiritual cinema qua non
condition, giving access to the universe-heavenly to find, and of course meet with the Holy Spirit.
This result is of course subject to actions or works done on earth. One element exacerbating the
failure of man, yours is the fact that he frequently leaves affected, go to the facility to idleness,
laziness, rather than trying to be as active, this which necessarily involves him in a slowdown of its
faculties of thought, trial and clouded his mind and his intellect. To enable us to succeed our land
journey, God gave us and transmitted by Moses, the precepts, laws and ordinances, the divine
By his example he shows us the path to the light, explaining how we get our earthly life. Only
goodness, kindness, love of others is to say men our brothers, justice, equity, peace, rejection of evil
in all its forms, materialism, can help the spiritual entity to emerge from the abyss in which it is
confined. The result was the purification of his spiritual essence, to its emergence from matter by
reaching a state of arousal.
Rather than give as does the blind man's credit to the words of men assuming arbitrarily usurped
titles, such as those of religious or spiritual guides they have the armor and not the soul, listen the
being of light, follow his advice, respect and apply its guidelines, follow his ways safe and example, to
walk confidently on the path to IT. His word is really a live food, a drink composed and whose result
is eternal life.
His word is life and light.
His speech is a river of living water.
Religions, although built on the same basis, the same foundation that is to say, the unique word of
God, are made by men who have introduced additions or deviations, in order to lose men, and push
against each other, but also by the question raised by the texts amending the divine word, to deviate,
and therefore away from GOD.
As such it is inconceivable that men listen and refer to the words of these terrorist leaders and
religious unfair, rather than take such solid support, teaching life-giving God.
For God, religions exist not because they all disappear before HIM.
Listen to BEING OF LIGHT, follow him, for he alone is the light fair and safe, the truth and the life.
So my friends say no more:




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