Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 34 of 89

Who are we?

As we have seen, besides materialism, Machiavellian works of man, led him to create waves or
negative masses which lead him to identify with its carnal envelope, isolating his mind and his
intellect, and small little, from generation to generation to forget his real self, retransmitting the gap
to its descendants.
We are, as I happen to get the show, spiritual entities.
It is written:
And God said:
Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. God created man in his image, he created the
image of God.
God is the MAJOR SPIRITUAL BEING; he created man, spiritual entity, whose spiritual essence is
identical to his. It uses the principle source of his divine essence.
Here is the true origin of man, which comes from the divine essence most of the being of light, also
called Holy Spirit.
It should be understood that from the beginning, projects or designs of God, creating all that IS was
not inking, goodness, kindness, love, justice, affinity, well being, joy, happiness in the absolute
serenity, which is itself the root source.
Adam and Eve, following the establishment of celestial beings, is no exception to the rule and should
follow expectancy of BEING OF LIGHT, respect and apply the same rules, attitudes and behaviors that
they, they unfortunately did not do.
You've seen yet, from the beginning, God has acted as a loving Father, mindful of the welfare of his
children, carers and helping them with education and support mawkish.
GOD has taken steps to help spiritual and celestial beings, to behave, to act, to reason by divine law,
which is under the base. He did the same with Adam and Eve, then us.
This is a result of their disobedience, their irresponsible, disrespectful and arrogant, that BEING OF
LIGHT placed them in the universe, governed by the material, and in this respect, granted them so
they can live a fleshly envelope using for this, elements and particles composing the material
universe binary, and more particularly, the planet earth where they were moving now. To this fleshly
envelope is alive and therefore useful in the spiritual entity who holds and the total seizure, GOD
placed within it a spark of life.
It is written on this subject:
God formed man (the body) of the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life
and man became a living soul (a living carnal envelope).




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