Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 35 of 89

Where we come from?

The spiritual essence of man, spiritual entity of choice, comes as we have seen, the divine essence of
God, and as such, originally lived in the celestial universe, which is Indeed, the major real universe,
whose BEING OF LIGHT is the source element composer, as is done in the container and the contents
of ANY.
Therefore, verily I say unto you, before you incarnated on earth, the spiritual entity and still lives in
the spiritual world, where she received advice and guidance relevant to it by the celestial beings,
whose mission in this regard is to accompany the upcoming incarnation process. As did the rest with
God our first parents.
This approach is to give from celestial beings to spiritual beings, and all data elements specific to the
divine teaching to help them succeed in their earthly future. The spiritual entities are therefore
informed and know in advance why they have incarnated on earth, and why.
Did not GOD say:
To those who succeed, I promise rest and eternal life.




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