Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 39 of 89

Where will we go after death?

I will first time to reveal this truth.
The spiritual beings during their earthly living in a fleshly envelope with blindness, and / or deafness,
death of the last overlay automatically detaching itself, use all their senses. They therefore find
themselves in the spiritual world in their true form, that of spiritual entity, whose essence with God,
may not suffer in this space, anything of that nature.
It is written:
On that day, the deaf hear the words of the book, and delivered from darkness and darkness the
eyes of the blind shall see.
Leaving our fleshly envelope lifeless, the elements which composed by degrading dust return to
earth, we find ourselves in the spiritual world, and more exactly, as I said above, in an area called (by
me) "transition zone", because we will remain there for long.
That is, that converge all spiritual entities from leaving their bodies, and that whatever the country. If
the man for the earth is divided into continents, the latter country, for God and the celestial beings
who assist the planet earth is one vast and immense country, and men, whatever their skin color, all
brothers and belonging to one family.
For this reason, all spiritual beings who have just left the world of men, and that, whatever the
terrestrial region, arriving in the spiritual zone, where they are received by the celestial beings, with
great courtesy and kindness, and where they will be oriented according to their behavior in the
material world of men, in a specific region.
There are indeed three main ways of orientation.
The first and most important because most rewarding in terms of spiritual elevation, it is that the
BEING OF LIGHT wishes for spiritual beings we are, is the path that leads directly into the holy
heavenly universe and that allows for as God promised, eternal rest.
It is written:
He who walks in righteousness, and speaks with justice, who despises gain acquired by extortion,
shaking hands not to accept a present, which closes the ear does not hear about bloodthirsty, and
that band eyes not to see the evil that dwells there in high places. Rocks are fortified his retirement,
he will be given bread, water will be provided to him, and he will never hunger or thirst.
Your eyes will see the king (God), in its magnificence. They contemplate the country throughout his
view. This is really the LORD is great for us. We take the place of rivers, large rivers that do not get no
ships with oars, and not through any great vessel. For the LORD is our Judge, our Lawgiver, our King.
He saves us.




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