Giving The Keys Of Truth
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anger, resentment, aggression, jealousy etc.., knowing they are there, (the events) to help solve
them, and to grow spiritually. By waves and positive masses that it will create, when it rose by
applying God's word, it will increase its ability to destroy air and negative mass, and enhance inner
calm and serenity. It happens now to consolidate its gains from the property, and of course remain
faithful to God.
Often the believer seeking God and living a life that respects the laws of God and love of men, meets
during his earthly existence, human beings with ideas full of hatred, aggression, Holocaust denial,
violence, racism, materialism, are persuaded by their false arguments which put doubt in her mind. If
they had carefully studied the scripture, and more specifically, whether there was noted the word of
God, they would be immune from doubt and pierce easily dishonest intentions, bellicose and empty
of truth of these men to the dark spirit, and would easily identify their spiritual bewilderment, their
lies and the false path they take.
Carried away by human movement, with no real landmarks or true spiritual leader, religious no
longer fulfill their mission, our valiant believer seeks, wants answers and none gets none. Since the
dominant ideas or philosophies are conveyed Satanic order, he gets carried away, and his belief
wavers. Even more, unfortunately, if he listens to his misfortune, false religious preach hatred,
violence and call for bloodshed. There, if his faith falters, it will be lost.
That is why, knowing that the man from weakness and ignorance is influenced by sinful human
beings, God intervenes in several ways. Through messengers of course, but also directly with each of
Also, having noticed that our believer, just and righteous man departs from the right path, God
intervenes to help him avoid falling into the trap set by the forces of evil. The ardent desire of the
Being of Light is to bring the just, and more specifically all men to think carefully about their
situation, to have the senses on the alert, to recognize easily the deceitful comments and hate from
the son of perdition; to be able to differentiate between messengers of God to those of the devil,
and understand that the Being of Light alone by his holy word, leads man to the pure light.
If you remain strongly shaken by doubt, and do not know what to do or how to go about it, God will
test you, so you can challenge you, you make your self critical, and you ask calmly when you sin, and
what are the pernicious data that the false monks deforming the word of the Eternal placed in your
spirit, and that you must check out.
When a father sees his child away from the right path, committing all sorts of crimes, violate the law
and order, living in rebellion and aggression, carried away by little advisable persons holding unfair
comments, deceptive and full of hatred, prompting him to deviate from the truth by pressing him to
follow a path that leads into the darkness, Would not he resume him??
Him he would inflict no punishment for help to mend his ways, correct his mistakes and to change his
It is the same with our Heavenly Father; seeing that we continue to walk the path of evil, discarding
the right track, we reject his divine laws and adopt those customs and traditions from imperfect
human, dirigiste and personalized that we are unable to humbly follow the right path, to divert and
distract us from dishonest men and other false religious who change his holy word, making us unable
to recognize their iniquity; God punishes us as a loving father does for his children. It imposes
hardships, kinds of pitfalls that arise during our earthly existence, to make us aware of reality and




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