Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 72 of 89

Sin and its ramifications, are not the fact of God as we have seen in a previous topic, but has for
origine Satan, whose emerges from a dark nature. Then by his bellicose and false intentions
concerning God and the truth divine teaching , he brought the men to adopt him and to place him in
their heart.
The philosophy that the Supreme Being of Light set up since the beginning of creation, which comes
from its deep nature, stands for love, goodness, righteousness, justice and peace.
Sin is the result of evil in its absolute diversity. It comes from the human heart, which he expresses
the deepest nature. It prevents spiritual progress of man; it shut up and keeps him a prisoner of the
material, preventing him from perceiving the truth; it drastically slows and reduces all his faculties; it
makes him blind and deaf. Moreover, it keeps man in ignorance, interferes in his mind by bringing
out the dark thoughts; it reduces his reflection and reasoning. It thus causes the isolation of the
spiritual entity from its mortal coil, or by too much negative mass created in the enclosed material,
causing it eventually to forget who really is he; making him a slave. All this, inevitably, leads to death.
From time immemorial, men, by ignorance, arrogance, vanity, laziness, complacency, ease, set up
laws and traditions which foundations were from the evil, fruit of sin; to justify their search of
inordinate power, lust, property, power; pushing aside God's laws; saying cynically that all dogmas
and moral principles of Eternal had no legitimacy or value to them, and they should follow and
implement the ones they set up; without specifying or by hiding people the shabby side, calculating,
selfish, unfair and unhealthy in their approach, nor the ensuing disorder. Today we see the
consequences of their corrupt practices and hypocrite intentions to gradually cancel the just and
righteous laws of God through the application of their traditional laws and customs that cause the
growing inequalities and the hooking of evil all-over the earth.
Only the wise man now sees the disastrous effects of human traditions and laws enacted by
policymakers, politicians, religious unfair, all clinging to their power or benefits thereunder, and who
hide their warlike intentions. They are motivated by an unspoken desire: the want to gain numerous
privileges to the detriment of the people whom they voluntarily maintain status dependent and
excluded. The taste of the honors and profits that motivate them, ensures they maintain voluntary
men in ignorance, so that they do not understand, do not respond or are unable; the do not seek the
truth, remain blind and deaf, as they harden their heart, and continue to ignore the disastrous effects
of sin and what it engenders, and which they ignore the existence. They are therefore all under the
influence of the prince of evil.
Evil leads man who is addicted to find legitimacy for its actions against nature, and become
indifferent to the suffering they cause.
Failure to recognize the existence of God and the rejection of its precepts, laws and ordinances of His
commandments, causes man to live outside the real world, to isolate himself, to move away , to
depart and live permanently in darkness.
Ignorance usually leads to denial or atheism, which is the worst destructive force of man. From the
moment he believes in nothing, he did not brake his actions, and puts no limit to his reasoning, his
actions, his thoughts and his words full of wickedness. When the ethic is not implemented and his
morality is doubtful, he will naturally show malice. There are usually in that man a lot of hatred,
intolerance, conceit, pride, aggression, resentment, indifference. The revenge and the resentment
are natural in him as standard; he uses and abuses with consequences in terms of pain and suffering




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