Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 77 of 89

The Lord told Daniel to point out to men that their new knowledge will be revealed in the course of
time. So he asked me to give you the keys of truth, knowledge and spiritual science, which I did.
What do these five trees, or more precisely, what are they?
In seeking to convey to men the first time of creation, specifically the era that preceded it, God made
these revelations to John:
In the beginning was God and him alone. He decided to implement a monad, which itself was the
only representation, the only component, which would be an indecomposable unit.
The monad is a union of five beings of light (in the sense most noble and purest) that nothing
dominate. The exact formula that God gives me is:
The monad is a unity, composed of five divine spiritual beings, divine or five sources (as I call Being of
Light), whose five are one, as an integral part of the ONE. This is a inseparable UNIT.
The monad is the heavenly Father, God the supreme source of everything. It is the unseen divine
essence that composes and have dominion over all things. He is God himself, he who is in
incorruptibility, established in the pure light that no eye can see. He is the invisible spirit.
GOD is, A, while being a union of five beings of light (which is for the five who are independent and
autonomous in relation to each other, the only representation) and the five divine sources are to be
united in ONE divine being.
What is this union or monad, which God is the only representation?
Here comes the first one
The one that John called the power of the thought, and glorious Barbélo.
And I tell you, it is the pure divine essence, the original source, the first principle of all existence. It is
the absolute component at all, the original matrix, the container and the contents of all things. It is
the Holy Spirit, and the only representation of pure light. It is light, its source, its single image and
pure energy. It is the perfect power which and from which everything emerges. It is the absolute
component of the invisible or heavenly and spiritual world, and the material universe in which the
man lives. He is the perfect virginal divine spiritual being. He is the one that emerged from the four
other beings of light, which are still parts of his divine essence included the monad. It is the original
power and creative decision-making, Without which nothing can be. He is the first and primary
source of everything.
The second being of light
He is the master of time, and the only one that is the perfect knowledge of the future, since he
contains both the present, past and future. he is also the spirit of truth, so called by Christ, the
Comforter. Heteaches any all things, and reminds to the men all that the Christ said and taught. He is
the one that sends men to come to the facts as well as celestial beings, so that they reflect in their
The third being of light
It is the breath of life, or what I call principle, the vivifying source. He is the owner and the
propagator of life. The germ and the spark of life which allow all things and men to live, since they




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