God To His Messenger
Page 7 of 59

Look to the living as you live, because this death will be impossible. Death you seek to see,
without achieving the vision.
(Understand, unable to see, where to find it.)
Being of Light told his apostles:
There will be days when you seek me, and you will not find me.
The last sentence of Christ is clear and explicit. By itself, it shows the ignorance of men about
God, and the place where he remains. But also and especially the ignorance of spiritual
entities in relation to the reality of their real self and the Divine Being. But the apostles like
most humans, igniraient while the concept of heaven, and even less of the celestial being who
is the architect.
The teaching of Christ in this unusual and innovative for its time (I must say, since Adam and
Eve) that brings people from that period, ie unknown, penetrating, deep, rich and truth new in
the sense that for the first time, humans are still unknown knowledge concerning not only the
material sphere, or they operate and their analogy clarifies the effects of their actions while
they reveal their deepest beings and the role they play in relation to the material universe, but
also by analogy to the heavenly world and what it contains data hidden mysteries.
Christ wanted to be the most supreme being men and the truth, placing it as the spiritual entity
in relation to God, their true Father.
The passage of his education mentioned above, is unique in that it enables man not only do
not forget to compare itself to God, he does not forget the role that playing against him, it is
imperative to look and keep as a reference, but also and above all, be aware that the Supreme
Being is the way, life as he has in him the life-giving source, which gives him alone, the right
to say he is alive.
While he has offered provisionally and for a time only he knows, the germ or spark of life that
allows us to exist on earth, we must not forget that our presence on this planet intended to
exclusive, we learn the lessons necessary for our salvation, to face trials in order to
consolidate our gains (resistance to the forces of evil) and thus purify our spiritual essence,
that God, based on our behavior, the completion of our works and of course, how we had to
reject evil, to give us eternal life.
That is why it is necessary to clarify that we should look to God as we are alive.
There are obviously two possible situations.
The first is to realize that as embodied spiritual entity, having clothed for the occasion carnal
envelope and evolve on Earth, we are part of what makes living, although this is dependent on
our success in terms spiritual elevation, and we shall be granted for a limited time,
corresponding to the time that God alone knows.
Our position of living in this case is conditioned by a number of factors, which include our
ability to be confronted with various hardships that we face, such as pain in all its
components, suffering, poverty, materialism , envy, lust, evil in all its forms, and our ability to
confront them and of course most importantly, our ability to overcome them, to stand up to
them somehow, without suffering any damage or stress and annihilate them without being
tested or affected, and to achieve the final result, none of them affect us in the future. This is
the final step sought by any wishing to reach the state of awakening.
In this way, we act as God's desire for our own good and our spiritual success, we can purify
our spiritual essence, and enter the world as céleste.Et often said the Being of Light:
You know God, and you shall not taste death.
The man still unclear, but it is the lowest level, apart from the world of darkness, spiritual
evolution, and therefore far too many weaknesses. We see it constantly now, with its
propensity to suffer the effects of evil, and there indulge in turn, without trying to resist.




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