God To His Messenger
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Light. It is indeed the present, past and future at once, as all three remain intimately linked.
And are part of it.
God my friends, as I tell you, is the beginning and end. In other words, he is the one and only
possess the unique ability to be because it is the whole of all existence, but also and especially
to be the only component. It is the major germ that comes from all things, celestial being,
spiritual entity, and material of any nature whatsoever.
Nothing is without him, is not without cause, nothing can exist or be, without and outside it.
This is why Christ said precisely that by going back to the beginning, that is to say to God, the
spiritual entity will find the key, and know the end.
From the moment you will realize that the Being of Light is the beginning of all things, and
also the end of all existence, since it is by His Divine Essence the only existing original form,
the only person to have emerged nothingness, and he has owned since the beginning know
him to spread naturally and thus take the place full of nothing which has thus disappeared.
 This means that somehow God has dissolved the void at the point of being able to completely
replace its divine essence was fully occupied, and the only remaining component, the first
element of the whole, and became the first living The original source which remains LIFE.
This simply means that God is the component of the whole, the container and contents at all,
we can not exist with him. So we are in HIM.
It would be pointless to act as foul Satan, who has imagined, knowing who was really God, he
could be the equal of the Being of Light. So my friends, do not imitate the devil.
Therefore, listen to the Being of Light, and locate the beginning because, yes indeed, there
also will end. The end in the mind of Christ, meaning cessation of all existence painful of all
suffering is the end of a frantic search for the truth, which is precisely his place there at the
beginning. The end, and it is also paradoxically, the beginning of a life full of hope, joy,
serenity, security, insurance and live with God for eternity.
Searching the beginning, it is also and above all understand that by following the path of the
Lord, that peace, joy, love, we ascended the path to the light, so that we can melt into him, our
only true Father.
God is, and I can not say it enough, the All, the Beginning and the End. It is also the link
between these two opposite sides, being the driving force, the single wire connector, which
begins, continues and ends there, as both movement and rest.
Up to the beginning, it is ardently desired to find God, because only then will we be on, as we
promised, we will be with him forever, to live in the celestial kingdom infinite including the
Supreme Being, is in fact the only temple of God.
God is the tabernacle, on this place, secret, because free from all impurity, and only be truly
holy. It is this secret place that the son is the only one to know. Be the Son.
God's temple is sacred because it is naturally not only holy but also being the component at
all, it is home to everything that lives, and can enter his secret place, his divine essence, and
seek shelter, that the only spiritual beings who have during their earthly existence, working
for good, rejected the evil committed no crime, and clean their spiritual essence.
Be the spiritual entity.
God is the heavenly Jerusalem, the holy city as an entity spiritual search since the dawn of
It is written:
I saw no temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty is its temple, and lamb.
The city has no need of sun or moon to shine, for the glory of God illuminates and the Lamb
is its light.
There will be no night, and they (spiritual entities) need no lamp nor light, because the Lord
God gives them light.




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