God To His Messenger
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While Christ to the apostles passed on the terrestrial and celestial data to enable people to
liberate themselves from the embrace materialism in which they are stuck, and need to get
them to enter the information on their development and spiritual improvement, they have
wanted to go too fast and asked it to happen at the end of time.
The Light Be aware of their deficiencies, and their error, they gave the answer above.
This response is not only full of teaching, but encapsulates everything you need to know and
understand regarding the spiritual entity, a major factor in the eyes and heart of God, but also
clarifies the role Central played the Being of Light in the evolution of man. It gives the
spiritual entity, guidance and outlines on the way forward.
When Being of Light explained to the apostles it was the way and the life he not only spoke
the truth, but they really showed the way forward as being as it is, and it an axiom, without
question, truly life. Every part of him, through him, and returned to him because without him,
there is nothing. It is the major and essential, and ALL. The way alluded Christ, through Him,
and leads to God. It moreover allows to find and therefore know better, but also, and it is vital
to collect how to go, what to do and not do, and specific direction to follow. Christ has often
said, he loved men, and has repeatedly proven his love for them has resulted in a pressing
concern among other things, give them eternal life, so they live with him.
But to achieve this it is necessary to understand spiritual entity that must turn to God, who
alone is the source invigorating, and gives it to whom he wants is to say to all those want to be
like him, and of course, reject the evil, as God himself does not like bad guys. Knowing I
have often said that the Supreme Being is the only one who can truly say it is:
Well, just, right, and Love.
The only way that the master can be granted, would be given more accurate, because only the
teacher transmits knowledge, knowledge, and teaches one he chooses.
On the contrary he hates above all else;
The evil in all its forms, the bad, the angry, the aggressive, the murderers, those who advocate
the Satanic philosophy, by removing the man from the Supreme Being.
By telling men, spiritual entities par excellence, and clearly sought to move toward the
beginning, the Being of Light they want to specify a given major, consisting of their
awareness that God alone can save them, release them, they offer him eternal life. But for this
it is imperative to find.
To better understand why my friends remémorons we speak of the Being of Light. It is not by
chance and without reason, he says, but to help us grasp the essence.
I am the first and last, the alpha and omega, the beginning and end. Before me there was
nothing after me there will be nothing.
But by saying this phrase, God wants to raise awareness that there was no one before him, no
one has gone before, and there will be no one else after him. It is therefore the beginning of all
existence, is itself life. It is indeed the very existence, since source and first principle of what
IS. Without him, we not only would not exist, but we would go nowhere. We'd be the non-
The Supreme Being is the gem that any entity spiritual search since the dawn of time, not
knowing which way to go, move, or how. God offers the new generation of men, our one to
which we belong, namely this one consisting last to know, namely for the first time who he
really is, and enter the necessary knowledge giving this man opening mind, the mental and
spiritual insight necessary to enable it to discover and find the way to this gem.
In returning to the beginning, the spiritual entity that can better penetrate the mysteries of
heaven, pierce the quintessential word of God and the path that led to the creation of all
things, and thus leads to the existence of the man, and thus to better know and love. All will
become clearer, more precise. We finally know that all existence is in God himself, and that
any development of any nature whatsoever, following a road manager, being in the Being of




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