The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 79 of 728

then want them. Imagine that I aspire to be king: to deserve this position, I must have done in the past pious deeds.

Krishna can give us everything we want, even liberation.

Before you can become a devotee of the Lord, we must first purify themselves of all material attachment. vairagya called this precondition.

The renunciation is to leave his father, his mother, his siblings, his wife, his children, to extend the love we have them to the Supreme Lord one hand and to all beings without exception the other. It's giving up his social status, separate from all material assets and opt for total celibacy, to love God, to surrender to him and to serve him with love and devotion. That's what the perfect renunciation.

As long as we think, "I belong to such a family, such a nation, one religion, in particular race ...", it is hardly possible to become aware of God. Both believed to be American Indian, African, father, mother, husband or wife of such or such a, it remains attached to material designations. I am a spiritual soul, while all these attachments come from the body. Now, I am not the body. Here's what to include in gasoline. If I am not the body, of which I am the father or mother?

Krishna embodies the Father and the Supreme Mother while we only play the role of father, mother, sister or brother. This is the material nature that makes us dance and saying, "You belong to this family and to this country."

Heaven, hell or return to God, in our first home - our choice. Any intelligent person will think: "If we prepare for the next life, why not make to reinstate the kingdom of God?"

When our present body cease to be, we have to accept a new one. Those that governs Virtue and avoid principles of sinful life reborn on higher planets. Even if it is not done devotee of the Lord, we enjoy such an advantage provided to adopt the regulative principles, which will keep us in Virtue. This is what must serve human life. But if we waste the living like animals who are content to eat, sleep, mate and defend such an opportunity will not come anytime soon.

Ignorant of these facts, the disbelievers do not believe in a future life, they claim that everything ends with death. Such men claim to be scholars or philosophers, but in fact they are immersed in ignorance and can not qu'égarer others. This is what hurts me the most. That's why I pray the true servants of God, possessors of the divine knowledge, to challenge and defeat these villains who mislead humanity.





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