The Pure Spiritual Science
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time appropriate, without any apprehension for any inconvenience that could cause the discharge of his duty. This man, whether in the spiritual, beyond the material, it must be seen as providing the highest intelligence and entirely free from doubt and in his actions. He loves all living beings, and sees the Supreme Lord everywhere.

The virtuous pure defeated the bonds of affection for his family and then broadens the scope of its activities by absorbing, for the good of all souls forgetful of their true nature, in devotional service. Unless determine any attachment to his family and to broaden its scope, no one can qualify as a devotee of the Lord. God Himself, in perfect sovereign, showed us the example to follow when, as Sri Ramachandra, He renounced feelings for His beloved wife to highlight the qualities of a model king.

Any man who assumes responsibility in society as a Brahmin, a devotee, a king or political leader is, in fulfilling his own duty, be concerned with the good of all men. Sri Krishna is the Lord of the universe, or the Lord of the universal mind, for He is all-powerful and can therefore cut the tight knot of affection for loved ones. The well-will we see sometimes eager to show special favor to be showing signs of weakness, His energy use almighty to dive His devotee in circumstances that will force him to break the bonds of the family. For in doing so, He leads the devotee to depend totally on Him for paving his way back to his absolute realm.

The true purpose of life is to focus on Krishna, God, the Supreme Being. This path implies that frees itself attachments associated with the material world, to focus instead on Krishna. We can not break away from everything;but focus on Krishna, or take part in the devotional service of the Lord requires that detaches from the material condition.

Usually people approach Krsna to maintain their attachment to this world. "O Lord, the means to pray, give us this day our daily bread." Feeling of attachment to this world of matter and wanting to live there, they pray that they are provided various material goods required for maintaining the status quo. This is called material attachment. Although in a sense, is to approach God to ensure his position in this world is a sign of virtue, such an attitude is not really desirable. Instead of worshiping God in the hope of thereby increasing our temporal wealth, better to come off the field. Access to the release through the secondment to the family and material possessions.

The suffering comes from our commitment. Attached to the material, we want both of temporal goods; Krishna also gives us Does It the opportunity to enjoy all the amenities which we aspire. Of course, you also deserve them. Deserve them first,




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