The Pure Spiritual Science
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words which, in the form of Srimad-Bhagavatam, emanate from the lips of Sukadeva Gosvami, or a genuine spiritual master.

The Truths about the spiritual entity

All the Vedic scriptures, the Bhagavad-gita and the Vishnu Purana, abundantly testify to the difference between energy and its Source. The Bhagavad Gita (VII.4), for example, clearly states that earth, water, fire, air and ether are the five basic raw elements of the material world, while the mind, intelligence and false ego form three subtle elements of matter. The entire material nature is shared between these eight elements which constitute the lower aspect, and one which also lends the Mayan name, or illusion. Beyond these eight inferior elements is a higher aspect called para-prakriti, and consists of countless living beings that inhabit the material universe. This is to understand that the Supreme Lord is the Absolute Truth, energy source par excellence, and that when His energy manifests itself imperfectly, or is veiled in any way, it takes the maya-sakti name . However, the cosmic manifestation is a product of this maya-sakti. In fact, living things lie beyond this lower energy denatured. They have indeed a purely spiritual existence, a pure identity as pure mental activities, beyond the manifestation of the material cosmos. But while the mind, intelligence and identity of the living being are not confined to the material universe, when it enters into this world because of his desire to dominate matter, his mind, his intelligence and original body are being covered by the material energy. And when he emerges again to these lower energy or material, they say released. Then losing his false ego, his true ego back to life.

Élucubrateurs fools believe that after liberation, to be losing its identity, but it is not. Making forever part of God, the living succeeded in the release include the original and eternal identity that is his. The completion of the aphorism brahmasmi Aham ( "I am not this body") does not mean that the being loses its identity. I think now be material, but once released, I understand that I am in fact a spiritual soul, a fragment of the Infinite. Become Krsna conscious or spiritually enlightened, and engage in His transcendental loving service are the true signs of liberation.

The Vishnu Purana clearly says, "The energy of the Supreme Lord is divided into three categories. Para, and kshetragya avidya" (VP, 07/06/61) The para energy is actually that of the Lord Himself, while 'kshetragya energy is that of the living and energy avidya, that of the material world, or maya. One of the calls avidya, or ignorance, because under the influence of the material energy, one forgets its true nature as the relationship we have to the Supreme Lord. In conclusion, living beings are one of the




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