The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 83 of 728

In reality, this devastation did not take place during the night of Brahma but during one of his days, as it happened during the Caksusa Manu era. The night of Brahma happens when he goes to bed, but there are fourteen Manus during the day, including Caksusa Manu. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura therefore says that although it was day for him, Brahma felt sleepy for a while by the supreme will of the Lord. This short period is considered the night of Brahma. This devastation, which is mentioned in the Matsya Purana, occurred during the era of Svayambhuva Manu because Agastya Muni cursed him. During the era of Caksusa Manu, by the supreme will of the Lord, another Apocalypse took place suddenly. Markandeya Rsi mentions in the Visnu-dharmottara. At the end of an era of Manu, there is not necessarily destruction; However, at the end of Caksusa-manvantara, God, the Supreme Being, wanted to show Satyavrata through His illusory energy, the effects of the devastation

God, the Supreme Personality disappeared soon after examining the king, who began to wait until he had heard about the Lord.

After widespread ground kusa grass with the tips facing the east, the saintly king sat on face northeast and meditated on God, the Supreme Being, Visnu, who had taken the form of a fish.

Thereafter, gigantic clouds pouring incessant rains swelled increasingly the ocean began to overflow onto the land and flooded the world.

Prophecies for the age of hypocrisy and quarrel

There are five thousand years Krsna-Dvaipayana Vyasa, the author of the Bhagavatam, announced the side of the dark age in which we live.

"O king, by the implacable force of the time, every day sees a further decline of spirituality, truthfulness, cleanliness, mercy, mercy, duration of life, physical strength and memory. "(SB 12.2.1)

The Bhagavatam describes the era of Kali-yuga, the age of discord and hypocrisy in which we now live. This work, put in writing there are five thousand years, reports of many events that were to occur in the future. Also the Bhagavatam is described as É writing revealed (sastra), and its author (the sastra-kara), a liberated being, aware of past, present and future (tri-kala JNA). This text contains many predictions, and mention, for example, the advent of the Buddha, that of Kalki (divine manifestation which appear at the end of Kali-yuga) and that of Lord Chaitanya.





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