The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 82 of 728

Everything belongs to Krishna, God, the Supreme Being.

Everything belongs to Krishna, the Supreme Personality, and nobody else has anything. That's the truth.

Krishna is the Sovereign Monarch of the spiritual world and the material universe together, and the only owner of all that exists. Everything belongs to him. Everything must be offered to the Supreme Lord, for everything he has, and we should only take what he gives us. Similarly, we should not fight to gain anything, and accept only what we need. One can assume ownership of goods necessary to the needs of the body, but who wants to have more than that, should be considered a thief and deserves to be punished by the laws of nature. Of course we need to eat, sleep, mate and defend us, but since God provides for the needs of all animals, why did not he do to humans?

Everything is there, because Krishna wanted it that way and that nothing is missing to be alive. We must all accept what God awards us, and take nothing else. Anyone who encroaches on the part of others, is a thief. We should not accept more than what we really need. When money comes in abundance by destiny, we should always consider that it belongs to God, the Supreme Being.

Nobody can escape the vigilance of material nature or even conceal its true intentions. If men illegitimately claim that this universe, or a part thereof, belongs to them, all humanity will be condemned by the laws of nature as thieves company.

The last flood

God, the Supreme Being, addressing a king, said:

O king, in seven days -Bhuh the three worlds, and Bhuvah Svah- will be submerged by the waters of devastation.

When the three worlds disappear under the water, you'll see appear before you a big boat, that I have sent you. Then, O king, you have to gather all kinds of plants and seeds and load them on that great boat. Then you go up on board, accompanied by the seven sages and surrounded by all kinds of living beings, and you parcourras seamlessly with your companions ocean flooding, lit by the only radiance of the great sages.

Pulling the boat on which you will find yourself with wise men, O king, I will pass through the waters of devastation until the end of the night due to sleep Brahma.





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