The Pure Spiritual Science
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energies of the Supreme Lord; tiny parts of Him, called the jivas. But by arbitrarily putting the jiva on an equal footing with the Infinite Supreme - simply because they are both spiritual, one can only sow confusion.

the living is, by its nature first, pure spirit. When the human being identifies with the material body, we can say that it confuses and takes a rope for a snake or an oyster shell for gold, and the doctrine of transformation applies when it misunderstands a thing for another. In reality the body is not being, and believe that the succession is indeed the doctrine of transformation. All conditioned souls are also in no doubt contaminated by this doctrine when the truth is hidden.

Any visible phenomenon of cosmic manifestation belong to the energy of the Supreme Lord, not different from Him. Therefore, He is the master, friend and support of all living beings. So live the grace of God, and only take what is rightfully ours, without encroaching on the part of others. Thus do we can live happily.

The pure devotees know that they are to serve God, the Supreme Being, and that everything that exists can be used as part of this service. Blessed by the Supreme Being who is its heart, the devotee can see Him wherever his gaze arise. In truth, he sees nothing else. The Srimad-Bhagavatam confirms, saying the relationship between the devotee to the Lord: "If a person's heart is still attached to the Supreme Lord through links of love for God, the Lord never leaves.

The Scriptures state: "O Lord, we can conclude that all beings are attracted by Your material energy, and the mere fact that they are wrong for the material nature of the products made transmigrate from one body to another, in forgetfulness of their eternal relationship with You. Because of their ignorance, these souls mistakenly identify the various forms of life for these individuals. When they see amounted to human form, they s 'then identify with a social class, a people, a race or a religion called, thereby forgetting their real identity of eternal servants of Your grace. because of this erroneous concept of existence, they must undergo the cycle of deaths and rebirth. Among millions of such beings conditioned, one, perhaps, will find enough intelligence to, in contact with Your pure devotees, understand the message of Krsna consciousness and thus abandon a wrong concept of existence".

God is only the pure light that illuminates existence, illuminates the heart of each and radiates in all its spiritual and material realm. It is the source and reservoir of blessings, and pure water that clears the problems, difficulties and suffering.





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