Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh
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As you can see, the Lord does not ask us to offer Him anything else. In truth, Krishna is a vegetarian. Being God, Krishna can eat whatever pleases Him. He tells us that we can offer Him with love and devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit, water, but He never asked us to offer Him meat, fish, eggs and wine.

Thou shalt not kill

We must accept as is the scriptural prescriptions, the divine precepts and commandments, the counsels and directives of God, and not just the passages that suit us. How can we show our love for God, if we cannot even follow a command as essential as “You shall not kill”. ?

In truth, by this major commandment, God orders not to take the life of any living being, nor of a human being, nor of an animal, nor of a plant. God forbids giving death.

The spiritual philosophy of which God stated the content, specifies that one should not even kill plants without necessity. Moreover, Krishna said: “May I be offered with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit, water, this offering I will accept”. We only offer Krishna the food that he asks for, and we ourselves eat only the reliefs of this offering. If offering vegetarian food to Krishna was bad, He would be at fault, not us. But Krishna, God, the Supreme Person can in no way be reached by sin. Also, eating food offered to the Lord is like a soldier killing in war, there is no risk. On the other hand, let him kill a human being for his own account, and he will be condemned.

Similarly, eating consecrated food, that is to say, offered beforehand to God, does not make us guilty of No mistake. The devotees and devotees of the Lord are freed from all sin, because they eat only food offered in sacrifice. But all those who prepare meat, fish and egg dishes for their own enjoyment, feed only on sin. How can these materialistic and atheist people be so happy? ?

They must necessarily suffer from all the evils caused by their demonic philosophy.

The dignified and civilized human being, the religious human being, cannot in any case eat animal flesh.

He is very important that all worthy human beings, men and women alike, work to end the killing of animals in slaughterhouses and elsewhere, and that we all chant the Holy Names of Krishna, of Christ, and our life will be perfect. Let's all do this, and then we'll see the universal condition change.




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