Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 56 of 89

The disciples asked the being of light:
What will be the day of your return?
What will be the day we'll see you?
CHRIST said:
The day you'll be naked as newborn children, who walk on their clothing, then you become the son
of one who is alive. For you, there will be no fear.
I tell you truly, if you do not convert, and if you do not become as little children, you will never
enter the kingdom of GOD.
Therefore, whoever humbles himself like children, will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

The words above of the being of light, are clear and precise, because they enable people to know
that no one can enter the holy universe, the heavenly Jerusalem, if not before as GOD the often
explained, the market on its way, respected and applied its laws.
The reference to children, including their behavior, both to understand men, if they want to reach
the state of holiness, they must like them.
In the 1960s, I remember a topic in philosophy offered at LAC, and whose statement was about as
Can we say that the child is father of man?
We can answer in the affirmative for many reasons.
Now that you know me, my friends, you know that I am on a spiritual and not material as a man, and
my reasoning based on the word of the being of light and truth, remains only at this level .
Watch children closely my friends. What is ironic is that the adults who passed through this
important phase that is crucial and childhood, and therefore children themselves, have preserved the
land journey, no memory nor retained the lessons it related.
I pause my friends, to tell you that the course of life or earthly existence of man is divided into three
phases, each bringing to men, an amount of specific knowledge, useful and necessary for intellectual
development, and his spiritual evolution.
The first phase of childhood is important because it gives men the basic premise for the ideal attitude
that must man throughout his earthly life, and provide the foundations of knowledge.
The child said to myself, is naturally and fundamentally good by nature, because this notion still fresh
in his memory source, which dictates to some extent his conduct and behavior, data from major
issues of the divine nature of God, that placed last in the kernel source residing in the memory of his
spiritual essence.




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