Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 54 of 89

The fact that you are heavily mired in the material, because of waves and negative mass that
prevents you from perceiving reality, and you've created by your misdeeds, you forget to take your
inner self, and makes you blind.
This is the major reason why you can not see God, let alone locate and locate. And yet it is there,
everywhere around you, and of course you. Is it not the only living thing that exists, and it contains
the content of existence in its absolute. The being of light told the Pharisees, doctors of the law, the
scribes who came to listen and to question in light of the experience:
You wash the outside of the cup and dish, (hear your fleshly envelope, and more specifically, your
spiritual essence) and especially you forget to wash the inside. Do not you think that whoever was
inside, it was he who made the outside?
The being of light had said he would establish a new heaven and a new earth, verily I say unto you,
he has done it all.
That's why he said:
What is the survivor of you who saw this house, (hear, the temple of God, the New Jerusalem, the
heavenly universe) in its first glory?
And how do you now?
Isaiah had said:
He will arrive in the latter days that the mountain (the celestial universe holy) House (the heavenly
Jerusalem) of the LORD will be based on the mountaintop. She exalted above the hills, and all nations
shall flow. Some people will go there in droves.
We will call the heavenly Jerusalem, the throne of God.
The BEING OF LIGHT explained as follows:
Fortify yourself men of all nations, and work, for I am with you.
I remain faithful to the covenant that I made with you, and my spirit is in you.
Do not be afraid.
It is in this place (the house of heaven) I give peace.
Many nations shall join themselves to God, and shall be my people. I will dwell among you.
As I said above, the effects induced by the evil thoughts and actions, leading the spiritual entity to
sink deeply into the matter, gradually leads to forget his real self, and leads to s identify with its
carnal envelope. At this stage, she no longer knows who she is. The subject and body in particular is
thus an outsized.
Accordingly, the matter in all its components, has a cluster of primary interest to man, and remains
the focus of its concerns, and the cornerstone of his knowledge. For her (spiritual entity) is the




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