Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 28 of 89

The task of the being of light was therefore immense and tedious as it was for him not only to reveal
the one and only true God to men, making it known, they learn who they really are, tell them why
they are on earth, for what purpose, how to get out, and constructive transmit data to their hi but
also bring them to comply for their own development, while showing them the pitfalls to avoid, if will
not succumb and locked in darkness. It was also the Christ, to reveal the hidden mysteries, and recall
the promises of God.
You see my friends, this is certainly not by chance that the being of light had said:
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Contrary to what some current vehicle philosophical or spiritual man is a trilogy. It has of a human
body part, whose elements are derived from the matter composing the planet earth and the
universe-bit hardware when it evolves, and secondly, an etheric body that links the spiritual the
physical body and the spiritual entity of which we are representing.
That is why it is written:
The carnal envelope serves the spiritual entity, because it is the spirit that gives life.
Given what has been said, the man understands better then the reality about him, and knows now
he is a spiritual entity incarnate came on earth to perfect his spiritual education, learning lessons
varied and diverse , to bring to purify its spiritual condition cine qua non major, if he wants to enter
the heavenly world and remain there forever. Also, in order to evolve in the material universe that
bit where he finds God has given him a carnal envelope, which serves as a vehicle or clothing that has
shaped specifically for the spiritual being who has .
It's about the human body that God has said:
You are dust, and you will return to dust.
At the end of its cycle of earthly life, at the time known only to God, the spark of life whose time
expires, will be removed from the carnal envelope by celestial beings, whose mission is, among other
and the latter died.
The spiritual entity therefore has no choice but to leave this dead body, and then finds the other side
of ‘‘WALL’’ and in between that man calls awkwardly l 'BEYOND, which is nothing but the spiritual
reality. The spiritual being having left the human world is reborn again in a spiritual world that had
left before they incarnate on earth. It enters therefore in its true form, whose spiritual essence is
derived from God, and led by Him in His image.
That is why the BEING OF LIGHT said:
Verily, verily I say unto you, except a man be born again he can not see the kingdom of God. If a man
be born of water and spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is
flesh and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.
These words are clear, and crucial, because they highlight two fundamental facts.




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