Giving The Keys Of Truth
Page 27 of 89

Verily, verily I say unto you, Except a man be borned again he can not see the kingdom of God. If a
man is not borned of water and spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God. That which is borned
of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.

The crucial phrase, uttered by the BEING OF LIGHT, when one of his trips when he was talking to a
crowd in the presence of his disciples from the streamed reveals and highlights light a truth unknown
to this day.
Those who listened, amazed and confused by this statement, asked him how he could be returned
back into the womb to be born a second time.
The BEING OF LIGHT replied.
Verily, verily, if you are born of water and spirit, you can not enter the kingdom of God. Do not be
surprised at what I say. You must be born again. The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the
noise, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goes. It is with everyone who is born of the
Off to better understand the mind of the being of light, I will pass on our previous phase incarnation
(which I also revealed in my book '' God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider ''and take starting
point, the birth and the coming of man in this world.
The man, who lived in ignorance for millennia without being transmitted, conveyed and taught data
related to truth, reality, and consequently in the existence of the SUPREME BEING, GOD, was in
effect, not just maintaining it stuck in the field and obscuring any teaching about the truth.
Thus, focusing on materialism, he gradually forgot why he was on earth, and what led him to identify
with its carnal envelope. The man has been so closed to the realities of the real world and its divine
origins, living far from God, and cut off from the heavenly kingdom.
Therefore it is not considered as true, only material that can see and touch, and the unreal universe
of heaven, much less the infinite kingdom. Its scope, its visual space, his sense of analysis,
understanding, and reflection has shrunk considerably.
It is therefore, like a child's brain prior knowledge related to truth, and therefore much to learn. The
man assumed, living in the material universe binary that is his only reality, he comes into the world
through his parents, but there was before. For him, the beginning of life, the beginning of his
existence on earth.
It has overshadowed the prenatal portion, arguing that it never existed. For him, entry into this world
of men marks the beginning of his life, his existence, its reality, because it can not be otherwise.
How in these conditions, understanding the discourses of the being of light, when he speaks of the
necessity of being born again. The difficulty encountered by Christ at that time, was to teach men
without knowing the truth by teaching them new information, real, to help them gradually out of
ignorance, and the state apoplexy in which they were.




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