God To His Messenger
Page 55 of 59

Remember my friends, is the spiritual universe, which was also called Hades, since there
remained locked, all the spiritual entities of the first generation, and waiting there, the advent
of Being light.
Those that did not quite clean their spiritual essence, which were neither good nor bad, but is
evidence of unbelief and materialism, there remains in this area.
As the Being of Light, before the last trial, which concerned I remember the first generation,
had previously changed the heavens and the earth, so also changed the status of Hades, which
became for the fact, through the spiritual universe, which remain in all spiritual beings, who
during their earthly sojourn, would not know God, and they even rejected.
These spiritual entities after the death of their fleshly envelope, remain there, the time
necessary to rest the turpitude of their last earthly life, recharge, and quietly waiting their next
In this spiritual universe through the spiritual entities are supported by assistants heavenly
angels surrounding them affection, advise, guide them, extract their mind the false data sent
on earth by the son of Satan. The celestial beings, their knowledge while providing just the
data related to the truth, and especially their say what to do or not do, so they can succeed this
time their earthly future, as is unfortunately provided they are reincarnated.
Everything happens in an excellent atmosphere of serenity, love and peace.
The assistants of God, give them the same instructions that God had communicated to Adam
and Eve, when they had been expressly forbidden to touch or eat the fruit of the tree of good
and evil.
What I want above all God, then you know who you really are. You could do this if you do
everything that Being of Light you are prescribed. It will happen then in the blink of an eye if
I can tell you, a kind of transmutation, you emerge from your fleshly envelope, and you will
therefore you are a spiritual entity.
You'll have access to new celestial data, and most importantly, knowing now that you're short,
you will have the honor and happiness, meet, rub shoulders and talk with the heavenly beings,
supreme joy, to know god.
You finally know who you really are and who you look like. The question then shatters,
everything becomes clear and bright, you know now that you're his son.
As a spiritual entity enjoying a rebirth, you know how you were before you play in an
envelope flesh on earth, and easy to understand that it is neither more nor less than a garment
material you have put to evolve in the material universe binary, and land in particular.
That is why the Being of Light said;
When you see who you look like, you rejoice.
But when you see your pictures (your representation of the spiritual entity) those who were
before you (as you were before you embody in your carnal envelope) that die or are
manifested, how great.
Know finally my friends, truly I say to you, the germ of life we have in our spiritual essence,
which comes directly from the fountain located in the matrix of life-giving heavenly divine
essence of God, and through which we live, has in its core, a plot of the Being of Light itself.
Therefore, when God speaks of the seed of life, it also means by the word light, vital element
of importance.
Also the seed of life that God has given us, is simply a representation of the divine essence of
the Being of Light.
That's why I tell you truly, the Heavenly Father is still in us.
That's why you need to go to some place or house of prayer either for or seek contact with
God, but turn you inside yourself, as your heavenly Father is there.




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