God To His Messenger
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beginning. As for others, not only are they happy with it, but they eventually admitted as
useless, futile and useless to inquire.
The human being is at this point. Not only has he forgotten all the many generations have
helped, but he no longer believes in anything, and extremely difficult to think differently.
Try my friends, to ask the inhabitants of remote areas or live in remote, closed like those of
Amazon peoples, the Pygmies of Africa, or the aborigines of the Pacific, if it exists on the
planet earth, men with lifestyles different from theirs, or more advanced, having an
intellectual level more advanced, and a civilization dependent incommensurate with their
You'd be surprised by their response. They will let you know that you necessarily live like
them and can not believe it could be otherwise. They will tell you that everything you say is
false, because although their environment plying up and down and across, they saw nothing
and heard of similar, related to the words that you care about your civilization.
You would have told them that everything you say is true, they have a hard time believing
Do you think it is different for men, as regards God, and of course the existence of infinite
heavenly kingdom. ?
They are so accustomed to their surroundings, their environment and it contains, they can not
admit that there may be or whatever, something more advanced, more advanced, much less
than l origin of humans can be divine order, identical for everyone, from the same source.
For a very long period, and not so long ago, the man believed by Ignorance, having
misinterpreted the words with divine or by ignorance of the Divine Being implemented the
exact meaning of the text on the map materialistic, that this resemblance is quartered and
concerned exclusively the human body.
All this is obviously false.
As you know, God, the first living being, is the only one to have in its spiritual essence of
God, all the first principles, most importantly, the principle source or invigorating.
The Supreme God is foremost a spiritual being, whose essence is a compound and a union of
five divine sources into one, including the primary source of fertilizing anything, the source of
all existence, and which is the matrix of LIFE.
To use an image, take the wife and see the central role it plays. Is not she who has the
principal task of creating in her body, a fleshy envelope whose function is to receive a
spiritual entity that it should embody.
As spiritual beings Divine Maggiore, God is the primary source, the vivifying principle,
which is derived not only the spark, the germ of life, but also the essence of all spiritual entity,
what we are, and that the celestial beings that are the angels.
If our spiritual essence comes from the divine essence of Being of Light, God of love for us,
wanted us to be like him, we were like him. We're kind of, not only in itself, but also with the
properties within whose lives we have that gift, as his double after his.
Hence the thought;
The man (spiritual entity) has been created by God in his image, likeness.
The major problem of man is not only its inertia, both materially and spiritually, but also his
ignorance of data relating to truth, which leads to wrong, consider as real as anything that he
can see and touch, the assumption that the material, whatever its form and composition of
organic substance remains the only visible and palpable extent possible.
The fact of reason thus, indicating a short-sighted vision, limits verified in the direction of the
real existence of the heavenly kingdom and all its contents, and creates in man a deadlock that
prevents turning toward the source of all creations. All this prevents progress, evolve, and
therefore see what is hidden, and admit it moves in the backyard of the real world.




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